Imágenes de páginas

that Mr. Carpenter has taken premiums on the last two years at the Ohio State fairs, have improved very much this year in the size of the bunches-the Mottled has begun to turn berry two weeks earlier than the Catawba; the bunches are more compact than the Catawba, and may prove in quality fully equal to Catawba.

There has been over 100 acres set to grapes on the Island this year. There are 2,800 acres of land, and 234 of it is now set to grape-vines-average yield per acre for the last fifteen years, 600 gallons of wine.

K. A.

PRODUCTIVE STRAWBERRY BED.I have a "strawberry patch," a part of it set one year last spring, and the rest two years. It is seven feet by one hundred and fifty-three feet. I picked and sold from it the present season, 457 quarts of starwberries (or 14 bushels and 9 quarts.) Wilson's Albany is the kind, and though they require a little more sugar than some other kinds, they give you enough more fruit to pay for it. Fifty berries (selected of course) would fill a quart measure. A. S. Moss. Fredonia, August, 1860.

rains, why let it rain-I generally go into the house in mostly Isabellas. The Delaware and Concord look resuch weather, and read the GENT. I have had wheat un-markably well. The two seedlings, Lydia and Mottled, der caps out in the hardest showers we have had, without being wet in the least, except around the outside at the foot of the bundles. When the caps were taken off, the heads were as bright as though no rain had fallen. One cap will cover twelve bundles snugly-but enough. J. L. R. That good will often arise out of evil, is a saying none the less true because it savors so strongly of antiquity. A New-Jersey friend and subscriber of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN affords us an illustration quite in point. One of his neighbors, while at work with the Mowing Machine, leaves the seat to disentangle a tuft of grass from among the knives; the dinner-horn inopportunely sounds, and the horses start suddenly forward, catching and cutting off the fingers of the unfortunate man. The incident is naturally mentioned at our friend's dinner-table, and his wife at once suggests that all farther danger from this source may easily be obviated, and after some study of the machinery involved, actually designs and patents what seems to us a mode as effectual as it is simple, of rendering the occurrence of similar accidents hereafter next to impossible. This is a method of throwing the The weather on Wednesday last-the Sale day of knives out of gear the moment the driver's weight is re- the "Albany County Breeding Association" was extrememoved from his seat. Of course as soon as he resumes ly unpropitious-not only a constant rain, but a cold one, his place again, the cutting apparatus is ready for opera- and neither rain nor cold in moderation, but both of that tion, and the patent taken out covers the ground of ope- persistent and penetrating November kind, when of all rating by means of the driver's seat-an idea, now that it times barn-yard scenery is least attractive, roads the muddihas once been thought of, so very natural and advanta-est, and fireside shelter the most enticing. A few gentlemen geous that we can only wonder that it never before oc- from a distance, who by no means anticipated so cool a curred to any manufacturer or owner of these machines. greeting, and those in the neighborhood whose interest in It is through the unexpected movement of the horses the stock offered or friendship for its owners, was proof when the driver temporarily leaves his seat, that nearly against storm and tempest, assembled to see what could be all the numerous accidents have been occasioned, of which done under the circumstances; and, after the erection of we frequently hear through the papers in connection with a stove in the lunch-room had secured the comfortable the use of Mowing and Reaping Machines, and we cannot partaking of that repast, clustered about under the driphesitate in expressing the opinion that Manufacturers owe ping sheds to hear the auctioneer invoking vainly animait to their thousands of patrons at once to adopt so easy a tion and enterprise from the shivering audience of which safeguard against risk of injury, if not of loss of life. There they were members. If the weather was for-bidding, it is now time before the machines of another season are put soon proved that they were not; and at the outset the into the market to bring about this most desirable result. whole would probably have been postponed, but for the Burlington, N. J., is the residence of DILWYN SMITH, who desire that the non-resident part of the audience should at may be addressed at that Post Office upon the subject of least have the opportunity of purchasing whatever might the invention, which farmers owe to the ingenuity of his be called, by them or others, into the ring. Thus it came lady, Mrs. ELIZABETH M. SMITH. about that Mr. BATHGATE of Westchester county, purchased "Mary Blane," a trotting mare of some note, for $300; Mr. ROBINSON of Georgia, the brood mare "Albany," for $250; GEO. CHARLES of this city, the imported Short-Horn cow, "Flattery," for $250; Mr. TROWBRIDGE of New-Jersey, the cow "Bloom," for $75, and Mr. J. V. MOORE a pair of Devon Working Cattle for $170. Subsequently the Ethan Allen brood mare, "Rose Allen," and the colt of the mare 66 Caroline," by American, were sold to Mr. Bathgate at private sale, the two for $500, and there may have been one or two other private sales.

