Imágenes de páginas

Taxmar, Cacique of Yucatan, v. 46; his treatment of
the Spaniards, v. 46–51; vessels appear off the coast,
v. 52

Teneriffe, fears of the crew at beholding Mount, i. 168
Territory, question of, how settled, ii. 35

Thomas, St., fortress of, erected, ii. 125; see note, ii.
126; conduct of the colonists there, ii. 150
Tigers and panthers at San Sebastian, iv. 240
Tobacco, first seen in the island of Cuba, i. 245
Tobago, discovery of, iii. 9

Toledo, archbishop of, his character, i. 94; gives Co-
lumbus an attentive hearing, ib.; and procures him
an audience of the King, i. 96

Toledo, Doña Maria de, Don Diego Columbus becomes
enamoured of, v. 114; their marriage, ib.; and em-
barkation for Hispaniola, v. 116; is left as vice-
queen at San Domingo on the sailing of Don Diego
for Spain, v. 122; becomes a widow, v. 131
Torre, Doña Juana de la, receives a letter from Co-
lumbus with an account of his treatment, iii. 220
Torres, Antonio de, despatched from Hispaniola, with
twelve ships, to Spain, ii. 101; arrives at, ii. 304;
dismissed from office, ii. 358

Luis de, sent up the island of Cuba by Colum-
bus, i. 239; an account of his journey, i. 243
Tortoises, sea covered with, on the southern coast of
Cuba, ii. 202; curious method of taking, ii. 187; a

living one taken out of the maw of a shark, iii. 322
Tortugas, beautiful island of, discovery of, i. 268, v. 93
Toscanelli, Paulo, his correspondence with Columbus,
i. 58

Trade of the colonies monopolized by the crown of

Spain, iii. 245; the Spanish system the scoff of
modern times, ib.

Trasierra, Juan de, iii. 202

Triana, Rodrigo de, first sees the land of the western

world, i. 200; account of, i. 371

Tribute imposed upon the Haytiens, ii. 289

Trinidad, island of, discovered, ii. 377; description of
its appearance, ii. 385; curious account of the na-
tives, ii. 380

Tristan, Diego, iii. 346–349; is killed, iii. 349

Tubanamà, Cacique, his appeal to Nuñez, iv. 390; re-
fuses to disclose where the mines lie, ib.

Tudela, Benjamin, travels of, i. 65

Tumaco, Cacique, encounter with Nuñez, iv. 376
Turk's Island, observations relative to, v. 236


URABA, gulf of, settlement commenced in, iv. 226
Ursula, Santa, island of, discovered, ii. 59


VALDIVIA, fortunes of, v. 44; sent to Hispaniola for
provisions, iv. 333

Valenzuela, vessel of, founders at sea, iv. 294

Valfermosa, coast of, discovered, iv. 203

Vassals, natives of Hispaniola reduced to the condition
of, iii. 139

Vega, Garcilaso de la, his tale relative to a pilot
having died in the house of Columbus, v. 207

river, ii. 121; called by the natives Yaqui, ib.
Velasco, Francisco, iii. 202

Velasquez, Diego, commands the soldiery at the mas-
sacre of Xaragua, iv. 58

Venezuela, gulf of, discovered, iv. 166

Veragua, coast of, discovery of, iii. 306; warlike spirit
of the inhabitants, iii. 307; soil appears to be im-
pregnated with gold, iii. 331; Golden Castile, v. 117
Veraguas, Duke of, consents to have the remains of
Columbus removed to Cuba, v. 104

the heirship to Columbus decided in his favor,
v. 136

Verde, Cape, discovery of, i. 30

Vergara forages for supplies, iv. 204; a caravel de-
spatched in search of, ib.

Vespucci, Amerigo, first notice of his expedition, iii.
151; employed by Columbus at court, iv. 108; ac-
companies Ojeda, iv. 150; his description of the ab-
origines, ib.; his account of the inhabitants of
Curagoa, iv. 166; an account of, v. 177; a summary
view of his claim to the title of a discoverer, ib.;
the voyage whence his name was given to the
American continent, v. 179; Columbus' letter to his
son relative to the merit and misfortunes of, v. 181;
his letter to René, Duke of Lorraine, v. 183; ob-
servations relative to the points in controversy, ib.;
author's conclusion, that the voyage asserted to
have been made by Amerigo Vespucci never took
place, v. 196

Vessel, stern-post of a, found in one of the houses at
Guadaloupe, ii. 49

Viega La, or Old Woman's group, discovered, v. 93;
sibyl of, ib.

Villego, Alonzo de, appointed to carry Columbus to
Spain, iii. 213; character of, iii. 214; his colloquy
with Columbus previous to their sailing, ib.
Villains, natives of Hispaniola reduced to the coudi-
tion of, iii. 139

Vines introduced into Hayti, ii. 149

Vinland, a supposed discovery, v. 217

Vipers, rocks of, v. 44

Virgins, dances of the Indians in honor of, iv. 259;
anecdotes of Cueybàs, ib.

Virgins, the Eleven Thousand, islands of, discovered,

ii. 59

Vows made by Ojeda, iv. 256

made by Inciso, iv. 302

made in a storm by Columbus and his crew, i.
326; attempts at fulfilment, i. 333


WATERSPOUT, a remarkable, seen on the coast of
Veragua, iii. 321

Wax, cake of, presented to the sovereign by Colum-
bus, i. 256

Wheat introduced into Hayti, ii. 149

Wolves, sea, several killed on the coast of Hispaniola,

ii. 224
Woman, account of a very strong, of Guadaloupe, ii.
330; taken to Columbus' ship, ii. 332; falls in love
with Caonabo, and refuses to return on shore, ib.
Women, origin of, according to Haytiens, ii. 138
Writing, fear of the Indians of Cariari at seeing the
Spaniards write, v. 55

XAGUA, gulf of, ii. 192


Xaragua, domain of, an account of, ii. 243; descrip-
tion of its inhabitants, ii. 244; Roldan takes posses-
sion of, iii. 104; massacre at, iv. 52

Xerif al Edrizi, his description of the Atlantic, i. 5

Ximenes, Cardinal, v. 124; prohibits licenses to im-
port slaves from Africa to the colonies, v. 326

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ZAMACO, Cacique of Darien, iv. 302; lays in ambush,
attacks the Spaniards, iv. 323; stratagem of, iv. 338;
waylays the Spaniards, iv. 342; plot of, to destroy
Darien, iv. 343; is surprised by Nuñez, iv. 345

Zamudio, advocates Nuñez at court, iv. 396
Zemes, inferior deities of the Haytiens, ii. 133

Zeno, Nicolo, an account of his claim to the first dis-
covery of the American continent, v. 220

Zenu, mountains and rivers of, contain gold, iv. 296;
gold taken in nets, ib.

Zipanga (Japan), Marco Polo's account of, v. 290
Zones, the, observations relative to, v. 295

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