Imágenes de páginas

CHAPTER VII.-General progress and assimilation-Continued.
Table 91.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by
locality, by sex, and by race. (Study of employees)
Table 92.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak
English, by age at time of coming to the United States and race of indi-
vidual. (Study of households) .



Table 93.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by years in the United States and race of individual. (Study of households)

Table 94.--Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees)




Table 95.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).



CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

Table 96.-Number of establishments inspected and number and per cent of employees of each sex in the clothing industry in New York City, 1907, by department.....

Table 97.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)

CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:



Table 98.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees)... 370, 371 Table 99.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..

CHAPTER III.-Economic status:

Table 100.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees in each specified occupation before coming to the United States, by race. (Study of employees)

Table 101.-Per cent of foreign-born female employees in each specified occupation before coming to the United States, by race. (Study of employees)

Table 102.-Per cent of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)




376, 377

Table 103.-Per cent of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).....

Table 104.-Per cent of male employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)

Table 105.-Per cent of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..

Table 106.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees)..




... 379, 380

Table 107.-Comparative earnings per week of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees).............


Table 108.- Per cent of foreign-born female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees).


Table 109.-Comparative earnings per week of foreign-born female employees 18 years of age or over, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees)..


CHAPTER IV.-Working conditions:

Table 110.-Weekly hours of labor in the clothing industry in New York
City, 1907, by department...


Table 111.-Number and per cent of employees in shops employing each specified number, and average number of employees per shop, by department...


48296-VOL. 11-11-42

CHAPTER V.-Salient characteristics:



Table 112.-Per cent of employees who read and per cent who read and write, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).... Table 113.-Per cent of employees 20 years of age or over in each conjugal condition, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees). 390, 391 Table. 114.—Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race. (Study of employees). Table 115.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the United States and per cent who report wife abroad, by race of husband. (Study of employees)....

Table 116.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife abroad, by race of husband and by years husband has been in the United States. (Study of employees)..




394, 395

Table 117.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years
in the United States, and race. (Study of employees)..
Table 118.-Per cent of employees within each age group, by sex and gen-
eral nativity and race. (Study of employees)..

CHAPTER VI.-General progress and assimilation:

Table 119.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race. (Study of employees).. Table 120.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming to the United States, by years in the United States and race. (Study of employees).... Table 121.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex and race. (Study of employees)...

Table 122.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees).

Table 123.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees)..





401, 402 403


CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

Table 124.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)................ CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:


Table 125.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees)... 408, 409 Table 126.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...


CHAPTER III.-Economic status:

Table 127.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees in each specified occupation before coming to the United States, by race. (Study of employees). Table 128.-Per cent of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)

Table 129.—Per cent of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...

Table 130.-Per cent of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..

CHAPTER V. Salient characteristics:

Table 131.--Per cent of employees who read and per cent who read and
write, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).....
Table 132.---Per cent of employees 20 years of age or over in each conjugal
condition, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).
Table 133.-Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex, age
groups, and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).
Table 134.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the
United States and per cent who report wife abroad, by race of husband.
(Study of employees).









Chapter V-Salient characteristics-Continued.

Table 135.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).. Table 136.-Per cent of employees within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees). CHAPTER VI.-General progress and assimilation:



423, 424

Table 137.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race. (Study of employees)....... Table 138.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex and race. (Study of employees)...

Table 139.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees)

Table 140.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).






CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

429, 430

Table 141.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)................ CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:

Table 142.-Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees)..... Table 143.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)............. CHAPTER III.-Economic status:


433, 434

Table 144.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees in each specified occupation before coming to the United States, by race. (Study of employees)

Table 145.-Per cent of foreign-born female employees in each specified occupation before coming to the United States, by race. (Study of employees)

Table 146.-Per cent of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)




Table 147.-Per cent of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).


Table 148.-Per cent of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...


Table 149.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees)

Table 150.-Comparative earnings per week of foreign-born male employees 18 years of age or over, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees).....



Table 151.-Per cent of foreign-born female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees).


Table 152.-Comparative earnings per week of foreign-born female employees 18 years of age or over, by race and length of residence in the United States. (Study of employees)..


CHAPTER V.-Salient characteristics:

Table 153.-Per cent of employees who read and per cent who read and write,
by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).
Table 154.-Per cent of employees 20 years of age or over in each con-
jugal condition, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of em-


448, 449

Table 155.-Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).

450, 451

CHAPTER V.-Salient characteristics-Continued.

Table 156.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the United States and per cent who report wife abroad, by race of husband. (Study of employees).

Table 157.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife abroad, by race of husband and by years husband has been in the United States. (Study of employees).

Table 158.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees)... Table 159.-Per cent of employees within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees) CHAPTER VI.-General progress and assimilation:





455, 456

Table 160.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees
who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21
years of age or over at time of coming, by race. (Study of employees)...
Table 161.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees
who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming to the United States, by
years in the United States and race. (Study of employees)
Table 162.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by
sex and race. (Study of employees)..

Table 163.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex,
age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employ-

Table 164.-Per cent of foreign-born employees who speak English, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees)...








CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

Table 1.-Total number of households and persons studied, by general na-
tivity and race of head of household. (Study of households).
Table 2.-Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured,
by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house-




Table 3.-Total number of employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)........ 478, 479 CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:

Table 4.-Number of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees).. 479-481 Table 5.-Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. (Study of households).

CHAPTER III.-Economic status:


Table 6.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households).


Table 7.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)...


Table 8.-Occupation of foreign-born male employees before coming to the
United States, by race. (Study of employees)..




Table 9-Occupation of foreign-born female employees before coming to
the United States, by race. (Study of employees).
Table 10.-Number of males 16 years of age or over in each specified indus-
try, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).
Table 11.-Number of females 16 years of age or over in each specified in-
dustry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house-

Table 12.-Number of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each
specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of


487, 488

Table 13.-Number of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)

Table 14.-Number of male employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).

Table 15-Number of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...

Table 16. Number of male heads of families earning each specified amount per year, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).

Table 17.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)....... Table 18.-Amount of family income per year, by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)..







Table 19.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)...


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