The New-Jersey State Fair at Elizabeth, last week, appears to have been well attended, and in many respects an excellent show. The fear of exposing Cattle to some complaint which caused the death of several animals near Newark, early in the season, induced the managers to forego this part of the exhibition. The number of Entries is this year stated as follows, exclusive of the entries for special horse premiums:

Class 1. Cattle-no entries.

Class 2. Horses-26 entries.

Class 3. Sheep. Swine and Poultry-37 entries.

Class 4. Farm products and Horticulture-289 entries.
Class 5. Home products-126 entries.
Class 6. Mechanical, etc.. 325 entries.

This presents an aggregate of 1,133, while last year,
cattle and all, the total number was scarcely 1,000.

EARLY MAY WHEAT.-The Early May wheat received last fall from the south has done remarkably well with us. It did not appear to suffer more from the changeable weather the latter part of last winter and early spring than the other varieties of wheat in this locality. It was not hurt with the fly in the least, (though the Mediterranean suffered much in places,) nor did the wheat midge destroy a single head. The straw was clean and bright, and grew about five feet high. The season of its ripening was about eight days before the Mediterranean. The grain is full and plump. Should it continue to succeed as well as last year, it would no doubt be a great acquisition to the wheat growing district, as it will ripen before the season of the wheat midge, often so destructive to other and later varieties of wheat. WILSON DENNIS. Bucks Co., Pa.

GRAPES ON KELLY'S ISLAND.-Grapes are a full crop here this year so far. There will be some 63 acres in bearing this year. About two-thirds Catawbas-the balance

Thus the majority of the stock, the chief Short-Horns, all the fine Devons offered by Capt. HILTON, and a large part of the Horses, remain to be disposed of, and the day now appointed is the 10th of October, at 11 A. M., when we hope to see a larger gathering under more favorable auspices. The Catalogues, meanwhile, are well worth the examination of all who are interested in the subject, and for the convenience of applicants we subjoin the names of the members of the Association:-William M. Bullock, Bethlehem; Joseph Hilton, New-Scotland; William H. Slingerland, Norman's Kill; William Hurst, Albany; Geo. W. Adams, Whitehall.

LARGE APPLES.-Mr. H. WETHERWAX of Sandlake, informs us that he recently picked by hand 2,250 apples (Pound Sweets) in about four hours. These apples, which included all on the trees, large and small, with the exception of half a dozen defective ones, filled nine barrels, thus averaging 250 to the barrel. One of his neighbors, Mr. J. SIPPERLY, made a selection from the largest of these apples, and found, on counting, that 170 filled a barrel.

PEACH TRADE AT ROCHESTER.-The Rochester Union estimates the amount of peaches shipped from Rochester at sixty tons per day. It says: "On Saturday the New

York Central Railroad Company sent eastward as freight 2126 bushels of peaches, making seven car loads shipped here, and there were ten cars put into the train, which were loaded at points along the Niagara Falls Road, and brought into the city. Five of the seven cars shipped from this city carried peaches for a single shipper."

THE VERMONT STATE FAIR opened well at Burlington last week Tuesday, with a pleasant day and numerous entries. We intended if possible, to have been present. Mechan ics' and Floral Halls were well filled, and the track was open for some good trotting. Wednesday, as we learn from the Free Press, there was an extraordinarily good display of umbrellas, the storm experienced here having extended in that direction; Thursday, however, was bright and clear, and prospects were reported as "improving." Of Horses the entries numbered, on Wednesday, 246, di. vided as follows: Sherman Morgan Stallions 26, Mares 14; Woodbury Morgan Stallions, 28, Mares and Fillies 7; Bulrush Morgan Stallions 2, Mares 5; Hamiltonians and other blood 35; Matched Horses 32 pair; Geldings and Mares 78.

