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New Premiums for 1861!!!

With the present Volume of THE CULTIVATOR, the EIGHTH of its Third Series, and the TWENTY-SEVENTH since its original establishment, the PUBLISHERS introduced some improvements, which appear to have met with universal approval-for example, the enlargement of the Type and Page to their old size when its Subscription Price was One Dollar per annum—and they point to the Contents of the Volume now closing, as comparing favorably in Amount, in Variety and in PRACTICAL VALUE of its Contents, either with any previous year in its long and popular career, or with any contemporary now published, for which twice the price is charged. To the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861, they also ask the attention of their friends, as unsurpassed by any Number that has preceded it; and without farther preface, they proceed to the announcement of their

Terms and Premiums for the New Year :

The Price of THE CULTIVATOR to all parts of the United States is uniformly FIFTY CENTS a year-to the British Provinces, where we have to prepay American Postage to the lines, FIFTY-SIX CENTS a year-all subscriptions beginning with the January number.

We shall continue to send to clubs, as heretofore, Ten Copies of THE CULTIVATOR and Ten of the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861, with an ELEVENTH COPY of both as a Premium to the Agent, for FIVE DOLLARS, Prepaying ourselves the postage on the ANNUAL REGISTER—which, as our readers are now generally aware, is the title of a Premium Volume issued each year, mainly for presentation to CULTIVATOR subscribers, although it commands a large sale to others at its retail price-Twenty-five cents per copy. The Number for 1861, just issued, and a summary of the contents of which appears on another page of this paper, contains no less than One Hundred and Forty Engravings, and over a hundred pages of reading matter exclusive of the Almanac for the year.

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arrangements with B. K. BLISS, the well known Seedsman of Springfield, Mass., to supply us with various assortments of


send Postpaid to the Agent from whom we receive TEN DOLLARS for Twenty copies of the Cultivator and Register for 1861—either ONE of the following Assortments; No. 1--Flower Seeds.

No. 2--Flower Seeds.

No. 3--Flower Seeds.

No. 4--Flower Seeds.

No. 1--Vegetable Seeds. II. The Agent sending THIRTY SUBSCRIBERS and FIFTEEN DOLLARS, may select either of the above named assortments, and will receive in addition a Free copy of the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself.

III. The Agent sending us FORTY SUBSCRIBERS and TWENTY DOLLARS, will receive a Free Copy of the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself, and may in addition select any TWO of the above Assortments or in place of the latter, either assortment

No. 7--Of Flower Seeds, or

No. 2--Of Vegetable Seeds.

IV. The Agent sending us FIFTY SUBSCRIBERS and
TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, will receive a Free Copy of the
CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself, and in addition
either of the following as he may select :

The First FOUR Assortments of Flower Seeds; or any one
of them, together with either No. 5, or No. 7—
Or, Any two of them, together with No. 2, of Vegetable

As put up by him for mailing to all parts of the country Or, No. 3, of Vegetable Seeds, with either No. 1, 2, 3, or 4 for several years past, with unparalleled success and satisfaction to his numerous customers. The Assortments are:

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1. Twenty Choice Varieties, including those most in demand in every Garden, with the exception of Peas, Beans and Corn, which cannot be sent by mail on account of their weight.

2. Forty-five Choice Varieties, including a still wider assortment than that above named, and with the same exception as regards Beans, Peas and Corn.

3. Collection to go by Express, containing a complete assortment of
everything wanting in an ordinary garden, in quantity sufficient
for a family of moderate size--for instance a quart each of four
varieties of Peas to ripen in succession, and other seeds in pro-

4. Collection to go by Express similar to No. 3, but on a larger scale
throughout, and including about SEVENTY-FIVE VARIETIES!
I. These different assortments may be recommended as
judiciously selected, well put up, reliable in character of
seed, and in all respects worthy of confidence, and we will

of Flower Seeds, as preferred.

V. For SIXTY SUBSCRIBERS and THIRTY DOLLARS, an extra copy of CULTIVATOR and REGISTER, together with


Assortment No. 6, of Flower Seeds-or
Assortment No. 4, of Vegetable Seeds, as may be preferred.
In any case where extra copies of the CULTIVATOR
and REGISTER are preferred, they, or AGRICULTURAL
Books to an equivalent value will be substituted upon the
request of the Agent.

