ment of agriculture or manufactures, or for the maintaining inftitutions for pious and charitable purposes, shall be applied, for the period of twenty years after the Union, to such local purposes in Ireland, in such manner as the parliament of the united kingdom shall direct: that, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, all public revenue arifing to the united kingdom from the territorial dependencies thereof, and applied to general expenditure of the united kingdom, fhall be fo applied in the proportions of the refpective contributions of the two countries. Art. VIII. That it be the eighth article of the Union, that all laws in force at the time of the Union, and all the courts of civil and ecclefiaftical jurisdiction within the respective kingdoms, shall remain as now by law established within the fame, fubject only to fuch alterations and regulations from time to time as circumstances may appear to the parliament of the united kingdom to require; provided that all writs of error and appeals, depending at the time of the Union or hereafter to be brought, and which might now be finally decided by the House of Lords of either kingdom, fhall, from and after the Union, be finally decided by the Houfe of Lords of the united kingdom; and provided that, from and after the Union, there shall remain in Ireland an inftance court of admiralty, for the determination of caufes, civil and maritime only, and that the appeal from fentences of the faid court fhall be to his majesty's delegates his court of chancery in that part of the united kingdom called Ireland; and that all laws at present in force in either kingdom, which fhall be contrary to any of the provifions which may be enacted by any act for carrying these articles into effect, be from and after the Union repealed. And whereas the faid articles having, by addrefs of the refpective houfes of parliament in Great Britain and Ireland, been humbly laid before his majefty, his majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to approve the fame; and to recommend it to his two houfes of parliament in Great Britain and Ireland to confider of fuch measures as may be neceffary for giving effect to the faid articles in order, therefore, to give full effect and validity to the fame, be it enected by the king's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, that the faid foregoing recited articles, each and every one of them, according to the true import and tenor thereof, be ratified, confirmed, and approved, and be and they are hereby declared to be the articles of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, and the fame fhall be in force and have effect for ever, from the first day of January, which fhall be in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and one; provided that, before that period an act shall have been paffed by the parliament of Ireland, for carrying into effect in the like manner, the faid foregoing recited articles. II. And whereas an act, intituled, "An Act to regulate the "Mode by which the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the "Commons, to ferve in the Parliament of the United Kingdom on the Part of Ireland, shall be fummoned and returned to "the faid Parliament," has been paffed by the parliament of Ireland; the tenor whereof is as follows: an act to regulate the mode by which the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons, to ferve in the parliament of the united kingdom on the part of Ireland, fhall be fummoned and returned to the faid parliament. Whereas it is agreed by the fourth article of Union, that four lords fpiritual of Ireland, by rotation of feffions, and twenty-eight lords temporal of Ireland, elected for life by the peers of Ireland, fhall be the number to fit and vote on the part of Ireland in the House of Lords of the parliament of the united kingdom; and one hundred commoners (two for each county of Ireland, two for the city of Dublin, two for the city Cork, one for the College of the Holy Trinity of Dublin, and one for each of the thirty-one most confiderable cities, towns, and boroughs) be the number to fit and vote on the part of Ireland in the House of Commons of the parliament of the united kingdom; be it enacted by the king's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame, that the said four lords spiritual shall be taken from among the lords fpiritual of Ireland in the manner following; that is to say, that one of the four archbishops of Ireland, and three of the eighteen bishops of Ireland, fhall fit in the the House of Lords of the united parliament in each feffion thereof, the faid right of fitting being regulated as between the faid archbishops refpectively by a rotation among the archiepifcopal fees from feflion to feflion, and in like manner that of the bishops by a like rotation among the epifcopal fees: that the primate of all Ireland for the time being thall fit in the first feffion of the parliament of the united kingdom, the archbishop of Dublin for the time being in the fecond, the archbishop of Cafhel for the time being in the third, and the archbishop of Tuam for the time being in the fourth, and so by rotation of sessions for ever, fuch rotation to proceed regularly and without interruption from session to feflion, notwithstanding any diffolution or expiration of parliament: that three fuffragan bishops shall in like manner fit according to rotation of their fees, from feflion to feffion in the following order; the Lord Bishop of Meath, the Lord Bishop of Kildare, the Lord Bishop of Derry, in the first feffion of the parliament of the united kingdom; the Lord Bishop of Raphoe, the Lord Bishop Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe, the Lord Bishop of Dromore in the second session of the parliament of the united kingdom; the Lord Bishop of Elphin, the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor, the Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lifmore, in the third feflion of the