Messrs. ELLWANGER & BARRY of the Mt. Hope Nurseries at Rochester, who have exhibited extensive collections of Fruit at all the principal Agricultural Shows this year, contribute a basket of fine pears for our private examination, to which we may assure them that full justice has been done in that way which we suppose to constitute the "chief end" of all Pomological specimens, however beautiful to the eye or interesting as curiosities.


THE UNITED STATES FAIR.-An anticipated letter with regard to this Exhibition having failed to reach us, we can only gather from the newspapers, that the attendance has been tolerable, and the Show itself in some respects a fair The Tribune correspondent, Mr. Olcott, speaks of the fruits and flowers as finally coming out pretty well; among the cattle, there seem to have been few breeders present of much celebrity, in most of the classes, but the Herefords are spoken of as excelling all the rest. R. A. Alexander exhibited South-Down Sheep.

We have been shown a new Silver Medal, struck off by Robert Lovett of New-York, for the Union Agricultural Society of Ridgeway and Shelby. It is enclosed in a neat case, also prepared by Mr. L., of an appropriate and tasteful design. The Society is entitled to much credit for providing this very appropriate testimonial for its exhibitors, and it can scarcely fail to increase their numbers.

ADDISON CO., Vr.-The Fair of this County was held at Middlebury on the 5th-7th September and proved a complete success. The Address was delivered by Governor Chase of Ohio, after which there was a poem by Saxe, and a speech by Hon. E. P. Walton. Among the interesting features of the exhibition was a walking match by horses. Five were entered, and the prize was awarded to "Sam. Houston "-time for half a mile, 54 minutes.

The American Pomological Society.


There was quite a large show at the Fair of this Society last week, although by no means a general one, the number of exhibitors being small in proportion to the quantity of articles and animals exhibited. The display of stock, however, could scarcely fail to be attractive, which included such Short-Horns as Bullock, Slingerland and Hurst's; such Herefords as Corning's; such Devons as Hilton's, Whitbeck's and Conger's; Working Oxen and Steers like those of Van Wie, Booth, Loucks and Schoonmaker; such Long Wooled Sheep as Van Wie's and Soop's; South Downs like Corning's, Booth's, Bender's and Louck's, and Swine like Hurst's, Richardson's and others. There was a good lot of Poultry out, among exhibitors of which we recognize again the names of Van Wie, Booth and Hurst, together with those of of Harcourt, Wendell, White and


The display of Fruit was unusually good; among contributors were E. Corning, Jr., A. W. Twitchell, John G. White, Wm. Gray, John Wilson, Philip Myers, W. H. DeWitt, John Dingwall, John I. Slingerland, Peter Van Wie, and so on, representing tolerably well both city and country growers. Flowers were mostly shown by Wilson and Dingwall. There was quite an exhibition of Vegetacombined to render the display in this department an inbles, and several of our Albany Implement manufacturers structive and valuable one.

The Society were indebted to manufacturers and mer, chants in the city for a fair turn-out in the miscellaneous departments, and to the ladies for a good show of Household manufactures, needlework, bread, preserves, &c.

Gov. Seward's Arabian Horses, which reached Boston on the 11th inst., were exhibited toward the conclusion of the Fair, but we failed to see them. The Boston Cultivator remarks on this subject:

Instead of there having been two mares and a stallion shipped, it appears to have been just the reverse. Only one mare was shipped, and she died on the passage. The two stallions arrived in good condition, considering the necessary hardships of the voyage. One is a bay (the age not known to the writer,) the other a sorrel, four years old. The former appears to be a very strong and energetic animal, about fourteen and a half hands high, compact body, with a pretty good, though not what we are accustomed to call an Arab head, clean throat, short, but rather light neck, pretty well placed on the shoulders, deep and capacious chest, short and very strong back, wide loin, tolerably full stifle, and strong, well-placed limbs. The other did not strike us as particularly remarkable in points, though from his green age and the circumstances under which we saw him, we would not pronounce a positive opinion.

