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would wish to assist those authors. He asked people to get books for themselves; when they had them, or if they had them, then let them get them for their brethren. If they objected to him, let them employ George Brown, of Barnard Castle, who had commenced printing. It would give him as much pleasure; he did not care who did it, so that some one did it. Chambers's, also, had done much for the people, and deserved well of the people. He (Mr. Barker) was not a printer from taste, but from necessity, and because there was no one else to do the work. If he had his choice, he would leave this to others, and he himself would go about preaching preaching day and night-preaching in every country. But the printing must not be neglected; for how did the temperance cause advance in whiskey-drinking Scotland, and lift up the soul of drunken Ireland? Mathew and Livesey spoke indeed; but Livesey soon saw another machinery was required for his reforms, and he turned printer; and that was the way in which he exercised such an influence in society. That was the way in which the League had secured its bloodless triumphs. They had sent out an army of pamphlets. They had acted on the public mind by lectures, also, indeed; but they reached every elector in the kingdom with pamphlets, and instructed tens of thousands each week with their paper. There should be, in like manner, a Christian League, to advocate and promote the cause of genuine religion. He intended to have a Christian newspaper, which should keep its eye on public men and public measures a newspaper that should plead for temperance, for knowledge, and for religion, without cant. It should have four large pages, be very well filled; and they should have it, not for 5d., or 44d., but for 3d.; and they would begin it when they had got three thousand subscribers. It should be a daily companion to them, and a weekly instructor and comforter. Mr. Barker then concluded by imploring a blessing on the head of the Chairman, who had been to him, notwithstanding the difference in their station, as a brother and a friend-and on all those who had given him their presence, and countenance, and aid -as well as on all those who were prevented from being among them, but whose hearts were with them. (Throughout his long address, Mr. Barker was listened to with marked satisfaction, and, continually, audible signs of agreement and delight from his numerous friends ?)

The Rev. Charles Wicksteed, of Leeds, then moved, and Mr. Gilmore, of Newcastle, seconded the following resolution :-"That the thanks of Mr. Barker's friends and well-wishers are tendered to the members of the Committee, and especially to Dr. Bowring (the treasurer), Dr. Bateman (the secretary), and T. F. Gibson, Esq. (the auditor), for the efforts they have made to obtain a steam-press for Mr. Barker, for the perseverance with which they have kept this object before the public, and the successful issue to which they have brought it."

This resolution was acknowledged by Mr. Gibson, who said that that meeting was held, and the Committee had laboured, for no ex clusive, sectarian, or individual purpose, but for the promotion of mental freedom and popular improvement. They had now free commerce, and they must have free minds; they had got cheap

bread for the people, and they must have a cheap literature for them, too. For this purpose, they must combine and agitateagitate by the lips, by the pen, and by those great machines, one of which had been that day presented to Mr. Barker.

The Rev. Franklin Howorth, of Bury, in a warm-hearted speech, in which he gave some interesting particulars of his first acquaintance with Mr. Barker, who was now one of the most esteemed friends he had the privilege to know-and in which he also commented on some points of difference that might still exist between his own views and those of his friend-moved :-"That this meeting, consisting of persons of various religious opinions-though not professing agreement with all the views of Mr. Barker, desire, by their presence here this evening, to bear their testimony to the force of his intellect, and the many virtues of his character; and to express their confidence, that the press presented to him this day will be devoted, in the love of truth, and in the best exercise of his conscience and ability, to the glory of God, and the well-being of man."

This resolution was seconded, in a long and very striking speech, by Charles Larkin, Esq., a Catholic gentleman, from Newcastle. He said, he would appear in no equivocal colours before them, and would move under the banner of no other denomination than that to which he belonged. He wished to express his admiration for Mr. Barker, and to say that, in doing so, he was a Catholic. From what he knew of Mr. Barker, he believed that no man would more revolt at the thought of applying his press to any purpose injurious to man than he would. He was a man of great talemt and eloquence, of great excellence and sobriety. He was a pattern of a husband and a father; and he could say this with truth, for he had seen him in the bosom of his family. His object would be, to lead back the prodigal from his husks, from debauchery and drunkenness, to his Father's arms. Mr. Larkin avowed his difference from the Unitarian theory of one God in one person; but he declared his reverence for the right and the necessity of free inquiry; and while on this and some other questions he differed from those around him, he agreed with them on larger and more practical matters, in their love of God, their appreciation of his wide benevolence, and in their desire to do man good.