Agents who wish the REGISTER to supply to every subscriber as fast as they take his name, can remit for them at the rate of Fifteen Dollars a hundred, (15 cents apiece,) and on completion of their lists, send the remaining 35 cents for each subscriber, when the premium due upon the whole will likewise be adjusted. This has proved an excellent plan; each subscriber, as soon as he pays his Fifty Cents, receives one-half his money back in a Twenty-five cent book, and the Agent has no farther trouble in the collection of the money. Address

LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers of THE CULTIVATOR, 395 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Extra numbers sent free as samples.

[For the Co. Gent. and Cultivator.]

The Trailing Sanvitalia.


Among annual flowers of recent in. troduction to our gardens, this one deserves some commendation.

It is a trailing plant about a foot in height, growing so bushy as to form a dense mass quite covering the ground; the leaves are small, and the whole plant is covered with yellow flowers about an inch in diameter, resembling small sunflowers-indeed they may be called miniature sunflowers. It is an excellent thing for covering rock work, grows and blooms well in the shade, and makes fine masses when planted in beds, either in the flower garden or on the lawn.

It blooms constantly from July until frost comes, and is quite useful for autumnal bouquets; in the cut state it remains a long time fresh, as the stems emit rootlets in the water.

It may either be sown in the open border with other hardy annuals, or be started in frames and transplanted.

The latter method is preferable for all annuals where an early display of flowers is desirable.

The wood cut representing some cut bran ches, conveys a very good idea of the comparative size of the leaves and flowers, but gives a very slight indication of the dense trailing habit of the plant, which constitutes a considerable share of its merit.


[For the Co. Gent. and Cultivator.] Verbenas, &c., from Seed.

Your Flower Department says that Salvia splendens may be propagated by slips, &c. Dry as our season has been, we have it finely in bloom from seed, gathered by my wife last year. We have also had verbenas without number, and in great variety, from seed gathered by herself. She got the hint for the verbenas from the Co. GENT., and concluded to try it also on the Salvias.

St. Louis.

R. S. E.



weeds throughout a large part of the Union-or rather they are "troublesome" to thriftless farmers, who allow themselves to become overrun with them.

HANDSOME APPLES.-Enclosed I send you a few apples of a new variety, originating on the farm of my father-inlaw. They are very valuable for cooking, always fair, and a good bearer. Good through September. N. HOUSE. Hillsdale, N. Y. [These apples were very handsome, of fair quality, and we should think worthy of propagation by those who do not object to the color of the flesh, which

MESSRS. EDS.-We have a curious weed that starts late, and resembles a little what is called the red-root pig-weed; it branches out very thickly, so that when loose from the ground it is about round, and in size from a pail to a two-bushel basket. As soon as it gets ripe, or we have frost to kill it, it loosens at the surface of the ground, and the wind rolls it in every direction until it meets with some obstruction as a fence, when it will pile up in wagon loads, and lie until the wind changes, and then it will make another move. We call it the "tumble weed." is quite red.] When in motion it will scare a horse worse than a moving wheelbarrow. Enclosed is a bit of the weed, and also a head of hedge-row wheat, which a few years ago did well with us here, but seemed to run out, and there is none raised now except a few scattering heads among other wheat. A. Moss. Belvidere, Ill.

This is the AMARANTUS ALBUS, or white amaranth, a weed nearly allied to the pig-weed amaranth or Amaranus hybridus--both are very common and troublesome

MR. HITCHCOCK'S SALE OF SHEEP.-The sale of improved stock advertised in the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, to take place at Ash Grove, New Preston, Ct., by G. C. HITCHCOCK, on the 26th ult., was, from circumstances which Mr. H. could not control, confined to sheep, Mr. J. R. PAGK wold sheep were sold, realizing about $2,000. The highof this State acting as auctioneer. About 90 head of Cotsest price paid for a single ram was $150, by Henry Jordan of Kennebunk, Maine.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] NEW-HAMPSHIRE STATE FAIR, 1860. The New-Hampshire State Ag. Society held its Eleventh Annual Fair in the city of Manchester, on the 2d, 3d, and 4th of October. The rain on the afternoon of Monday was a serious damper to the hopes of all parties concerned, but during the night the storm cleared off, and Tuesday and Wednesday, as far as the weather was concerned, were everything that could be desired. Thursday was cloudy but mild; late in the afternoon a light rain set in, but the show was pretty much over.