The weather was very unfavorable except toward the conclusion of the Show, and the Managers state in general terms that the receipts were "unsatisfactory." Notwithstanding the rain and mud, however, we were surprised to see so many in attendance on both days when we visi

The eighth biennial meeting of this association was commenced at Philadelphia, Sept. 11-the President, Hon.ted the grounds. MARSHALL P. WILDER, in the chair. About 200 delegates were present, representing 17 States.

The morning session was occupied in perfecting the organization, the appointment of committees, &c.

In the afternoon the address of the President was, as usual, delivered.


RUTLAND Co., Vt.-The Fair, held on the 6th and 7th, proved to be all that its friends could have desired. attendance was large, the receipts amounting to $1.250. The Address was delivered by Hon. L. Chandler Ball of Rensselaer Co., Among the "attractions" was a balloon ascension by Prof. La Mountain, accompanied by a lady. On one of the evenings a "levee" was held, at which a succession of pertinent and happy speeches were made by Ex. Gov. Dyer of Rhode Island, Ex. Gov. Fletcher of Vermont, the Rev. Mr. Balch, and by Messrs. B. F. Winslow of Pittsford, and Charles E. Graves of Rutland. A Thirty-eight Vice Presidents, one from each State and Territory of poem Humbug," was also read by Mr. Egbert Phelps of

Following the address was the report of the committee on nominations, and an election for officers of the society for the next two years, which resulted in the choice of the following ticket:

Hon. MARSHALL P. WILDER, Boston, President.

the Union.
THOMAS P. JAMES, Philadelphia, Treasurer.
THOMAS W. FIELD, New-York, Secretary.

The place of holding their next biennial session was then taken up and debated at length. It was finally agreed to hold the next session in Boston.

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Wm. R. Prince & Co, Flushing, N. Y., Having a surplus of over 100,000 Bulbs, will supply them at lower rates than ever before offered. Applicants can send lists to be priced at the lowest rates, which will be returned by first mail. The new and extensive Catalogue of Bulbs just published, will be sent, and the Wholesale Catalogue when desired. Sept. 6-w&mlt. RABBIT S.A few pair of young Lop-eared Rabbits may be had by applica.


tion to the subscriber. Also


Carriers, Fantails, Pouters, Rufflenecks and Tumblers. Prices from
two to five dollars per pair.
Springside, Po'keepsie, N. Y.

Aug. 30-witmit.



ERRIE 50,000 Wilson's Albany at $4 per 1000; 10,000 Jenny Lind at $6 per 1000. Carefully packed in moss, and shipped as directed. Aug. 30-w3tm2t. D. S. HEFFRON, Utica, N. Y.




Sept. 20-w&mlt EDWARD WAIT, Walden, Orange Co., N. Y.



The subscriber is now prepared to fill either large or small or
ders for plants of this truly valuable red Raspberry, which has proved
so hardy and productive wherever cultivated, as to entitle it to the
very front rank as a market variety. It needs no protection in win-
ter, bears profusely, is of fine flavor, and will produce a second crop
of fruit in the fall. Price of plants 3 per 100, $20 per 1000. Also Law
ton Blackberries, $5 per 100, $40 per 1000.
Sept. 2-w4tmlt.
H. B. LUM, Sandusky, Ohio.

We have always sold genuine plants at less prices than any oth-

[blocks in formation]

Bagley's Everbearing Raspberry.



Large stock of the most desirable sorts. Send for a Catalogue.
VINES at reduced prices, consisting of the following, and other good
The subscribers offer for sale a large and well grown stock of GRAPE-
sorts, all propagated from genuine stock: Delaware, Diana, Concord,
Hartford Prolific, Rebecca, Union Village, Anna, Logan, Oporto, &c.
Also the older sorts, such as Isabella, Clinton, Catawba, and Forsyth.
Sort for culture under glass, of best sorts. Two hundred acres of
FRUIT TREES in large or small quantities. Greenhouse Plants,
Hardy Border Plants, Bulbous Roots, Roses and Dahlias in great vari-
ety, Hedge Plants, Strawberry Plants, Raspberry of Everbearing,
and other good sorts. Address
W. T. & E. SMITH,
Sept. 1-w&m2mos.
Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

their business than ever before.
Offer a more extensive and perfect collection in each Department of

The following Catalogues will be sent to applicants who enclose stamps.