Cordial thanks were voted, by acclamation, to the Chairman, on the motion of John Atkinson, Esq., of Leeds, seconded by Mr. Mill, and the meeting separated.-From the ". Inquirer."

THE KENT GENERAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. On Tuesday, July 14th, the Annual Meeting was held at Headcorn. In accordance with a previous arrangement, the ministers of several of the congregations in connection with the Association, assembled in the Vestry of the Headcorn Meeting-house, on the preceding day, for the purpose of taking into consideration the state of the churches, and suggesting means for their improvement. A very decided opinion prevailed that they were not in a healthy condition; that the personal piety of their members was not of that high character which might justly be anticipated from the privileges they enjoy; and that it is incumbent upon all interested in their welfare and progress, to direct special atten

tion to the best means for promoting the moral and spiritual improvement of those who already constitute them, rather than to the means for obtaining an increase of numbers from without. Several suggestions bearing upon this subject were offered by various ministers. Those which found most favour with the majority, and were ultimately adopted by the Association on Tuesday, were, one for the publication of a very cheap quarterly periodical, the main object of which should be the application of the great principles of the Gospel to the social and individual life of our own day, and the communication of intelligence peculiarly interesting to the district; and another, for the delivery of a course of lectures by the ministers of the South-east and North-west divisions of the county, on the nature and formation of the Christian character. We have never attended a meeting in which a better or more earnest spirit was manifested, than at this preliminary one. It is henceforth to be annual; and, beneficial as it must be for those on whom the moral and spiritual instruction of our churches devolves, to take counsel together, we hope the example may be followed in other quarters.

At half-past six, on Monday evening, the service was commenced by the Rev. J. Briggs, of Bessels Green, who read Isaiah xl., and offered prayer. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. E. Hall, of Cranbrook, from Phil. ii. 5, and was admirably suited to the occa-sion, as well as a fit introduction to the one delivered on the following morning.

On Tuesday, at an early hour, several friends engaged in a social religious service; at eight o'clock they breakfasted together in the vestry, and at half-past nine business was commenced. Mr. Ledger, of Canterbury, was called to the chair; Messrs. E. Hall, of Cranbrook, and J. Thorpe, of Headcorn, were chosen Moderators, and the Rev. C. Saint asked the divine blessing. The minutes of the last meeting having been read, and the names of the churches called over, two resolutions relating to them were passed. The letters from the churches were then read, and they afforded many cheering indications of progress. The Sunday-schools, in connexion with all of them, have considerably increased. This is especially the case at Chatham aud Dover. In the former place, although the number was doubled last year, it has this year increased from sixty-five to eighty-two; and in the latter, although the numbers were only twenty-five last August, they are now 105. The two churches mentioned above are progressing considerably in other respects. Mr. Means remarks in his letter-"to our own church, we are happy to say, that the last year has been one of increase in almost every respect :" and the letter from Dover states"that since Mr. Short's settlement, there has been an increase in the average attendance upon all the services," as well as two classes instituted for the instruction of the young in the Old Testament History; the Life of the Saviour, as recorded in the Gospels; the evidences of natural and revealed religion; the history of the respective and collected books of the Old and New Testaments, and the doctrines and morality of each dispensation.

