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of Jeanne d'Arc, when public rejoicings were ordered, Te Deum was sung in the metropolitan


of Burgoyne and other princes, to declare the veritie of the matter, and the administration of justice, but to admonishe all rude and ignoraunt persons, in all other countries, to refraine from the credite and beliefe of the sayengs, of suche prophane prophecies, and craftie imaginers, as this pievishe painted Puzell Yet notwithstandyng this lawful processe, this due examination and publike sentence, John Buchet, and divers French wryters, affirme her to be a saint in heaven. But because it is no point of our fayth, no man is bound to beleve his judgement, although he were an achdeken. But Paulus Emilius, a famous wryter, rehersing that the citizens of Orleaunce, had buylded in the honor of her an image or an idole, sayth that Pius Byshop of Rome, and Anthony Byshop of Florence, much marvayled and greatly wondered at her actes and doings. With which saiyng, I can very well agree, that she was more to be marvayled at, as a false prophetisse, and seducer of the people, then to be honored or worshipped as a saint sent from God into the realme of Fraunce. For of this I am sure, that all auncient wryters, as well divine as prophane, allege these three thinges beside dyvers other, to apperteine to a good woman. First shamefastnesse, which the Romaine ladies so kept, that seldome or never they were seene openly talking with a man: which vertue at this day amongst the Turkes is highly esteemed. The second is pittie: which in a womans hart abhorreth the spylling of the bloud of a poore beast, or a siely birde. The thirde is womanly behaviour, advoyding the occasion of evill judgement and causes of slaunder. If these qualities be, of necessitie, incident to a good woman, where was her shamefastnesse, when she daylie and nightly was conversant with comen souldiours and men of warre, amongst whome is small honestie, lesse vertue,

church, and bonfires were kindled throughout the city.

and shamefastnesse least of all exercised or used? where was her womanly pittie, when she taking to her the heart of a cruell beast, slue man, woman and childe, where she might have the upper hande? where was her womanly behaviour, when she cladde her selfe in a man's clothing, and was conversaunt with every losell, geving an occasion to all men to judge, and speake evill of her and her doings? Then these things, being thus plainely true, all men must needes confesse, that the cause ceasing, the effect also ceaseth: so that if these morall vertues lacking, she was no good woman, then it must needes consequently folow, that she was no saint.”—Grafton's Chron. fol. 544.

"In this tyme and season that the kyng laye at Calais, many skirmishes were foughten betwene the Englishemenne, and the Frenchmenne prevailed by the helpe of a woman, whiche thei, as before is touched, named the maiden of God. So that lastly, she with her compaignie came to a towne called Compeyne, to the entent to remove the seyge laide thereunto by the duke of Burgoyue and other of the English capitaines. And thereupon the xxiii daye of Maye, she gave battaile unto the Englishmene and Burgonions and fought with theim long tyme. But in the ende, by the manliode of a Burgonion knight, named Sir John Luxemburghe, she was taken on live, and hir compaignie distressed, and she caryed to the citee of Roan, and there kept a season, for so much as she feined her with chylde. But when ye contrary of it was knowne, she was therefore judged and brente."-Fabian's Chronicle, fol. 380.

"And for that I before in the viii yeare of Henrye the VI, promysed in the vi yeare of thys Charles to shewe unto you somewhat of the mayden or Pucelle, whyche the Frenchmen named La Pucel de Dieu, and her for a messenger from God to be sente reputed, I shall here followe the saiyng of Gagwyn, whych

The joy of the enemies of La Pucelle was in proportion to the terror which her exploits had

sayth as followeth. In the vi yeare or thereaboute, to recken frome the deathe of thys Charles' father, a wench or mayden, bred in a strete or wyllage, called in Latyn Wallicolor, and in thys tyme beynge spronge to the age of xx yeares or thereaboute, havyng to father a poore man, named Jakes Delarch, and her mother Izabel, she also berynge the name of Jane or Johan, requyred by dyvers and sondrye tymes an uncle of heyrs, beynge perfect of the forsayde vyllage, that he wold presente her unto the Frenche kynge for thynges concernynge greatelye the weale of hym and of hys realme. Whyche sayde perfecte, after manye delaies, for so much as in her wordes he hadde lytle trust, yet at length her sayde uncle beynge named Roberte Baudryncourte, sent her wyth a convenyente companye unto the kynge wyth letters certifiynge bym of all ye maner of thys mayde. Whereof the sayde Charles beynge ascertayned, thought he wolde use some meane to knowe the vertue of thys wenche.