No. 1-Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, and all Small Fruits.

No. 2-Catalogue of Roses and Flowering Plants, including Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Phlox, Iris, &c.

No. 4-General Wholesale Price List for Nurseries.

No. 5-Wholesale Price List of Vegetable and Tree Seeds.
No.6-Descriptive Catalogue of 160 Varieties of Strawberries.
No. 8-Wholesale Catalogue of Native and Foreign Grapes,
No. 9-Catalogue of Bulbous Flowers, Tree and Herbaceous Peonies,
Dahlias, Primroses, Polyanthus, Auriculas, Cowslips, &c.
No. 10-Wholesale Catalogue of the same.
No. 13-Green-House Plants.

No. 14-Descriptive Catalogue of 320 Varieties of Native and 120 Varieties of Foreign Grapes, We offer a great stock of all the leading varieties of Grapes, of which 80,000 are strong layers, and 25,000 in large pots.

Orders are executed and packed in a superior manner, forwarded according to instructions, and a transportation receipt mailed to the purchaser with the invoice. Sept. 6-w&mit.




THE LARGEST STRAWBERRY IN THE WORLD. Amateurs consider this seedling the greatest acquisition to our small fruits ever introduced. A monster in size, wonderfully prolific, and of the finest flavor. We are now prepared to take orders to commence delivering plants in August in rotation as ordered. Address either CHAUNCEY MILLER, Albany N. Y., Shaker Trustee, Or WM. S. CARPENTER, 468 Pearl St., N. Y.

All the above for sale in quantities, at lowest reduced prices. Our Catalogue of prices, with Circular for the culture, soil and prices of Cranberry and Blackberry Plants, and Hop Trees, will be forwarded to applicants by enclosing a postage stamp to the New-Haven Nursery. F. TROWBRIDGE & CO. Sept. 13-w2tmlt. New-Haven, Conn. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, having ordered largely of the AUSTIN SEEDRAPES! GRAPES!! GRAPES!!!LING in May last, with the assurance that our money would be refunded if not satisfied, after seeing the fruit beg leave to report, Twenty varieties of the best hardy sorts for sale singly or by the that we have visited Watervliet, the Shaker settlement, where the hundred. Send stamp for priced Descriptive Circular. Austin is now fruiting. We found it growing in the most common Aug. 30-w8tm2t. D. S. HEFFRON, Utica N. Y. way, in masses, and not in hills, without any particular care, and much injured by the drouth; yet the great productiveness and uniform large size and fine flavor, induces us to consider the AUSTIN as one of the AWTON BLACKBERRY.-To


LAbtain the original variety for field or garden culture, address best varieties in cultivation, and a great acquisition to our small

WM. LAWTON, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Circulars, with ample directions, will be forwarded to all appli-
cants, free.
Aug. 1-m12t.


The proprietors of these works are now prepared to fill orders for their well known

Patent Horse-Powers, Threshing Machines, &c., and invite the attention of the public to them.

Important improvements have been made since the last season, which it is hoped will add to the already unequalled reputation of their machines, To their former list of machinery they have added Males' Patent Convertible Cider Mill and Corn Sheller, shown in the cuts. It is simple, efficient, and durable, possessing the

advantage over cider mills in common use, of being an excellent corn sheller, and its price no more than cider mills are usuallly sold for.

Important improvements in their Clover Huller and Cleaner have made it one of the very best in use. The following letter will give some idea of its capacity, when well managed in good clover.

NORTH EAST, Erie Co., Pa., Aug. 24th, 1860.
G. W. & Co.-I have never written you anything about the clover
machine since I got it. It gave good satisfaction. I rubbed and
cleaned over 200 bushels, and it worked very nicely, doing the work
well. I rubbbed three bushels clean seed in 40 minutes, and could do
from 15 to 23 bushels per day. I did for one man 34 bushels in less
than two days.