The concourse of people that attended during the three days was large indeed. The schools of the city were closed, and the numerous factories shut down their gates, and the operatives had a holiday. These, with others of a city of over 20,000, in addition to the multitudes from every part of the State and some of the adjoining ones, furnished en attendance that probably has never been outnumbered at any preceding fair in New-Hampshire.

The best of order and good nature prevailed. Drunkenness, fighting and gambling, if any, were elsewhere than about the show grounds; and as far as we could learn up to 2 o'clock. P. M. of Thursday, but few accidents had occurred, and those of a very light description.

dorking fowls, two pairs of geese, and a pair of muscovy ducks, was about the total of this department of the fair. There was a large display of agricultural implements. Among the mowing machines, we noticed Fisk Russell's machine, manufactured by A. Blood of Manchester; different sizes, for one and for two horses. A newly invented one by A. M. George of Nashua, N. H., two sizes. Ketchum's improved, two sizes, manufactured by Nourse, Mason & Co., Boston and Worcester, Mass. Manny's mower and reaper, for one and two horses, and Whitcomb's horse hay rake, manufactured by Abzirus Brown, Worcester, Mass. The Buckeye mowing machine by John P. Adriance of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Worcester, Mass. Wood's improved mowing machine, manufactured by Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. All of the above machines were accompanied by the manufacturers or their agents, being well supplied with certificates, &c., in proof of their good qualities, ease of draft, &c., &c., and from the crowds of farmers examining them through the entire fair, and the favorable opinion of them frequently expressed, we predict the haying season is not far distant, when a large portion of the grass in New-Hampshire will be cut by horse or ox power instead of the scythe. The mower, the horse-rake, and hay caps, will place our farmers in nearly independent circumstances, as regards the weather and high priced day laborers. Of plows, there were none exhibited showing improvement over those of former years. We regret there was no exhibition of the "Universal Plow," the invention of Col. F. Holbrook of Vermont, but we predict that plow will yet make its mark on thousands of our farms. Several corn-shellers were on hand. The "Young America," if it had been a breathing animal, would have stood "a right smart chance" of being smothered by the dense crowd who thronged around to witness its practical operation during the three days exhibition; manufactured by Edgerly, Davis & Co., at Fishersville, N. H. Our old friend, Rufus Nutting of Randolph, Vt., was on hand with his ingeniously made winnowing mill. While at Manchester, he took the machine to a farmer's, a short distance from the show-ground, and cleaned up some fifteen bushels of rye at the rate of over 100 bushels per hour. His mill was one of the great attractions of the fair. M. F. Colby of Londonderry, exhibited a "churn and butter worker," which promises to become a favorite with butter makers. He exhibited a beautiful sample of butter, a portion of several pounds, churned on the morning of the 4th. The butter was churned inside of three minutes, salted, worked, and moulded into pound lumps in less than ten minutes from the time the cream was put in the churn. Human hands nor fingers had not touched the butter when exhibited, and it was none of the greasy, mottled stuff, that too often passes under the name of butter, but yellow, granular in fracture, solid and sweet. S. S. Clark of Manchester, exhibited a newly patented hay cutter, thought by all who saw it operate, to be a No. 1 implement. In operating, the cutters act precisely like those of shears. Fine specimens of sheep of various breeds and crosses fingers clipped while working it. It can easily be guaged It is self-feeding, and there is no danger of getting one's We think the tendency of many of so as to cut of different lengths. A strong, durable, effiour flock-owners, is towards the growing or rearing of cient and cheap hay and straw cutter. When not in use mutton, rather than fine wooled sheep. Our numerous it is easily "locked up," so that children cannot tamper villages, manufacturing places and cities, afford good with it to the manifest danger of "fingers and hands." markets for mutton and lamb, and usually at satisfactory prices, at least for the sellers. Swine were on hand in to strive for farther improvement in everything connected Upon the whole, our people have great encouragement strong force and of fine proportions. If all the porkers with our agricultural interests. of our State are like those on exhibition, the last traces of the land-shark and pike varieties of hogs have disappeared from among us.