At eleven o'clock, the Rev. C. Clarke, of Canterbury, introduced the morning service by reading the ninetieth Psalm, and part of

Matt. v., and offering prayer. The Rev. J. A. Short, of Dover, delivered the sermon, which was founded on Matt. v. 13, and the subject of which was the moral power of the true church, the evils to which it ought at present to be applied, and the means by which it may be brought to bear upon those evils. After service business was resumed; the suggestions of the ministers, respecting the periodical and course of lectures adopted, and Messrs. Short, Clarke, and Means, appointed to confer with our Unitarian brethren, at Maidstone, on the following day, respecting the former subject, and to solicit their co-operation. This was done the suggestion adopted by our friends-and a Committee appointed to carry it, and other measures, into operation.

At four o'clock, fifty-five friends sat down to a dinner, provided in a tent, erected for the purpose, whence they adjourned to the Meeting-house at five, where tea was provided, and an evening meeting held. The Rev. C. Saint was called to the chair, who, after he had introduced the proceedings of the evening with some appropriate remarks, called upon the following gentlemen to respond to the sentiments to which their names are appended.

1. "The Holy Scriptures-the only standard of religious faith; may they be attentively read and universally practised."

Responded to by the Rev. J. C. Means, of Chatham.

2. "Christian Charity-the only basis of true Christian morality; may its all-embracing spirit unite Christians of every denomination together, and be made the ruling principle of all our actions.” The Rev. J. O. Squire, of Deptford.

3. "Home Education; may its importance be more deeply felt, and its benefits be more extensively realized."

The Rev. J. Martin, of Saffron Walden.

4. "Success to all judicious and well directed efforts for the moral and intellectual improvement of mankind."

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After a few remarks from the Chairman, on the importance of the cultivation of a spirit of kindness, the business of the evening was closed by singing a hymn, and a prayer by Mr. C. Saint.



ALMIGHTY Father! holy, just,

Thee would we worship evermore;
On thy forgiveness, mercy-trust

Through life, and when life's struggle's o'er.

Beneath the shadow of Thy wings,
O God would we for ever rest;
O keep us pure, from sinful things,
Obedient to Thy wise behest!

O let us ever strive to show

Our gratitude to Thee, O Lord!
By living, while on earth below,
Accordant with Thy gracious word!

May all our social intercourse

Improve our hearts-our feelings move,
To bless Thee more-Thou hallow'd source,
Of all our hopes, our joys, our love!



Can beings, who hope in a few years, perhaps in a few hours, to be united in eternal happiness, be disposed to be angry with each other about trifles, and find a satisfaction in saying or doing what may give pain ?-Miss Bowdler.

When once we deviate from the straight path, however small the deviation may be, and however strong the reasons for it, we can never know how far we may be led astray, nor what may be the consequence of that deviation. Could these be known at once, the fault which was considered merely as a trifle, would often appear shocking, even to those who paid least attention to it, though in fact they can make no difference in its real nature.-Miss Bowdler.

We cannot ever be framing long prayers with our lips; but almost ever our minds can throw pious glances; our heart may dart good wishes upwards; so that hardly any moment shall pass without some lightsome flashes of devotion.-Barrow.


A PROBLEM FOR THE PEOPLE.-More than half the commerce of the United States is with Great Britain. British ships carry across the ocean nearly half of our exports. On whom does it devolve to protect these merchant ships into British ports? On Great Britain or the United States ? 'In case of war with England," would not the navies of the two nations be on the same side in protecting this commerce, which they own in partnership? and would it not be binding on both nations to send each a fleet of armed vessels to convey the cotton of the United States to English ports, either directly or by way of Hamburg? In such a war, would it not be perfectly consistent for half-a-dozen British seventyfours to lead the van, and as many of the United States to bring up the rear, of a squadron of cotton-freighted ships.-Elihu Burritt.

THE COTTON STRING OF BROTHERHOOD.-The value of the produce shipped from the United States to Liverpool, for six months of the past year, was 39,000,000 dollars, of which 36,000,000 dollars was in cotton. A large hawser, that, to be severed by the sword, before the two nations may swing clear of each other. If Christianity and civilization should help to moor the two kindred countries together with a cable of equal strength, all the swords that War ever sharpened could not cut apart these Anglo-Saxon Twins.-Elihu Burritt.

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