Imágenes de páginas
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Mary Queen of Scots, married (second husband) Henry Darnley.

James I., married Anne of Denmark. 1603-1625.

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James II., married Anne Hyde, and afterwards Mary D'Este. 1685-1688.

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The COMMONWEALTH, from 1649-1660:-Oliver Cromwell, 1649-1658; Richard Cromwell, 1658, 1659; Period of Anarchy, 1659, 1660.

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Elizabeth, daughter of James I. (see Table VI.), mar. the Elector-Palatine.

Sophia, mar. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Elector of Hanover.
George I., 1714, mar. Sophia Dorothea of Zell.

Prince Albert Victor, born 1864.

George Frederick, born 1865.

Louise Victoria, born 1867.

Victoria Alexandra, born 1868.

Maude Charlotte, born 1869.


sion of, 212.
Ralph, 560, 566.
head of the govern-
he Crimean War, 648.
rel between England
glish army penetrates
52; the taking of Mag-
th of the king of, 662.
, 561.

ry. See Sidmouth, visc.
vasion of, by British,

e of, 166.

lad, accident to, 678.
quests and civil govern-
En, 9.
,peace of, 471.
ng of the, 653; escape
Mersey, pursued and
eral ship, 654; corre-
etween the American
governments concern-
ims decided at Geneva,

attles of, 176, 178.
his marriage with Queen
; his advancement of
32; Crystal Palace de-
; his death, 652.
of, 590.

mp. of Russia, 579, 596.
king of Scotland, 110.
, king of Scotland, 123.
ttle of, 566; expedition
razer against, 579.
at, life and reign, 29, 33.
rded by Lord Exmouth,
expedition against, 619.
and French, landing of,
ea, 645; victory of, in
Alma, 645; in battle of
46; taking of Sebastopol

[blocks in formation]

North and South, 652; cause of the
quarrel, 652; blockade of the South,
652; demands made on England to
make good the depredations of the
Alabama, 655.

Amiens, peace of, 568.
André, major, 513-517.
Angles, their conquest under Ida, 17.
Anglia, East, kingdom of, established,
Anglo-Saxons, their manners and cus-
toms, 51-62.

Angoulême, duc d', leads an army into
Spain, 601.

Anjou, duke of, his projected marriage
with Queen Elizabeth, 274-278.
Anne of Cleves, wife of Hen. VIII., 218.
Anne, queen, reign of, 428-442.
Anselm, archbishop, 73, 75.
Anson, commodore, 460.
Arc, Joan of, 170, 171.
Architecture, revolution in, in England,

Armada, Spanish, the, 284-286.
Army, Austrian, its inferior armament,
in the war with Prussia, 663.
Army, English, despatch of, to Malta,
644; landing of, at Gallipoli; its
imperfect equipment, 645; sickness
in; its encampment in Bulgaria, 645;
ravages of disease and cold in, 646,
647; its return to England, 648;
popular dissatisfaction at its adminis-
tration during the Crimean War, 648;
absence of, in India, at the breaking
out of the mutiny, 649; reinforce-
ments sent to India, 649; despatch of
troops by Lord Elgin from China to
India, 650; commanded by Sir Hope
Grant in Chinese War, 650; sent to
Abyssinia under General Sir Robert
Napier, 662; successful operations of,
in Abyssinia, 662; force of, in Abys
sinia, 662; thanked by Parliament,
662; improvements in the constitu
tion of the, 670; reforms introduced
in, by Mr. Cardwell, 679.
Army, French, disorganization and cor-
ruption of, 665; its defeat at all
points by Germans, 665; its sur-
render at Sedan to Germans, 665;
fresh levies raised, 666.
Army, Prussian, the construction of,

663; its superior armament, 663;
military genius of its commanders in
the war with Austria, 663; rapid

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mobilization of, 665; successful cam-
paign against the French, 665; re-
duction of Metz and Paris by, 665,
666; the remarkable training and
discipline of, 666.

Arnold, the American general, 513-517.
Arthur, king, his reign and death, 17.
Arthur, prince, nephew of K. John, 102.
Arthur, prince, son of Henry VII., 197.
Articles, Thirty-nine, obligation to sign,
by candidates for the University, re-
moved, 669.

