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18 6 1.

THE SEVENTH NUMBER of this attractive and useful Work is now nearly ready for the Press. We hope to have it out some weeks earlier than usual, and are now prepared to receive orders for single numbers or in quantity, which will be filled as soon as the REGISTER for 1861 is issued. The attention of OFFICERS OF AGRICULTURAL SoCIETIES and others who propose attending Town, County or State Fairs this Fall is particularly requested to the ready Sale which may be had for the REGISTER during these anniversaries, and on other occasions, from the First of September even until another spring, TERMS-as neretofore: SINGLE COPIES, postpaid, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; ONE DOZEN COPIES, postpaid, Two DOLLARS; ONE HUNDRED COPIES, FIFTEEN DOLLARS, and larger quantities at a farther reduction. PARTIAL ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Among other valuable chapters, the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861 will contain the following:

I, WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES-Seventeen Engravings. 1. Important Advantages of their Erection.

2. Design for a Cottage of the Smallest Size.

3. Design for a Cottage on a somewhat Larger Scale.

4. Design for a Cottage of better class or for a small Farm House.

5. Design for a somewhat more costly Cottage.

6. A Design by L. B. Valk.

7. A Design by J. M. Wade, with modifications.


1. Plan of a Village Half Acre Garden.

2. Simple but Graceful Arrangement of Pleasure Grounds.
3. Laying out a Western Farm.

1. Tree Roses; two modes with figures.

2. Weeping Roses.

3. Pillar Roses.

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TO of about 500 acres, 200 of which are in wood

A FARM in the town of Moreau,

with a large and convenient house and all necessary outbuildings, including four barns. It is situated on the bank of the Hudson river, within one mile of the village of Fort Edward, and five of the village of road is on the premises-thus affording every facility for market. To Glens Falls. The station house of the Saratoga and Whiteball raila person of sufficient means to stock the farm, and who will have some Pride in keeping it in good order, favorable terms will be given. AdW. H. WARREN. dress the subscriber at Moreau Station.

Sept. 26-weow6tm3t.


[blocks in formation]

Two hundred and Eighty acres of good Limestone Land, 4%1⁄2 miles east of Brownsville, Pa.-two hundred acres cleared and under a high state of cultivation. Price $50 per acre, 2-5ths of which will be taken in pure bred stock. Address JOHN S. GOE, Brownsville, Pa. May 24-wtf. (P. O. Box 6.)


CORNER CLINTON AVENUE AND KNOX STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. The Subscribers, being the most extensive manufacturers of DRAINING TILE in the United States, have on hand, in large or small quantities, for Land Draining, ROUND, SOLE and HORSE-SHOE TILE, warranted superior to any made in this country, hard-burned, and over one foot in length. Orders solicited. Price List sent on applica C. & W. McCAMMON, Jan. 5-wtf.-Feb 1-mtf. Albany, N. Y.


[blocks in formation]

All Tile delivered free of charge on board cars or boat, in this City.
Factory on the Western Plank Road near the Asylum.
Aug. 23-wtf

(formerly Artcher & Alderson,) Albany, N. Y. CARD.-OSCAR F. THORNTON

A page ordener, will design and superintend the

laying out of Pleasure Grounds, Parks and Cemeteries, &c. Address 0. F. THORNTON, Beloit, Wis. REFERENCES-Wm. L. Ewing. St. Louis, Mo., S. J. Sherwood, N. P. Waterman, B. W. Bruel, Beloit, Wis. July 19-w13t.


WHITMAN & CO., BALTIMORE, MD., Inventors and Manufacturers of the most improved Agricultural Implements and Machinery adapted to American and Foreign trade. Their long experience in this business has given them an extensive En. foreign correspondence and acquaintance, which, together with their facilities for manufacturing, enables them to compete successfully with any part of the world in the manufacture of Agricultural Machinery


1. Construction of Portable Filters.

2. Another Plan for the Same.

3. Filters attached to the Cistern.






This, preceeded by the usual Calendar pages and Astronomical Calculations, forms a book which is certainly cheap at its retail price, while the Publishers may especially call attention to the pithy and appropriate HINTS FOR THE MONTH which appear upon the Calendar pages, as embracing in the most concise form many valuable suggestions-to the article on WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES, for the neat and useful Designs it contains-to those upon ROSES and GREEN HOUSE Structures for their beautiful illustrations-to that upon POULTRY as the most complete chapter upon the subject yet presented in equal space, accompanied as it is by so many Engravingsand to that upon WEEDS and their Destruction, as presenting just the information which every Farmer requires, with cuts by which he can compare the most common and troublesome of these intruders, and appropriate practical directions how to get rid of them.

