when assess of description. such tax roll, in which case a reference to the page of such tax roll where such entry and levy is made shall be entered opposite the description of all lands described in said roll the whole or any portion of which is embraced in such special assessment tax; and thereupon the amount so levied in such roll shall be collected and enforced as a tax with the other taxes in such roll, with the same interest and charges as upon other taxes therein, and shall be returned to the county treasurer and auditor general, if delinquent, in the same manner; and subsequent proceedings shall be had and sales made and deeds given therefor by the auditor general, the same as on sales for other delinquent taxes, with the same force and effect; and said taxes shall continue to be a lien upon the premises assessed until paid. If Proceedings such special assessment tax be levied against a portion only of ment made any description of land as listed on any such tax roll or against on portion lands embracing any description of land or portion thereof as so listed, it shall not be any objection that any such lands were doubly described in such tax roll, or in any subsequent proceedings based thereon; and in proceedings for the collection of such special assessment taxes or other taxes, or the sale of lands therefor, any such description of land and the taxes against the same may be consolidated or divided in the description and listing of the same for such purposes, as may be necessary or convenient. In case any special assessment or other In case of tax levied on the tax roll of said city has been or shall be erroneously returned to the Auditor General, or any such tax has been or shall be rejected by the Auditor General on account of any error in the return thereof to him by the county treasurer, such tax shall remain a lien on the premises assessed, and . the county treasurer, in any such case is and shall be authorized to make additional or supplemental and corrected return of such tax to the Auditor General, at any time; in which case the board of supervisors shall not cause the same to be reassessed; and the Auditor General shall proceed for the collection of such tax as in the case of other delinquent taxes duly returned to him by the county treasurer. errors, etc. fee. interest. SEC. 39. There shall be added to all special assessments and Collection collected therewith as a part thereof, one per cent thereof, as a collection fee; and all special assessments shall bear interest Rate of at the rate of six per cent per annum after thirty days from the date of the confirmation thereof; and collection of such assessments with interest, collection fees and costs, shall be enforced in such manner as the common council shall direct, or as may be provided by the charter or ordinances of the city. The cir cuit court for the county of Marquette shall have jurisdiction to hear, try and determine suits commenced therein for the foreclosure of the lien of any special assessments. No judgment Judgment or decree of any court, nor any act of the common council in lien. relation to any special assessment, shall destroy or impair the lien of the city upon any premises assessed for such amount of the assessment as may be equitably chargeable against the same, or as by a regular mode of proceeding might have been lawfully assessed thereon, together with the interest thereon. not to impair Compensa tion of offcers. Proviso. CHAPTER XIII. SECTION 1. The officers of said corporation shall be entitled to receive out of the city treasury the following sums in full payment of their services: The mayor shall not be entitled to any compensation; the controller, recorder, marshal, city attorney, street commissioner, health officer, harbor master, city engineer and other officers whose compensation is not herein otherwise provided for shall be entitled to receive respectively such sums as the common council may allow, and the marshal shall be entitled to receive the same fees for serving process in behalf of the corporation as constables are allowed for similar services; the treasurer, justices of the peace and constables shall be allowed the same fees as are by law allowd to corresponding officers, unless in this act otherwise provided; the aldermen shall receive for their services two dollars for each session of the common council which they shall attend, not exceeding fifty dollars each in any year; except when acting upon the board of registration and board of election, for which services they shall receive as follows: For services upon the board of registration three dollars per day; and for services upon the board of election, five dollars for each election. Supervisors and persons other than aldermen serving on either of said boards shall receive the same pay as herein provided for aldermen. Clerks of election shall receive five dollars for each election. Gatekeepers and other officers of election whose compensation is not herein otherwise provided for shall receive three dollars for each election: Provided, That for services in attendance on such committee meetings as the common council