[No. 521.] AN ACT to provide for the creation of a board of county auditors for the county of Kent; to prescribe the powers and duties of its members, and to provide for their compensation. The People of the State of Michigan enact: point, etc. SECTION 1. There is hereby created a county board of audit- Who to apors for the county of Kent; the said board to consist of three members, to be appointed by the Governor, which persons so appointed shall assume the duties of their said offices on the first day of July, A. D. nineteen hundred three, and shall hold their offices until January first, A. D. nineteen hundred five, or until their successors are elected and have qualified. SEC. 2. At the general election held in said county in the When elected. year nineteen hundred four, there shall be elected three members of the county board of auditors, who shall hold their offices from and after the first day of January succeeding such election, for the periods of two, four and six years respectively, and the persons to be elected for each particular period shall be so designated upon the ballot. At every general election held thereafter, there shall be elected one member of the said board who shall hold office for six years. Whenever a vacancy Vacancy, shall occur on said board it shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, and said appointee shall hold said office until the next general election, or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. No person holding any other office or employed under the county of Kent, the city of Grand Rapids, or any of the townships of the county of Kent, and no person not being an elector of said county, shall be eligible to election or appointment as a member of said board of auditors. how filled. officers. SEC. 3. At the first meeting of the said board, after the Who to be passage of this act, the members shall proceed to elect a chairman from among the members of said board. After January first, A. D. nineteen hundred five, the member of said board whose term of office shall first expire, shall be chairman of said board. The clerk of the county of Kent or his deputy shall serve as clerk of said board of auditors without extra compensation therefor. Any two members of said board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. officers. SEC. 4. The chairman of said board shall preside at all Duties of meetings. The clerk of said board shall, in addition to all such duties as may devolve upon him, keep a complete record of all business transacted by the said board, and a minute of all proceedings of all meetings held, and shall have charge of all letters, papers and documents. The members of said board shall receive compensation at the rate of five dollars per day, for the time actually spent in the attendance at the sessions of the said board, and six cents per mile, one way, for each mile actually traveled from their place of residence to said place of meeting. When board to meet. Proviso. Treasurer not except on warrant of board. SEC. 5. Said board of county auditors shall meet for the transaction of business, in the office of the county clerk of Kent county, on the last Wednesday of each month, after their appointment or election, and shall remain in session not longer than that day and the two succeeding days, and from eight o'clock a. m. to twelve o'clock m., and from one o'clock p. m. to five o'clock p. m. of each of said days: Provided, That if said board shall be unable to dispose of all pending bills at their December meeting of each year, they may continue in session for the remainder of the week. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for the county treasurer of the to pay money said county of Kent to pay out any moneys except upon the warrant of the said board of county auditors, which shall be signed by the chairman of said board, and countersigned by its clerk; and no warrants shall be drawn or issued by said board except for the amount of a just claim against said county which shall have been duly allowed by said board, except in the case of jury and witness fees. Any violation of the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof. be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Powers of board. Purchase supplies. Court house. Examine accounts of officers. Clerks for SEC. 7. The said board shall have power, and it is hereby expressly authorized: First, To purchase any and all such supplies as may be necessary for legitimate purposes for use in the county offices, and all such necessary books, stationery, blanks, printed matter, etc., as shall be necessary for use therein; Second, To have immediate charge and control of the court house of the said county, and to provide for the maintaining of the same in an appropriate manner; Third, To examine the books and accounts of the county treasurer and other county officers. The said board may as often as it may be necessary, require the accounts and vouchers of the county treasurer to be presented for examination, and after the same shall have been examined and audited by said board, it shall not be required that such accounts be again audited by the county board of supervisors. Whenever any moneys are paid to the county treasurer by any officer or agent of said county, such officer or agent shall take a duplicate receipt thereof, which shall be filed in the office of said board, and said treasurer shall, at the end of each month, and at such other times as it may be required by the said board, report to the said board the moneys received by him from and after the time of making his last report; Fourth, To determine the number of clerks, assistants, and county offices. such other help as may be necessary in the several county offices, and to fix a reasonable compensation for the deputies, clerks and assistants employed therein, and in the circuit and probate courts: Provided, That the number of clerks to be employed and the amount of salaries to be paid shall not exceed the number and amount now employed and now paid; Proviso. Fifth, To require any county officer to make a report under Reports. oath on any subject or matter connected with the duties of any such office; officers. Sixth, To pass upon any and all official bonds in which the Bonds of county shall become interested, and may require any officer, deputy, assistant, or clerk to give bonds to the people of the State of Michigan in such sum as shall be reasonable and necessary for the faithful performance of their respective duties; interested in contracts. Seventh, To summon witnesses and take testimony in regard Claims. to the legality of any bill or claim pending before said board. SEC. 8. No member of said board of county auditors shall Not to be be directly or indirectly interested in any contract with Kent county which may involve the expenditure of any county moneys, or in the sale of supplies to said county, or in the performance of any services for said county other than his services as a member of said board. legal adviser. violation of SEC. 9. The prosecuting attorney of the county of Kent shall Who to be be the legal adviser of said board of county auditors, and shall on his own motion investigate the findings of said board, whenever, in his opinion, the public service will be benefited thereby, and shall institute criminal proceedings against the members of the said board, or any of them, for any misfeasance in office. SEC. 10. Any member of said board of county auditors, who Penalty for shall enter into collusion with any claimant or with any other act. person, or persons, to defraud said county, or shall wilfully violate any of the provisions of this act, or shall wilfully and grossly neglect the duties of his office, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and thereupon the office of such county auditor shall become vacant. SEC. 11. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with or in any Repealing wise contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. clause. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved June 9, 1903. [No. 522.] AN ACT to detach certain territory from the city of Owosso in Shiawassee county, and attach the same to the township of Owosso in Shiawassee county. The People of the State of Michigan enact: detached. SECTION 1. The following described piece of land in the city Territory of Owosso, in Shiawassee county, described as follows: All that part of the north half of the southeast fractional quarter of section fourteen, in township seven, north of range two east, Proviso. Repealing clause. When act to take effect. in the city of Owosso, county of Shiawassee, and State of Michigan, which lies west of the J. L. and S. railroad (now Saginaw division of the Michigan Central railroad) except the Ann Arbor railroad, and excepting any land west of Ann Arbor railroad right of way in the north half of the north half of said southeast fractional quarter. Also commencing at a point in the westerly boundary line of the right of way of the Michigan Central railroad company in section fourteen, township seven, north of range two east, where the northerly boundary line of the land owned by the Owosso Sugar Company intersects said westerly boundary line of the right of way of the said Michigan Central Railroad Company, thence westerly in said northerly line two hundred ninety feet, thence northerly twelve degrees west to a point in the westerly boundary line of said right of way of Michigan Central railroad company, thence southerly in said westerly boundary line to the point of beginning, about one and twenty-eight hundredths acres of land, a part of lot thirty-six, Oak Groove addition to Owosso, is hereby detached from and shall cease to be a part of the said city of Owosso, in the county of Shiawassee, and is hereby attached to the township of Owosso, in said county of Shiawassee: Provided, That the land herein described shall continue a part of Owosso union school district. SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts, so far as they contravene the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall not take effect until a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Owosso, voting thereon, shall vote in favor of said detachment. Approved June 10, 1903. [No. 523.] AN ACT to revise the charter of the city of Jackson. SECTION 1. That the municipal corporation known as the city of Jackson shall continue to be a municipal corporation and by that name may contract, and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, complain and defend in any court of competent jurisdiction, and may have a common seal and may alter the same at pleasure, and may take, hold, purchase, have, appropriate, lease, convey and dispose of any real and personal estate for the use of the corporation for corporate purposes, and shall have, exercise and enjoy such powers of a local, legislative and administrative character as are conferred by this act. SEC. 2. So much of the county of Jackson as is embraced Name, boundin the east half of section thirty-three, sections thirty-four and aries. thirty-five, the west half of section thirty-six, the southwest quarter of section twenty-five, the south half of sections twentysix and twenty-seven, and the southeast quarter of section twenty-eight. all in township two south of range one west, and in the west half of section one, sections two and three, the east half of section four, the northeast quarter of section nine, the north half of sections ten and eleven, and the northwest quarter of section twelve, all in township three south of range one west, is hereby declared to be a city by the name of the "City of Jackson," by which it shall be hereafter known. SEC. 3. Said city shall be divided into eight wards, the Wards. boundaries of which shall be as follows: First, The first ward shall embrace all that portion of the First. city bounded as follows: On the north by the northern boundary of the city extending from Lansing avenue to Grand river, on the east beginning at a point where the northern boundary of the city crosses the center of Grand river, thence south along Grand river to Ganson street, thence east along Ganson street to Mechanic street, thence south along Mechanic street to Main street, on the south by Main street, on the west by Blackstone street from Main street to Lansing avenue, thence north and northwest along Lansing avenue to the northern boundary of the city; Second, The second ward shall embrace all that portion of Second. the city bounded as follows: On the north by the city boundary and the lands of the Michigan Central railroad company, which lie on the southwest quarter of section thirty-three, on the east by the first ward, on the south by Main street and the continuation thereof, on the west by the city boundary; Third, The third ward shall embrace all that portion of the Third. city bounded as follows: On the north by Main street and the continuation thereof, on the east by First street and the continuation thereof to the city boundary, on the south by the city boundary, on the west by the city boundary; Fourth, The fourth ward shall embrace all that portion of Fourth. the city bounded as follows: On the north by Main street, on the east by Mechanic street, from Main street to Morrell street, thence east along Morrell street to Chittock avenue, thence south along Chittock avenue and the continuation thereof to the city boundary, on the south by the city boundary and on the west by the third ward; Fifth, The fifth ward shall embrace all that portion of the Fifth. city bounded as follows: On the north by Main street from Mechanic street to Mill street, thence southeast along Mill street to Liberty street, thence east along Liberty street to the center of Grand river, thence southeasterly along Grand river to the eastern boundary of the city, thence south along the said east boundary to south boundary of the city, thence |