THE PUBLISHERS, with the view of rendering the circulation of the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861, still wider and larger than that of any previous Number, are prepared, as above intimated, to offer the most liberal Terms for its introduction in quantities, either to Agents, Ag. ricultural Societies, Nurserymen, Dealers in Implements and Seeds, or any others who take an interest in the dissemination of useful read. ing, and in the promotion of Rural Improvement. Address all orders or inquiries to the publishers, LUTHER TUCKER & SON, ALBANY, N. Y.

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They manufacture Horse-powers and Threshers, Reapers and Mowers, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Plows and Castings, and every variety of goods in their line of business.

Foreign and home orders are solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. May 10-wtf. E. WHITMAN & Co., Baltimore, Md.


A large stock of strong well rooted plants, for sale by the 1,000 and 10,000, at greatly reduced prices. Sept. 27-wtf.


A. F. CONARD & BRO., West Grove, Pa.


$1 per Paper of 2,000 Seeds; $6 per Quart. The above seed has been saved in the best possible manner. Sow half sand and half mould. the seed in seed bed; cover from a quarter to half an inch deep with GEO. SEYMOUR & CO.. Sept. 29-wōt. So. Norwalk, Conn.



William Perry & Son, Proprietors. We have for sale this fall, as fine a stock of Delaware, Diana, Coneord, Rebecca, Hartford Prolific, and all the other best varieties of Hardy Native Grapes, as can be found in the country, from 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than the same quality of plants can be obtained at any other Nursery. Every Plant sent out is warranted true to name. Our stock of Delawares consists of 5,000 layers, and two to three thousand plants grown in open air from single eyes, stout and well rooted. 10,000 Concord layers of remarkably large size, and roots from one to three feet long. For farther particulars send for our Wholesale Catalouge of Hardy Native Vines, which will be sent gratis, logue of Hardy Native Vines. Address or two three cent stamps, and get our Illustrated Descriptive Cata

Sept 27-w3m.


Bridgeport, Conn.


The best grape known-superior to Isabella-ripens Sept. 15th 5,000 vines for sale by T. B. MINER, Clinton, Oneida Co.. N. Y. These vines sent FREE to Club Agents of the RURAL AMERICAN. Send for Circular. Oct. 11-w3t.

[blocks in formation]

English Potatoes, by GERALD HOWATT,.

Alsike or Swedish Clover, by LEVI BARTLETT,

Discussions at the State Fair,

Third Evening-Culture of Wheat,.

Sheep Husbandry,..

Improvement of Worn-out Sandy Land, by M. S. K.,.
Notes for the Month...

The Country Gentleman Alone.

Single Copy, one year...

Three Copies...

Five Copies,


Ten Copies,....






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No subscriptions received on club terms unless paid strictly in advance. Fifty cents additional is in all cases charged for each subscriber when payment is not made in advance,


MASSACHUSETTS-Deerfield, Jan. 5.-You will see by the above, I 351 have secured six new subscribers to the Co. Gentleman, which is much 352 better than I anticipated, considering the multitude of Agricultural 853 papers published. The Co. GENTLEMAN is the most practical-therefore the most reliable of all Agricultural papers that I have read. Mr. Johnston's writings are worth more than twice the cost of the paper, and I wish every farmer in the land could be made to think so. To him who feels really interested in Agriculture, and likes to read about it, the Co. Gentleman would be a welcome friend. J. C.

Bucks County Exhibition,.

Inquiries and Answers,

Results of Experiments, by W.,

[blocks in formation]

WESTERN NEW-YORK-Fredonia, Jan. 21.-It is now twenty years since I became interested in agricultural papers, and I have every year devoted a little time to extend their circulation. It has always been a matter of surprise that farmers are so unwilling to read about their own occupation. The first year I read the Cultivator I could directly 345 point to a pecuniary benefit by so doing of $14. In canvassing for sub345 348 scribers, an incident or two I mention. I asked a driving farmer to take the Cultivator. He gave a positive "no." Said he, "I have a 337 brother that took it one year, and it came very near ruining him." It 343 was hard work in those days to get half a dozen readers to the Cultivator. But a change is working. The full grown "Country Gentle348 man," with his pleasant face and good advice is now a welcome visitor in a score of the farmers' homes, and his weekly visits are deemed 341 about as important as the "cruise of oil,"

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Natural Life of the Honey Bee, by M. M. BALDRIDGE,............. 343 and assert their rights, and give us laws that will be wholesome, and

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for the general good, and wrangling demagogues who only squabble for the "spoils" will be elected to stay at home. A. S. M.