A circular containing descriptions and price list of machines manu-
factured at these works, will be mailed to all applicants. Address
G. WESTINGHOUSE & CO., Schenectady, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

in use:

John Johnston, Geneva, N. Y.
J. Ingersoll, Ilion, N. Y.

Wm. Summer, Pomaria, S. C.

R. C. Ellis Lyons, N. Y.

Col. A. J. Summer, Long Swamp, Florida.

A. J. Bowman, Utica, N. Y.

A. Bradley, Mankato, Minesota.

F. Mackie, Utica, N. Y.

We are also manufacturing Sayre's Patent Horse Hoe and Potato Covering Machine, Sayre's Patent Cultivator Teeth in quantities for the trade; and all kinds of steel and swage work in the agricultural line. Send for a circular,

Jan. 26-wtf Mar. 1-mtf.

SAYRE & REMINGTON. Union Agricultural Works, Utica, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

This old and popular Agricultural and Horticultural Journal is pub lished at Rochester, N. Y., in the very heart of one of the best wheat and fruit districts in America. It has hundreds of practical and experienced correspondents in all parts of the United States and Canada. It aims to be the "Farmers' Own Paper." In its pages the far mers and fruit-growers of all sections interchange their views and record their experience. It costs only FIFTY CENTS A YEAR, and all who subscribe at this time will receive the remaining numbers of this year FREE. Fifteen Months for Half a Dollar! N. Y.. or get one of your neighbors to join, and send a dollar bill. Send the Fifty Cents in stamps to JOSEPH HARRIS, Rochester, Sept. 20-w4tmlt.



paid, at $1.75.

[ocr errors]




THE SEVENTH NUMBER of this attractive and useful Work is now nearly ready for the Press. We hope to have it out some weeks earlier than usual, and are now prepared to receive orders for single numbers or in quantity, which will be filled as soon as the REGISTER for 1861 is issued. The attention of OFFICERS OF AGRICULTURAL SoCIETIES and others who propose attending Town, County or State Fairs this Fall is particularly requested to the ready Sale which may be had for the REGISTER during these anniversaries, and on other occasions, from the First of September even until another spring, TERMS-as heretofore: SINGLE COPIES, postpaid, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; ONE DOZEN COPIES, postpaid, Two DOLLARS; ONE HUNDRED COPIES, FIFTEEN DOLLARS, and larger quantities at a farther reduction. PARTIAL ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Among other valuable chapters, the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861 will contain the following:

L WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES-Seventeen Engravings.

1. Important Advantages of their Erection.

2. Design for a Cottage of the Smallest Size.

3. Design for a Cottage on a somewhat Larger Scale.

4. Design for a Cottage of better class or for a small Farm House.

5. Design for a somewhat more costly Cottage.

6. A Design by L. B. Valk.

7. A Design by J. M. Wade, with modifications.


1. Plan of a Village Half Acre Garden.

2. Simple but Graceful Arrangement of Pleasure Grounds.
3. Laying out a Western Farm.

1. Tree Roses; two modes with figures.

2. Weeping Roses.

3. Pillar Roses.

[blocks in formation]


1. Construction of Portable Filters.

2. Another Plan for the Same.

3. Filters attached to the Cistern.




This, preceeded by the usual Calendar pages and Astronomical Calculations, forms a book which is certainly cheap at its retail price, while the Publishers may especially call attention to the pithy and ap propriate HINTS FOR THE MONTH which appear upon the Calendar pages, as embracing in the most concise form many valuable suggestions-to the article on WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES, for the neat and useful Designs it contains-to those upon ROSES and GREEN HOUSE Structures for their beautiful illustrations-to that upon POULTRY as the most complete chapter upon the subject yet preBented in equal space, accompanied as it is by so many Engravings and to that upon WEEDS and their Destruction, as presenting just the information which every Farmer requires. with cuts by which he can compare the most common and troublesome of these intruders, and appropriate practical directions how to get rid of them.