shall determine, aldermen may be allowed and paid not to exceed three dollars per meeting for not more than one meeting in each month. Certain rates CHAPTER XIV. SEC. 15. All charges for telephone rental or service, electo be uniform. tricity, gas, water, steam or other service or commodity employing wires, pipes or other structures located in the streets, alleys or public grounds of the city shall be reasonable and shall be uniform in price and rate of charge to all persons, and all such service shall be furnished upon the same conditions and in the same manner to all persons alike, and the common council is hereby empowered to employ such means and adopt such measures as may be necessary to enforce such uniformity of rates as shall be established by said common council. Repealing clause. All acts or parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 447.] AN ACT to amend section ten of title three of act number three hundred seventy-four of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Grand Rapids," by adding a new subdivision thereto to be known as subdivision fifty-ninth. The People of the State of Michigan enact: amended. SECTION 1. Section ten of title three of act number three Section hundred seventy-four of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety seven, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Grand Rapids," is hereby amended by adding thereto a new subdivision to be known as subdivision fifty-ninth, said section ten as amended to read as follows: have charge SEC. 10. The common council, in addition to the powers and Council to duties specially conferred upon it in this act, shall have the of finances. management and control of the finances, rights and interests, buildings and all property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and may make such orders and by-laws relating to the same as they shall deem proper and necessary; and further, it May pass cershall have power, within said city, to enact, make, continue, nances. establish. modify, amend and repeal such ordinances, by-laws and regulations as it deems desirable, within said city, for the following purposes: tain ordi public peace. First, To prevent vice and immorality, to preserve public Relative to peace and good order, and to prevent and quell riots, disturb etc. ances and disorderly assemblages; houses, gamb Second, To restrain and prevent disorderly and gaming Disorderly houses, to destroy all instruments and devices used for gaming, ing. ete and to prohibit all gaming and fraudulent devices and to regulate or restrain billiard tables and bowling alleys; Third, To restrain, license and regulate saloons or other Saloons. places where intoxicating or spirituous liquors, or malt, brewed or fermented liquors are sold, or to be sold, and to regulate and prescribe the location thereof; to forbid and prevent the vending or other disposition of any intoxicating liquors in violation of the laws of the State. No person shall engage in the business of selling intoxicating or spirituous liquors, or malt, brewed or fermented liquors as aforesaid, until he has first obtained a license therefor by a vote of two-thirds of all the aldermen elect of the common council: Provided, That no license shall Provi-o. be issued to any person for the sale of any such liquors as aforesaid, until he shall have first paid the State tax for the sale of the same; Fourth, To prohibit, restrain, or regulate all sports, exhibi- Exhibitions. tions of natural or artificial curiosities, caravans of animals, theatrical exhibitions, circuses, or other public performances, and other exhibitions for money; all kinds. Fifth. To abate or remove all nuisances of every kind, and Nuisances of to compel the abatement and removal of the same; to order and compel the owner or occupant of any grocery, tallow chand Encumbering ler's shop, butcher's stall or shop, soap factory, tannery, stable, privy, water closet, hog pen, sewer or other nauseous or unwholesome house or place to cleanse, remove or abate the same from time to time, as often as the common council may deem necessary. To direct the location of all slaughter houses, rendering places, markets and market places. To prohibit any person from bringing or depositing any dead carcass or any other unwholesome or nauseous substance within the corporate limits of the city; and if any person shall have on any premises, owned or occupied by him, within such limits, any such substances, or any putrid meat, fish, hides or skins of any kind. which are unwholesome, nauseous or offensive, to order and compel the removal thereof, and in case of neglect or refusal of the owner or occupant of such premises to remove or abate the same, to authorize the removal, abatement or destruction thereof by some proper officer of the city. All for the health, comfort, safety and convenience of said city; Sixth, To prevent the cumbering of streets, highways, crossof streets etc. walks, lanes, alleys, courts, public grounds or public places, bridges, aqueducts, wharves or slips in any manner whatever; Horses, hitching, driving, etc., of. Railroads. Salubrity of