MARYLAND.-Royal Oak, Jan. 4-About one year ago I left the counting-room in the city, to undertake the more arduous duties of the corn-field. Being almost wholly unacquainted with the business I was then about to engage in, I naturally sought information from every available resource. One of the first publications I subscribed for was the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, mine being, I believe, the only copy taken in this part of my county. I have for one year been a careful reader of its neatly printed pages, and now look upon it as a friend with whom I cannot part. What advancement I have made in

SEE D.-1,000 bushels reliable farming during the year I will not pretend to say, but I can say that I PEACH SEED, mostly from Illinois, for sale at one dollar and twenty-five cents per bushel, by JOHN F. DAIR & CO., 40 and 42 Lower Market-st., Oct. 25-w4t. Cincinnati, O.

10 NURSERYMEN AND FARMERS-FOR ACRES OF GOOD LEVEL LAND, near the city of Baltimore, and convenient to a turnpike. It is admirably adapted for an extensive Nursery, which is very much needed, as thousands of orders are an. nually sent North for Trees, &c., which would seek a supply nearer home. For particulars address JOHN I. GROSS, Real Estate Agent, Oct. 25-w2* Baltimore, Md.


Allen, $1 per doz.-$5 per 100-$40 per 1000.
Brinkle's Orange, #1 per doz.-86 per 100-$50 per 1000.
Catawissa, 15 cents each, or $1 per dozen.
Col. Wilder, (yellow,) $1 per dozen.
Fastolf, 1 per doz.-85 per 100,

[blocks in formation]

am under obligations to the Gentleman and its correspondents for nearly all I do know upon the subject of agriculture and farin management generally. The two dollars invested at the beginning of 1859, has paid much more than compound interest. As an evidence of my ap preciation, I have been endeavoring to extend its circulation and influence among my neighbors, and as the result of a day or two's effort, ber before long-and shall always be careful to speak a good word in your behalf whenever an opportunity offers, hosing your circulation may increase an hundred fold. J. L. R.

KENTUCKY-Maysville.-I now have the COUNTRY GENT. complete from No. 1, Vol. 1, to date, well bound, well read, and I think I have pocketed more money by it than any individual west of the mountains, "in a quiet way." J. B. P.

CANADA WEST-St. Thomas.--I cannot take leave of the "Cors TRY GENTLEMAN" for 1859, without acknowledging the benefit of his acquaintance, and the pleasure derived from his "sayings and doings," especially from his "Notes from Abroad." S. E.

CANADA EAST-St. Armand, Jan. 10.-I have been a convert to your valuable journal the last year, and can highly recommend it to everg tiller of the soil, as being worthy of introduction to their homes, and would urge it upon every farmer that can clear two dollars from his farm, to forward it to you for the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, hoping it will be with them at the end of one year, as it is with me at the end of the past; if so, they will not be without your journal for ten times its cost Now brother farmers send for a copy and read for yourselves! M. J. D

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Terms and Premiums for Cultivator Subscriptions for 1861. The success which has this year so generally attended arrangements with B. K. BLISS, the well known Seedsman the exertions of our Farmers, should encourage them to of Springfield, Mass., to supply us with various assort renewed effort to render their pursuit a more remunera- ments of tive and less hazardous one hereafter-while at the same time it places additional means within their reach for the Acquirement of Information and the Study of the Expe

rience of others.

"It is now seven years or more," writes an Indiana subscriber, whose letter we open just as this Number goes to press," since I commenced taking THE CULTIVATOR, and most of this time I have taken two or three other Agricultural papers. Some of these I must now discontinue, but THE CULTIVATOR I must have, because it suits! me and is the CHEAPEST PAPER that I ever took at the price, and it is also regular to hand, while some of my other papers fail of coming and give me a good deal of trouble and vexation. I will try and send you other subBcribers."

FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, As put up by him for mailing to all parts of the country for several years past, with unparalleled success and satisfaction to his numerous customers. The Assortments are: FLOWER SEEDS.

1. Twenty Choice Varieties of Annuals.

2. Twenty Choice Varieties of Biennials and Perennials.



Ten Extra Fine Varieties of Annuals and Perennials-embracing Five very Choice Varieties selected from Prize Flowers of English many of the new and choicest in cultivation.

Pansies, German Carnation and Picotee Pinks, Verbenas, Truf faut's French Asters and Double Holyhocks.