The show of horses was large, embracing the finest specimens of the various crack breeds, now so well known all over the country, but we cannot here give a catalogue of the numerous stallions, matched and working horses, or family horses, mares and foals, geldings, colts, &c. The show of neat stock was much less than on some former occasions-but the deficiency in numbers was made up by the extra quality of the animals. Good judges of cattle said they had never seen handsomer oxen, bulls, or young stock than were on the ground. David Towle, Esq., of Hampton, had on exhibition a pair of six year old Durham oxen, measuring 104 feet in girth, weighing 8,087 pounds. They are well matched as to color, red, not quite as dark as Devons, scarcely differing an inch in girth. He has been offered $1200 for them. Wm. F. Jones of Durham, had on the ground a splendid pair of " fat oxen,' six years old, measuring 84 feet in girth, weighing 5,500 pounds, seven-eighths Durham. Mr. Jones reared them from calves. Nathaniel G. Davis of Lee, had on the ground a splendid pair of three year old steers, seveneighths Durham, weighing 3,758 pounds. But the most attractive animals of the show were a pair of twin heifers of Col. J. B. Wentworth of Rollinsford; they were sixteen months old, weighing 2,080 pounds. In color, brindled, with a star of white in their foreheads, as also a few spots of white about their legs and bellies-but these marks correspond on each. When one year old, in weight, they did not vary a pound-and at no time since their birth have they varied in weight so much as ten pounds. The mother of these heifers was a twin, and the year previous to the birth of these brindled heifers, she brought forth twins, one of each sex. The heifers are three-fourths


were on exhibition.

Oct, 5th, 1860.


THE OHIO STATE FAIR.-This Fair, the Ohio Farmer The display of farm products was very fine; one sam-states, "was excellent in nearly every department, and ple of spring wheat was labelled 50 bushels per acre. the management better than ever before; and what is Corn large, ripe, and of a golden yellow. Potatoes in equally to the purpose, we have never visited a Fair where great variety, some of which might well compete with the people seemed to study all the departments with such those grown in California. Pumpkins, squashes and mel- interest and industry. This was particularly true of the ons, too numerous to mention," and of sizes larger than agricultural implement department. The large hall and I choose to name. Fruit was never better, finer, or of grounds devoted to this interest, were continually crowdlarger size in the "Old Granite State," than in this year ed, even more than the horse-ring. The receipts, we of Grace, 1860. The hen-fever having subsided, the show understand, were about $12,000, large enough to pay exof fowls was nearly whittled to a point. A small coop of penses and have a small surplus left."


[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] MICHIGAN STATE FAIR.

The twelfth annual exhibition of the State Agricultural Society was held at Detroit, Oct. 2-5, on the same grounds as last year. The weather, though threatening at first, proved very favorable, and the Fair was a decided success. Great credit is due Mr. Philo Parsons, the chairman of the business committee, for his unwearied exertions, both in reducing the expenses and adding to the attractions of the occasion, which would generally be considered rather a difficult feat.

It being noon when we arrived, our steps were first directed to Dining Hall, the arrangements of which gave us much inward satisfaction.