waters. Vagrants. Pounds. Seventh, To require any horse, or other animal, attached to any vehicle, or standing in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, highways, courts, or public places or public grounds of said city, to be securely fastened, watched or held, and to secure the proper driving of the same through such streets, lanes, alleys, courts. public grounds or public places; to prevent horse racing and immoderate riding or driving in any such streets, lanes, alleys, courts, public grounds or public places; to authorize the stopping and detaining of any person violating any of the provisions of this subdivision, and to provide for the punishment of any such person; Eighth, To determine and designate the route and grades of any railroad to be laid in said city; and to restrain and regulate the use of locomotives, engines and cars upon railroads within the city; and to compel the owners and managers of such railroads to station flag-men at street crossings, and to make such other rules and regulations concerning such railroads as to secure the safety of the citizens of said city; Ninth, To preserve the salubrity of the waters of Grand River, or other public waters or streams within the corporate limits of said city; to provide for the cleaning of said river of driftwood and other obstructions; to regulate or prohibit bathing in said river, or any such water or streams; and to fill up all low ground or lots covered, or partially covered with water, or to drain the same, as the common council may deem expedient; Tenth, To restrain drunkards, vagrants, mendicants and street beggars from soliciting alms, and to punish them for so doing; Eleventh, To establish and regulate one or more pounds, and to restrain and regulate the running at large of horses, cattle, swine and other animals, geese and poultry, and to authorize the impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred. and the cost of keeping and impounding; Twelfth, To regulate and prevent the running at large of Dogs. dogs, to prevent dog fights in the streets, and to provide for the destruction of dangerous and vicious dogs; to require the payment of a license by the owner or persons having possession of dogs, and to provide for the imposing of a fine upon such persons for refusing to pay such license; sidewalks. Thirteenth, To compel all persons to keep the sidewalks in Cleaning of front of premises owned or occupied by them clear from dirt, wood or obstructions, and to compel every owner or occupant of any house or building and every owner or agent of any lot in the city of Grand Rapids, to keep said sidewalks free and clear from snow or. ice and not to permit such snow or ice to remain thereon; Fourteenth, To regulate the ringing of bells, and the crying Auctions. of goods and other commodities for sale at auction or otherwise and to prevent disturbing noises in the streets; Fifteenth, To regulate and establish the line upon which Building lines. buildings may be erected upon any street, lane or alley in said city, and to prevent such buildings being erected nearer the street than such line, and to impose a fine upon any owner or builder violating this provision, not to exceed five hundred dollars; health. Sixteenth, To provide for the preservation of the general General health of the inhabitants of said city; to make regulations to secure the same; to prevent the introduction or spreading of contagious or infectious diseases; to prevent and suppress diseases generally; to establish a board of health and to prescribe and regulate its powers and duties, subject to the provisions of this act; to regulate the burial of the dead and to compel the return of births and deaths to be made to such board of health. and the return of all burial permits to said board; to provide for a complete record of all births, deaths and interments, to be kept in the office of said board of health; Seventeenth, To establish and regulate the market and market Markets. places of said city; to regulate the vending of hay, straw, fodder and other food of animals; to regulate the vending of meats, poultry, vegetables, fruits, fish, flour, meal, salt, milk, and all other food or food products, and all kinds of groceries and provisions, sold at wholesale or retail, in packages or otherwise. and to prescribe the time, manner and place for selling the same. To prohibit, prevent and suppress the sale of every kind of nauseous, unsound or unwholesome meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, fish, flour, meal, salt, milk and all other food or food products, and all kinds of provisions sold by wholesale or retail; to punish all persons who shall sell the same or offer or keep the same for sale. To compel all persons selling milk, or keeping the same for sale, in said city, to procure a license therefor. and to be properly registered. To direct and regulate Weights and the inspecting and weighing of all meat, poultry, vegetables, fruit, fish, flour, meal, salt, milk and all food or food products, and all kinds of groceries and provisions sold at wholesale or retail, in packages or otherwise. To direct and regulate the measures. |