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It is the extreme cheapness of this Journal, in propor-2. tion merely to the amount of matter it contains to which we call attention, because in this respect, aside from the extent of its Correspondence and the number of its Illustrations, it has no rival we believe in our periodical literature, and because-such being the facts of the case with regard to THE CULTIVATOR alone,-their force is greatly increased when each Club subscriber is also presented with a copy of the ANNUAL REGISTER with its additional stores of information and engravings. When $5 is sent for 10 copies of the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER-each FIFTY CENTS pays for a total of over FIVE HUNDRED PAGES, embellished with nearly THREE HUNDRED instructive as well as orna

mental illustrations!

It thus presents a double claim-upon those whose circumstances necessarily limit their expenditure for reading, as at once the CHEAPEST AND THE BEST BY ITSELF, and upon those, who, like our correspondent above quoted, also take other Journals of a similar kind, as presenting in addition to them MORE MATTER AT THE PRICE than can be obtained in any other form.

Will not, then, evrey friend of Agricultural Improvement into whose hands this Number may come, exert himself somewhat, to place THE CULTIVATOR AND REGISTER for 1861 within the reach of as many as possible of his neighbors and associates? To begin with, FIVE DOLLARS will pay for Ten Copies of THE CULTIVATOR and Ten of the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861-with an eleventh copy of each free for yourself. And

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One Hundred Varieties of Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials, in-
cluding many new and choice varieties.
Fifty do.




Twenty Choice Varieties, including those most in demand in every
Garden, with the exception of Peas, Beans and Corn, which can-
not be sent by mail on account of their weight.
Forty-five Choice Varieties, including a still wider assortment than
that above named, and with the same exception as regards Beans,
Peas and Corn.

Collection to go by Express, containing a complete assortment of

everything wanting in an ordinary garden, in quantity sufficient for a family of moderate size-for instance, a quart each of four varieties of Peas to ripen in succession, and other seeds in proportion.

Collection to go by Express similar to No. 3, but on a larger scale throughout, and including about SEVENTY-FIVE VARIETIES!

I. These different assortments may be recommended as judiciously selected, well put up, reliable in character of seed, and in all respects worthy of confidence, and we will send Postpaid to the Agent from whom we receive TEN ister for 1861-either ONE of the following Assortments; DOLLARS for Twenty copies of the Cultivator and Reg

No. 1--Flower Seeds.

No. 2--Flower Seeds,

No. 3--Flower Seeds.

No. 4--Flower Seeds.
No-1--Vegetable Seeds.
FIFTEEN DOLLARS, may select either of the above named
II. The Agent sending THIRTY SUBSCRIBERS and
assortments, and will receive in addition a Free copy of

the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself.

III. The Agent sending us FORTY SUBSCRIBERS and TWENTY DOLLARS, will receive a Free Copy of the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself, and may in addition select any TWO of the above Assortments-or in place of the latter, either assortment

No. 7--Of Flower Seeds, or

No. 2--Of Vegetable Seeds.

IV. The Agent sending us FIFTY SUBSCRIBERS and AS PREMIUMS FOR LARGER CLUBS we have made TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, will receive a Free Copy of the

CULTIVATOR and REGISTER for himself, and in addition either of the following as he may select:

The First FOUR Assortments of Flower Secds; or any one of them, together with either No. 5, or No. 7Or, Any two of them, together with No. 2, of Vegetable


Or, No. 3, of Vegetable Seeds, with either No. 1, 2, 3, or 4

of Flower Seeds, as preferred.

V. For SIXTY SUBSCRIBERS and THIRTY DOLLARS, an extra copy of CULTIVATOR and REGISTER, together with either,

Assortment No. 6, of Flower Seeds-or

Assortment No. 4, of Vegetable Seeds, às may be preferred. In any case where extra copies of the CULTIVATOR and REGISTER are preferred, they, or AGRICULTURAL Books to an equivalent value will be substituted upon the request of the Agent.

[ocr errors]

MEMBERS OF CLUBS may receive their papers at Different Post-Offices.

SUBSCRIBERS IN THE BRITISH PROVINCES will add 6 cents per copy to the above terms, to cover American postage

to the lines.

THE REGISTER POSTAGE FREE.-We shall prepay the postage on all copies of the ANNUAL REGISTER without charge to the subscriber.

THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.-All who are desirous of receiving a Weekly Journal, are reminded that the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is the only one exclusively devoted to the Practical Interests of the Farmer, in the Field, in the Garden and Orchard, and at the Fireside. In obtaining the Premiums above offered, a subscription to the Country Gentleman at $2 per year, will count the same as Four subscribers to THE CULTIVATOR, and the subscriber to the Co. GENT. will receive one copy of the REGISTER.

THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN AND THE REGISTER-TERMS TO CLUBS:-Two Copies Co. GENT. and REGISTER for $4 -Five Copies of both for $9-Ten Copies of both for $16.50. A Premium Copy of both the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN and REGISTER will be sent free to any one sending us a Club of Ten, and for any addition to this number the rate will be $1.65 for each Subscriber, and a free copy for each additional Ten. Subscribers in the British Provinces must in all cases add 25 Cents for each subscriber to cover the American postage to the lines.

SPECIMEN COPIES of both Journals sent on application, with Showbills and Prospectuses-also, if desired, a copy of the ANNUAL REGISTER for use in canvassing for Subscribers. EVERY READER IS REQUESTED TO


The Annual RegistER FOR 1861.-See Advertisement and Notices of this work in other parts of this paper. One Dozen Copies of the REGISTER alone are sent post paid for TWO DOLLARS. Address,

LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y. SALT, OR LIME AND SALT, TO PREVENT GRAIN CROPS FROM LODGING.—In looking over our foreign exchanges we not unfrequently meet with passages like the following, from which we infer that the power of salt to strengthen the straw of grain crops, even when the growth has been rendered very luxuriant by guano or other nitrogenous manures, has been often tested, and is now well establishrd: "When the crop is liable to lodge from a weakness in the straw, three cwts. of salt per acre should be mixed with the guano. Lime and salt will prove equally benefitial, but this dressing is more expensive, while the lime and salt require to be mixed for some weeks previous to application to the land."


A Canadian correspondent of the Co. GENT. makes the following suggestion, which is well worth the attention of the sons of all of our farmers:

"Could not the younger branches of your agriculturists form 'Societies for Mutual Improvement,' and twice a President, Vice-President, and Secretary be chosen-let month or so meet for the purpose of instruction? Let a them read such books aloud, the "COUNTRY GENTLEMAN," or "THE CULTIVATOR," "Johnson's Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry," and others of a like nature; then let every young man explain his ideas, or ask for information on such subjects as he does not fully comprehend. The young men may discuss the practice of their own parents, and by a mutual interchange of ideas acquire a great deal of knowledge. Let each member, after the first meeting, agree to bring some plan of buildings, implements, &c., that may be deemed important or worthy of notice. Some may bring a new plant, fruit, or weed even, and let those who are capable describe each. They may in time be able to form a mutual assistance fund, so as to help such as need it to purchase some of the more expensive machines, as mowers, reapers, &c., the person assisted to pay back to the fund a certain portion of his earnings with the machine, until the claim is settled. Then another may be assisted in like manner to some other implement. An almost unlimited amount of good may be accomplished, provided that all their transactions are founded upon honor, truth and equity." RUSTICUS.

THE SEASON AND CROPS ABROAD.-The London Ag. Gazette speaks of the agricultural twelve-month closing with the 1st of October in the following brief and pointed way-" the warmest and the coldest October almost ever known-a cold and wet November-a very cold December, falling 25° below the freezing point and ending in warm rain—a mild and dry first week in January, followed by a latter half extremely wet-a very stormy, wet, cold rains and storms in April-a very wet and stormy MayFebruary-a snowy, cold, wet, stormy March-excessive a cold, wet, unseasonable June-dry during the first fortnight of July, but rainy afterwards and cold throughout -a very wet, inclement August-a September partly fine We have had and partly wet, and rain almost ever since. twelve months of unusually low temperature, excessive rainfall, and tempestuous weather."

The same paper for Oct. 27, contains Harvest Reports from all parts of the United Kingdom, at a date late enough to admit of pretty complete examination of the crops and is plain," says the editor, "that our former statement of after some trial of them by the threshing machine. “It the case, complained of by some as presenting too gloomy a picture, has erred in not being dark enough. There was a bulky crop of both oats and barley on the ground, but both-the latter especially-have been injured by bad weather. There never was the promise of an average crop of wheat, and what there was has also suffered much. As a general rule, oats will still be a fair crop. Good wheat will yield unusually below its average produce. Of samples of malting barley will be extremely rare, and green crops, we have to report that potatoes are almost universally a failing crop. Turnips generally are very poor, the exceptions in both cases being found in the northern counties; while mangels are universally inferior and unproductive, and good hay is both scarce and dear. Both man and beast will have to draw on whatever may be stored from former years for their food supply during the coming winter."