parliament of the united Kingdom; the Lord Bishop of Leighlin and Ferns, the Lord Bishop of Cloyne, the Lord Bishop of Cork and Rofs, in the fourth feffion of the parliament of the united kingdom: the Lord Bishop of Killaloe and Kilfenora, the Lord Bishop of Kilmore, the Lord Bishop of Clogher, in the fifth feflion of the parliament of the united kingdom; the Lord Bishop of Offory, the Lord Bishop of Killala and Achonry, the Lord Bishop of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh, in the fixth feffion of the parliament of the united kingdom; the faid rotation to be nevertheless fubject to fuch variation thereform from time to time as is herein-after provided: that the faid twenty-eight lords temporal shall be chosen by all the temporal peers of Ireland in the manner herein-after provided; that each of the faid lords temporal fo chofen fhall be entitled to fit in the House of Lords of the parliament of the united kingdom during his life; and in cafe of his death, or forfeiture of any of the said lords temporal, the temporal peers of Ireland fhall, in the manner herein-after provided, choose another peer out of their own number to sup ply ply the place fo vacant. And be it enacted, that of the one hundred commoners to fit on the part of Ireland in the united parliament, fixty-four shall be chofen for the counties, and thirty-fix for the following cities and boroughs, viz. for each county of Ireland two; for the city of Dublin two; for the city of Cork two; for the College of the Holy Trinity of Dublin one; for the city of Waterford one; for the city of Limerick one; for the borough of Belfast one; for the county and town of Drogheda one; for the county and town of Carrickfergus one; for the borough of Newry one; for the city of Kilkenny one; for the city of Londonderry one; for the town of Galway one; for the borough of Clonmell one; for the town of Wexford one; for the town of Youghall one; for the town of Bandon Bridge one; for the borough of Armagh one; for the borough of Dundalk one; for the town of Kinfale one; for the borough of Lisburne one; for the borough of Sligo one; for the borough of Catherlough one; for the borough of Ennis one; for the borough of Dungarvan one; for the borough of Downpatrick one; for the borough of Colraine one; for the town of Mallow one; for the borough of Athlone one; for the town of New Rofs one; for the borough of Tralee one; for the eity of Cashel one; for the borough of Dungannon one; for the borough of Portarlington one; for the borough of Enniskillen one. And be it enacted, that in cafe of the fummoning of a new parliament, or if the feat of any of the faid commoners shall become vacant by death or otherwife, then the faid counties, cities, or boroughs, or any of them, as the cafe may be, fhall proceed to a new election; and that all the other towns, cities, corporations, or boroughs, other than the aforefaid, shall cease to elect representatives to ferve in parliament; and no meeting fhall at any time hereafter be fummoned, called, convened, or held, for the purpose of electing any perfon or persons to serve or act, or be confidered as representative or reprseentatives of any other place, town, city, corporation, or borough, other than the aforefaid, or as reprefentative or representatives of the freemen, freeholders, householders, or inhabitants thereof, either in the parliament of the united kingdom or elsewhere, (unless it fhall hereafter be otherwise provided by the parliament of the united kingdom) and every perfon fummoning, calling, or holding any any fuch meeting or affembly, or taking any part in fuch election or pretended election, fhall, being thereof duly convicted, incur and suffer the pains and penalties ordained and provided by the ftatute of provifion and præmunire, made in the fixteenth year of the reign of Richard the Second. For the due election of the perfons to be chofen to fit in the refpective houses of parliament of the united kingdom on the part of Ireland, be it enacted, that on the day following that on which the act for establishing the Union shall have received the royal affent, the primate of all Ireland, the Lord Bishop of Meath, the Lord Bishop of Kildare, and the lord bishop of Derry, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be the representatives of the lords fpiritual of Ireland in the parliament of the united kingdom, for the firft feffion thereof; and that the temporal peers of Ireland fhall affemble at twelve of the clock on the fame day as aforefaid, in the now accustomed place of meeting of the house of Lords of Ireland, and shall then and there proceed to elect twenty-eight lords temporal to reprefent the peerage of Ireland in the parliament of the united kingdom, in the following manner; that is to fay, the names of the peers fhall be called over according to their rank, by the clerk of the crown, or his deputy, who fhall then and there attend for that purpose; and each of the faid peers, who, previous to the said day, and in the present parliament shall have actually taken his feat in the Houfe of Lords of Ireland, and who shall there have taken the oaths, and figned the declaration, which are or fhall be by law required to be taken and figned by the lords of the parliament of Ireland before they can fit and vote in the parliament hereof, fhall, when his name is called, deliver, either by himself or by his proxy, (the name of fuch proxy having been previously entered in the books of the House of Lords of Ireland, according to the present forms and ufages thereof) to the clerk of the crown or his deputy (who shall then and there attend for that purpose), a lift of twenty-eight of the temporal peers of Ireland; and the clerk of the crown or his deputy fhall then and there publicly read the faid lifts, and fhall then and there caft up the faid lifts, and publicly declare the names of the twenty-eight lords who fhall be chofen by the majority of votes in the faid lifts, and fhall make a return of |