Artillery, modern improvements in, 670.
Ashantees, war with the, 679.
Ashley. See Shaftesbury, earl of.
Assye, battle of, 585.
Athelstan, reign of, 34.

Atterbury, Francis, b. of Rochester, 451.
Auckland, Lord, his policy in the Afghan
war, 635.
Augustenburg, duke of, abjures his
succession to the ducal throne, 656;
the son of, claims the duchies of
Schleswig and Holstein, 656.
Augustine, the monk, conversion of the
Anglo-Saxons by, 22.
Augustus, his intended conquest of Bri-
tain, 7.

Austerlitz, battle of, 574.

Austria, war with Piedmont and France,
is defeated, and makes terms with
France; Treaty of Villafranca, 651;
follows the lead of Prussia in the in-
vasion of Denmark, 656; with Prus-
sia garrisons Holstein and Schleswig,
656; arms against Prussia, 657; feel-
ing of the smaller German States to-
wards, 663; ultimatum sent by Prus-
sia to, 663; construction of its army,
663; defeated by Prussia at Sadowa,
663; its capital threatened, 663, 664;
by treaty with Prussia is excluded
from all interference in German af-
fairs, 664; surrenders her last Italian
possession to France, 664; complains
of the violation of the treaty of 1856
by Russia, 667.

BABINGTON'S conspiracy, 279.
Bacon, Sir F., lord chancellor, 315, 319.
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, lord keeper, 254.
Badajoz, stormed by the British, 591.
Baird, Sir David, leads an army of
Sepoys into Egypt, 567.
Balaclava, attacked by Russians, 646.
Baliol, John, king of Scotland, 124, 126.
Balloons, use of, during the siege of
Paris, 666.

Bannockburn, battle of, 135.
Barcelona, siege of, 431.
Barebones' parliament, 373.
Barnet, battle of, 184.

Barons, their tyranny in the reign of Ste-

phen, 77; their rebellion and league
against John, 106; their discontent
in the reign of Henry III,, 113; their
disputes with Edward II., 137.
Bartholomew, St., massacre of, 275.
Basing, battle of, 28.

Bastille at Paris, its destruction, 527.

of the Alma, 646.
Bull's Run, 652.
Chillianwallah, 642.

between Germans and French, 665.
of Inkerman, 646.
Magenta, 651.
Moodkee, 641.
Sadowa, 663.
Sobraon, 642.
Solferino, 651.
Bautzen, battle of, 592.
Bazaine, Marshal, takes shelter, with
100,000 men, in Metz, 665; sur-
renders to Germans, 665; trial of;
found guilty and condemned to death,
675; sentence commuted; he escapes
from his prison, 676.

Beales, Mr., heads the London roughs

against the existing government, 658.
Beaton, cardinal, 220; assassinated, 236.
Beaufort, cardinal Henry, bishop of
Winchester, 169, 174.

Beauharnois, Eugene, viceroy of Italy
under Napoleon, 582.

Becket, Gilbert, father of Thomas, 81.
Becket, Thomas, chancellor and arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 82-87.
Bedford, John Plantagenet, duke of,
regent of France, 167-172.
Bedloe, accomplice of Titus Oates, 401.
Belgium, influence of French revolu-
tion of 1830 on; connexion of, with
Holland dissolved, 620; accession of
Leopold, 620; intrigue for its absorp
tion with France, 664.
Bellingham, John, 591.
Benedictine monks, their rise in Eng-
land, 36, 40.

Bengal, disorganization of the native
army of, 649.

Beresford, general, capture of Buenos
Ayres by, 577; defeats the French at
Albuera, 590.

Berlin decrees issued by Napoleon, 579;
measures of England, 581; Treaty
of, 692.

Bertha, queen, her Christian zeal, 22.
Betroun law, in Ireland, 312.
Bhurtpore, capture of, 609.
Birmingham, formation of a political
club in, 621.

Bishops, the seven, their remonstrance
to James II., 409; their trial and
acquittal, 410.

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