"And for he had perfecte experyence ye before tymes this woman had never sene hys person, he thoughte he wold chaunge hys come and habyte, to see whyther she, by her vertue, coulde knowe hym frome other; and that done, he standynge among other of his familiers as one of them, she was called into the chamber, and demanded yf ever before tyme she had sene the kyng. And after she had answered nay, she was bidden to espye out the king, whyche there stoode amonge that companye.

"The whych anone, wythout diffyculte hym fonde, and saluted as king. And albeit, that he refused her reverence, and sayde that she erred in her choyse, yet she persevered knelyng at hys feete, and sayde that by Godde's purvyaunce she was taughte that he was her very soveraygne prynce and none other. Wherefore the kyng and all hys lordes had her in more affyaunce, that

occasioned. Her name alone had caused the desertion of the soldiery to such an extent, that the

by her the lande shuld be releved, whyche at that daye was in passynge miserye.

"Than after dyvers questyons to her made, what was the cause of her commynge thether, she aunswered and sayde, that she was sente frome God, to stablyshe the kynge in hys realme, and that by her she beynge leder and captayne of hys people, by dyvyne grace onlye the kynge shulde shortly subdue hys enemies. By reason of whyche wordes, the kynge with hys lordes were some dele comforted.

"Upon thys, armoure and sworde was soughte for this mayden, which, as sayth my sayde autoure, was founden myraculouslye, whereof the processe to me apereth so darke and fantastycall, that therwith me lyst not to blot my boke, but suffer it to passe by. Than thys wenche beynge purveyed of all thynges necessarye to the warre, a companye of knyghtes and souldyours to her by the kynge was assygned. And so she rydyng as a man, and in man's habyte contynued by ye space of two yeres and more, and did many wonderfull feates, and gat from the Englyshe menne many stronge townes and holdes. Wherefore among the Frenchmen she was worshypped for an aungell, or a messenger sente frome God, to releve thyr great myserye. And as affyrmeth the sayde authoure, she by her provydence caused ye sayde Charles as king of Fraunce to be crowned at Raynes, in the year of our Lorde MIIIIC and XXIX.

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Albeit, nother the Frenche cronycle nor other whyche I have seene testyfyeth that, but affyrmen that he was not crowned duringe the lyfe of the duke of Bedforde. But Almyghtye God, whych for a season suffereth suche sorcery and devylysh wayes to prospere and reygne, to the correccyon of synners, lastelye, to shewe hys powre, and that good men shuld not fall into anye

regent duke of Gloucester found himself compelled to issue a proclamation against those captains

erroure, he sheweth the clearenesse of suche mysticall thynges, and so he dyd in thys. For lastlye, she by a knighte Burgonyon was taken, and after sent to Roan, and ther brent for her demerites, as in the viii yere of Henry VI is more at length shewed."- Fabian's Chronicle, fol. 428 & 429.

"At the verie same time that Campeigne was besieged (as before is said) sir John of Lutzenburgh, with eight other gentlemen, chanced to be neere unto the lodging of the said lord Bawdo, where they espied the Frenchmen, which began to cut downe tents, overthrow pavilions, and kill men in their beds: whereupon they with all speed assembled a great number of men, as well English as Burgognions, and couragiouslie set on the Frenchmen, and in the end beat them backe into the towne, so that they fled so fast that one letted another, as they would have entered. In the chase and pursute was the Pusell taken, with diverse other, besides those that were slaine, which were no small number. Diverse were hurt also on both parts. Among the Englishmen, sir John Montgomerie had his arme broken, and Sir John Steward was shot into the thigh with a quarell.

"[As before ye have heard somewhat of this damsel's strange beginning and proceedings, so sith the ending of all such miraclemongers dooth (for the most part) plainelie decipher the vertue and power that they worke, by hir shall ye be advertised what at last became of hir; cast your opinions as ye have cause. Of hir lovers (the Frenchmen) reported one, how in Campeigne thus besieged, Guillaume de Flavie the capteine having sold hir aforehand to the lord of Lutzenburgh, under colour of hasting hir with a band out of the towne towards their king, for him with speed to come and leavie the siege there; so gotten hir foorth he shut the gates after hir, when anon by the Burgognians set upon

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