THE PUBLISHERS, with the view of rendering the circulation of the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861, still wider and larger than that of any previous Number, are prepared, as above intimated, to offer the most liberal Terms for its introduction in quantities, either to Agents, Ag ricultural Societies, Nurserymen, Dealers in Implements and Seeds, or any others who take an interest in the dissemination of useful reading, and in the promotion of Rural Improvement. Address all orders or inquiries to the publishers, LUTHER TUCKER & SON, ALBANY, N. Y.


As the season for planting out beds of Strawberries again returns, one naturally asks himself the question, what variety shall I plant? Our answer in all cases is, "Wilson's Albany." Price of plants per 100, $1; per 1000, $8. A liberal discount to the trade. Packing, for which no charge is make, guaranteed extra. Send your orders for the same to the Albany Nursery of JOHN WILSON, Albany, N. Y.

July 12-w12t.

R. Prince & Co., Flushing, N. Y.,

Will supply 250,000 Strawberries, comprising 160 varieties, this collec tion far surpassing any other in this country or in Europe, and 75 of the New Varieties are in no other Nursery. Prince's Scarlet Magnate, the heaviest of all, and Hooker, $1 per 100, $7.50 per 1000. Wilson & Hovey $1 per 100, $6 per 1000. Jenny Lind, Coppock's No. 1, Imperial Scarlet, Victoria. Triumph de Gand, Myatt's Eliza. 81.50 per 100. Cutter's Seedling, Chilian Eclipse, Globose Scarlet, Boyden's Mammoth, Voorhis Queen, Le Baron, Jessie Read, Diadem and Bartlett, $2 per 100. Burr's Pine, Early Scarlet, Hudson, Bartlett, Longworth's Prolific, McAvoy's Superior and No. 1, $1 per 100 and $5 to $7 per 100. Austin's Shaker, 3 per dozen, Downing's Prolific and Filmore, $1 per dozen, and 130 other varieties at 81 to $2 per 100, and $5 to $10 per 1000. A Descriptive Priced Catalogue sent to applicants who enclose stamps. Plants will also be furnished by the dozen. Sept. 6-w&mlt.



They are so improved as to be taken down and packed in boxes for transportation. One dozen can be packed in a box of about six cubic feet. We also make the Grapevine Cradle. All of the above are made of the best material and workmanship. For Price List, address I. T. GRANT & CO., May 1-m12t Junction, Rensselaer Co.. N. Y.


CORNER CLINTON AVENUE AND KNOX STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. The Subscribers, being the most extensive manufacturers of DRAINING TILE in the United States, have on hand, in large or small quantities, for Land Draining, ROUND, SOLE and HORSE-SHOE TILE, warranted superior to any made in this country, hard-burned, and over one foot in length. Orders solicited. Price List sent on application. C. & W. McCAMMON, Albany, N. Y.

Jan, 5-wtf.-Feb 1-mtf.

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40,000 Pear Trees, standards, one year budded, 3 to 4 feet. $15 per 100, $125 per 1000. Pear trees must be removed this fall. Address C. REAGLES & SON. Aug. 16-w8t. Schenectady, N. Y.


true to name. The trade supplied in any quantity, either in small packets for retailing or in bulk. PASCHALL MORRIS. Seed Warehouse, 7th and Market, Philadelphia. Branch House, MORTON MORRIS,

Osterman's Building, Strand, Galveston, Texas. Aug. 23-w13t.

[blocks in formation]

Keep Sheep in Good Condition, by JONA. TALCOTT.
Horse Show at Springfield, Mass.,..

Buckwheat for Fattening Stock, by JOHN JOHNSTON,
Buckwheat as Food for Fattening Hogs, by J. TALCOTT,
Stable Floors Tying up Cattle, by LEVI BARTLETT,.


Remedy for Aphides on Young Trees,
About Pruning Orchards,

Mountain Seedling Gooseberry, by E. Y. TEAS,
The Hallenbeck Plum, by CHARLES DOWNING,
The Apple-Borer, by Joнs R. BLAIR,..

The Elder for Striped Bugs, by MARIA BROWN,
Mahaleb and other Stocks for Cherries...
Gages and Plums, and Pippins and Apples,
Fruit in the Shade-Balling Trees,

The Bezi Mai Pear..