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A correspondent of the Boston Cultivator, writing of a visit to Vermont, speaks of a farmer in Caledonia county, who "a few years ago discovered, what many farmers have yet to learn, viz: that he possessed two farms in one-an and an under one. His upper farm is a light, upper sandy soil, which has been cropped for a long series of years. Immediately beneath it is a subsoil of marly loam. By deep plowing and thorough pulverization, these soils are made capable of producing paying crops of all The next Hall in order, and in most admirable order kinds. His invariable rule is twelve inches." The farm too, was Floral Hall, which was beautifully decorated, and overflowed with flowers, paintings, fancy articles, and peo- also contains a valuable muck bed, which has been used ple. In the centre was an aquarium filled by Mr. George in a variety of forms: in its crude state upon grass and Clark of Ecorse, and the State Geologist displayed an in-grain with considerable success; in composts with barnteresting collection of minerals in one of the wings. We yard manure for corn and potatoes, and also for the latter, noticed in particular, some very fine specimens of marble as well, after it has passed the laboratory of the hog-pen. from Crawford's quarry at Pt. Adams, on Lake Huron. We then dived into Mechanic's Hall, and were first Where it had been applied to a field of spring rye upon a brought up by two patent Water-Drawers, which kept sandy ridge, its effects were apparent in the increased running both water and a most lively opposition to each length of the stalk and fulness of the heads, indicating full other. There was a great variety of machines and labor- one-third more than where it had received no dressing." saving inventions here, and outside and around the Hall These two means of improvement would bring up many the agricultural implements were too numerous to mention. The eloquence displayed by the exhibitors of all a worn farm to a high state of productiveness; and the these articles was of a high order of voice, if not of merit. sooner farmers learn to employ all the means of improveThe fruit was very properly arranged by itself in a large ment within their own limits, the sooner will they be able tent, where every facility was afforded for studying pomo-to produce profitable crops. To give thorough cultivation logy and tantalizing the palate.

The products of the field, the garden, and the dairy, exhibited in Agricultural Hall, made a creditable show, though not as extensive as on some former occasions. Oakland county rolled up a cheese weighing 420 lbs., which was probably good for its size.

and more manure, will increase the crops, whatever may be the season which prevails. With plenty of vegetable matter, like muck, there is no danger of injuring the soil with which it is mixed by deep plowing.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] ENGLISH POTATOES.

The show of Domestic Manufactures was very fine, and reflected much credit on the industry of "our folks." There were some excellent samples of salt from the Saginaw salt springs, which, as soon as it comes into general MESSRS. TUCKER & SON-According to promise I foruse, cannot fail to improve the butter made in this State. ward you a sample of the Lapstone Kidney potato, and the The Messrs. Sly of Plymouth, J. B. Crippen of Cold-Stone's Seedling. They were raised at Hull, in Yorkshire, water, D. M. Uhl of Ypsilanti, and John Allen of Utica, were among the most prominent exhibitors of blood stock, of which there was a grand display. Wm. Smith, and D. W. Heath and Brother of Detroit, divided the premiums on the finest collection of fat cattle ever seen here. One cow, named the World-Beater, weighed 2,100 lbs., and a Durham ox weut up to 2,800 lbs.

The exhibition of horses was extensive, embracing specimens of Black Hawk, Morgan, Measenger, Eclipse, Bashaw, and Hambletonian stock. N. Weaver of Clinton, had a gigantic Cumberland colt, of English draught-horse extraction, and A. McKay of Napier, C. W., a small, compactly built, very stout, and pure black specimen of French


There was a good display of swine, particularly the Essex breed, which seems to gain ground as well as flesh among the farming community. The prejudice which has long existed against "black pigs," must be wearing away. The show of sheep and poultry was not very large, but comprised some very good specimens of the different breeds.

Among farm implements, D. C. Smith of Adrian, exbibited a remarkable corn-husker, and J. S. Gage of Dowagiac, a recently patented seed-sower and roller, which last

resembles Crosskill's clod-crusher somewhat.

The annual address was delivered by Hon. CASSIUS M. CLAY, so eminent both as a politician and a stock-breeder, and so well known to the readers of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. He dwelt with much interest and enthusiasm on the progress of agriculture in our land, and evidently believes in the freedom of country life, as well as in that of

the soil.

England. The former was raised by a shoemaker, and called after his favorite tool, the lapstone, and when well grown it resembles it. It is considered the best general potato in England, and always commands two pence stirling a peck more than any other potato. It has been tried here for a few years with but poor success, owing to its culture not being known. We have succeeded well with it. It is a potato that must be planted early—as early in April as possible. If allowed to sprout in the cellar, it will not do. It requires a good rich soil-in fact the richer the better. It is very difficult to cook, it being so mealy. As to the flavor, I shall leave you to judge of it. It is the most palatable potato I have ever eaten, and all who have eaten it say the same. In fact it is a potato that every private gentleman should have on his table. I do not think it will make a market potato-it requires too good land to make it pay, although I have sold it for twenty-five cents a bushel more than any other potato this season; it does not disease.