Modern education too often covers the fingers with rings and at the same time cuts the sinews of the wrists.


I would like to know L. H. T.'s opinion of our long-handled, long beam, heavy Scotch plow, such as he saw at the Provincial Fair. Does he like them as well as our improved light plows for cleared land? A. H. Bronte, C. W.

Admirable as is the work performed both in Great Britain and by the Scotch farmers of Canada West, with the long heavy plows they só universally use, we cannot, ourselves, help preferring a somewhat different style of implement. And the above inquiry from a respected correspondent across the lines, affords us the opportunity of presenting some illustrations of the English or Scotch plow, which may be of interest to those who are not already familiar with its appearance and construction.

If, however, the writer is correct in his notion of the common Canadian plow, it is considerably less light and graceful to the eye, and probably heavier in draught as well as weight, than the latest improved English plows, some of which latter are about as long and sharp as a Yankee clipper, and look as though they might cleave the the land as easily as it does the water.

Before endeavoring to reply more particularly to the

Fig. 1. Lowcock's "Turn-wrest Plow."

tion, I doubt if we can advantageously imitate our English brethren.

To come now to other plows, we find them divided into two classes, the wheel plows and those without wheels, or swing plows as they are called by English farmers. Mr. MELVIN, an extensive cultivator not far from Edinburgh, with whom I had the pleasure of an interesting conversation on this subject at the Highland Society's Show last year, remarks that it is not a hundred years "since the only plow in use in Scotland was rude, cumbrous, unwieldy, and usually drawn by eight oxen;" the substitution of horses instead of oxen, he continues, "necessitated a lighter implement," and I shall perhaps be safe in adding, that it is only by carrying the improvement somewhat farther in the same direction in which the manufacturers there have begun it, that we have reached the light and easily managed plow now so well known by the American name. Some of our best plows, without the assistance of the two large wheels which serve to guide and steady in its place the English plow, will do nearly as good work if left to manage themselves, as they will with a plowman-and if the same thing can scarcely be said of the English wheel


plow, far less could it be affirmed of those without wheels, and I doubt if, in either, it ever formed a prominent object either with the farmer or the maker. This may be because our farmers mostly do their own plowing, and thus are led to render the task as little laborious as possible, by contriving or patroniz

Britain, on the contrary, it is committed to hired hands, brought up to manage a plow as almost the sole purpose of life and education, and becoming so proficient by laborious practice that the convenience of a change is now overlooked or controverted by their employers.

Fig. 2 represents one of the most successful of numerous patterns manufactured by the extensive Ipswich makers. "Y. L." is the mark by which it is designated. Of this and similar implements of otlier manufacturers, Mr. Melvin remarks-almost making an objection, it will be ob.

question propounded above, let us glance briefly at several | ing a plow that will almost run alone; while in Great of the more prominent kinds of British plows. And in doing so, I may mention at the outset, that what is in Eng. land called a turn-wrest plow, answering in effect to our side-hill plows, appeared to me to be more ordinarily in use there than the corresponding kind of plow is here. I find that Morton's Cyclopedia places it first among several descriptions given. Its object of course is to turn all the furrow slices in the field in one direction. By alternating the mould-board of the plow, when it turns at the head land, from one side to the other of the point, we generally accomplish this purpose in a very simple and easy way. But the English manufacturer makes a double plow, with the handles lifting on a pivot, so that it can be held at either end according to their position. Of this sort is the Lowcock plow-manufactured by Ransome & Sims at Ipswich, of which we give an engraving, (Fig. 1.) The price at which it is sold is £6 178. 6d. (in the neighborhood of


Fig. 2. Ransomè & Sims' " Y. L."

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$34.) Comin's plow-another turn-wrest-is more simi- | served, of the very point in which they verge most nearly lar to our side-hill in principle, although much more com- upon our American plow, that of taking care of themplicated in the way in which it is carried out. There is a selves in some degree, instead of requiring such constant third kind, originated I think near Glasgow, in which there exertion in the plowman:-"None of these very beautiful are two mould-boards, turning upon a horizontal rod above | implements," he says, "please the Scotch farmer in plowthe plow-beam, so that when one of them is in the grounding lea, as they turn the furrow rather flat over; but they the other furrows the upper atmosphere at an angle of unite in a high degree those contrivances which go far to forty-five degrees or thereabouts. Certainly in this direc- I make up for the guiding hand of man. They have long

« AnteriorContinuar »