Pike's Defiance Cucumber,

Culture of the Strawberry, by A. S. Moss,
The American Pomological Society,.


An Account of Mr. Horsfall's Dairy Farming.
Remedy for Garget or Bloody Milk, by RUSTIC,
A Hint for Dairymen,

A Good Milker, by L. SWEETSER,
















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10,000 New Rochelle Blackberry. Gooseberies, Currants, Raspberries.
Grapes-new and old.
5,000 Linneus and Victoria Rhubarb. Downing's Ever-bearing Mul-

A large collection of Strawberries, including "WIZARD OF THE
NORTH," believed to be the most magnificent berry ever raised.
Specimens have measured nine inches around, and of good quality.
Imported by E. Y. Teas, Richmond, and for sale in America only by
him and myself.

100,000 Evergreens,, American and European, mostly small and suita-
ble for nurseries.

Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Roses, Hardy and Green-house
Plants, Bulbs, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at lowest rates.
Priced Lists on application.
Oct. 4-w2tmlt.

JOHN C. TEAS. Raysville, Henry Co., Ind.


It is divided into THREE FARMS, about 350 acres 319 being under cultivation. The timber is very fine-Oak and Hickory. 320 It is located in Kent county, Maryland, five miles from navigation 322 and eight miles from the railroad station at Smyrna, Delaware. 322 will close out the whole tract at $20 per acre. Apply to



[blocks in formation]

Sept 27-w8t.*

H. W. ROGERS, Baltimore, Md.

[blocks in formation]

316 Offers for sale this autumn a general assortment of all the various 318 kinds of hardy

Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c. 298 W. R. begs leave to state, for the information of his customers, and 299 others who may wish to purchase, that from the favorable season we 304 have had here, Fruit Trees have generally made good growth, and 309 with very few exceptions are vigorous and thrifty; all the leading va 309 rieties and those suitable for orchard planting are cultivated exten309 sively, as well as those of late introduction and will be furnished, when 310 a quantity is taken, at very reasonable prices.

310 The Ornamental Department is also well grown, and contains every310 thing desirable for lawn or park planting; also a large stock of Trees 312 and Shrubs for cemetries and public grounds, which can be furnished 313 in quantities to suit purchasers.

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O LET-A FARM in the town of Moreau, with a large and convenient house and all necessary outbuildings, including four barns. It is situated on the bank of the Hudson river, within one mile of the village of Fort Edward. and five of the village of Glens Falls. The station house of the Saratoga and Whitehall railroad is on the premises-thus affording every facility for market. To a person of sufficient means to stock the farm, and who will have some pride in keeping it in good order, favorable terms will be given. Address the subscriber at Moreau Station. W. H. WARREN. Sept. 26-weow6tm3t.

[blocks in formation]




A descriptive priced Catalogue of which, with full directions for culture, will be forwarded to all applicants on receipt of a three cent postage stamp.


unacquainted with the varieties, he has put them up in collections, as For the convenience of those who desire a fine collection, but are follows, with full directions for culture, and carefully packed for transportation to any part of the country.

Collection No. 1--Price $10--Contains

20 DOUBLE AND SINGLE HYACINTHS, (all named flowers,) suitable for Culture in Glasses or Pots.

20 DOUBLE AND SINGLE HYACINTHS, (all named flowers) for the open Border.

20 EARLY DOUBLE AND SINGLE TULIPS, for Pot Culture or the open Border.

20 LATE TULIPS, for the open Border.

6 POLYANTHUS NARCISSUS, for Pot Culture or Border.

6 DOUBLE ROMAN NARCISSUS, very fragrant.



100 CROCUS, finest mixed.


4 PEONIES, all distinct varieties.

Collection No. 2--Price $5--Contains

ONE HALF OF EACH of the above varieties, with the exception of the Pronies. All orders from unknown correspondents must be accompanied with the cash, or a satisfactory reference. Address B. K. BLISS. Sept. 27-w4t. Springfield, Mass. S WINE, of unmixed breed, from different litters, at low prices, for sale. Sept. 20-w&mtf. WM. J. PETTER, Lakeville, Conn.


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