The Stone's Seedling is a round potato, medium size; its cooking qualities you will find equal to the Lapstone Kidney. Its skin denotes it to be a cooker. It is a most prolific yielder, but rather small for a general marketer; with high culture this may be obviated. It being a very hard fleshed potato, I think it would do well on loose Swampy land. You will notice in cutting one how hard GERALD HOWATT. and crisp it is.

Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y.

We have tried the potatoes sent us by our correspondent, and find them of excellent quality-as mealy, but not as white fleshed, as the old Carter potato formerly

The Fair closed with the re-election of the present offi-grown in this vicinity.

During a visit the past autumn to the nurseries of ELLWANGER & BARRY of Rochester, we examined the same quarter acre of dwarf Virgalieus which two or three years since, when four years old, yielded at the rate of five hundred dollars per acre. A long row of trees of the Louise Bonne of Jersey, then several years old, which we found by a careful figuring yielded at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per acre, were this year producing again with increased abundance, and growing with undiminished vigor. The figure at the head of this article is a nearly exact copy of one of the best of these trees, although there was but little difference in them in vigor and productiveness. Good management and good cultivation told the whole story.

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"Are dwarf pears successful?" This question is asked many thousand times, and the correct answer would be nearly the same as to the question, "Is the business of a merchant successful?" There is, however, this difference in favor of the dwarf pears, that success depends mainly, or almost wholly, on good management, while the merchant often fails from causes beyond his present control. It is said that out of every hundred persons who engage in mercantile pursuits, only five ultimately succeed. About the same proportion flourish and bear of all the dwarf pears set out. And it happens that just about that proportion of all that are set out receive good broadcast cultivation. Formerly many died from the use of bad stocks, and the selection of unsuitable varieties, but this evil has nearly disappeared. The fault now rests mainly with the management, when such free growing sorts as the Angouleme, Louise Bonne, and Winkfield are selected.

In comparing their management with the business of a merchant, it must not be supposed that to produce successful growth requires the deeply laid plans, eminent skill, and extensive knowledge that a successful merchant must possess. On the contrary, well selected dwarf trees will generally do well if treated as well as a good farmer treats his corn and root crops-that is, by manuring annually, and by mellow, clean culture. It is true that a general knowledge of the principles of vegetable growth, and an extensive experience in the application of these principles will often be of great service when new treatment is required for different localities, or when new maladies appear, but they are not indispensable to the ordinary While on a visit to the grounds of H. E. HOOKER of Rochester, last autumn, he showed us trees of the Louise Bonne of Jersey which had been carefully removed when quite large, and which were two years transplanted. They were bearing about a bushel each of large, handsome, delicious specimens. "That is the way," said he, pointing to these loaded trees, "that dwarf pears humbug' me every year!"-alluding to the frequent assertion that they have proved a failure.



For a locality which commands a wide prospect, or one where an outlook over neighboring obstructions is desired, the design here given may prove a satisfactory one. It is intended for a farm-house of the larger class, and if built of solid materials might properly be called a villa. It would, however, make a very satisfactory dwelling built of wood. The accommodation afforded in the ground plan, (fig. 1,) is sufficient for a large family living in liberal

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style. The office at the right of the hall has a circular stair-case in one corner, leading to a small library or study, which can also be reached from the upper hall. The two rooms taken together make an arrangement which every "country gentleman" who loves to investigate the sciences which pertain to his sphere of activity, will particularly enjoy. The dining-room and kitchen accommodations are ample, and the stair-case hall through the centre of the house makes it cool and airy in summer, and is, besides,

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We are informed that T. G. YEOMANS of Walworth, Wayne Co., continues to be more and more successful with them. The past autumn he obtained five hundred dollars from a third of an acre of his Angoulemes; and, as we are very convenient. The chamber plan (fig. 2,) furnishes :nformed, received twenty-five dollars a barrel for the fruit, eight sleeping apartments, besides the study. The obser

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