Imágenes de páginas

ka-ksa', v. a. to cut off with an axe or by striking, wakaksa, yakaksa, uŋkaksapi. ka-ksa'-ksa, v. red. of kaksa;

to cut off often; to cut up, as wood for the fire,-wakaksaksa. ka-ksi'-za, n. a ravine, hollow, low place, gully, with or without water.

ka-kśa', v. u. to wind, as yarn; to fold up,-wakaksa, uŋkakśapi.

ka-ksa', adv. coiled up: kaksa wanka, it lies coiled up.

ka-ksa'-dan, adv. coiled up.

ka-ksa'-ksa, adv. red. of kaksa; coiled up, in coils, rolled round.

ka-ksan', v. ". to bend, bend up,—wakakśan, unkaksanpi.

ka-ksan'-ksan, adv. crookedly, in a zigzag manner: kakśanksaŋ inyaŋka, he runs crookedly. ka-ksi'-ksi-za, v. red. of kaksića.

ka-ksis', cont. of kaksiźa; kaksiś iyeya, to dou

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bling, tottering: kaktihanhan mani, to walk in a staggering manner.

ka-kti'-han-han-yan, adv. stumblingly. ka-kti'-han-yaŋ, v. ɑ. to cause to stumble along, -kaktihanwaya.

ka-ku', v. a. of aku; to start to bring home to one, wakaku, uŋkakupi, makaku. ka-ku'-ka, v. a. to pound to pieces, make rotten by pounding,—wakakuka, uŋkakukapi. ka-kun'-kun-ta, v. a. to cut in ridges,-wakakunkunta.

ka-kun'-ta, v. a. to cut a groove in,—wakakunta. ka-kun'-tkuŋ-ta, v. a. Same as kakunkunta. ka-ke'-ġa, v. a. to make a grating noise,-wakakega.

ka-kes', cont. of kakeza; kakes iyeya, to blow off and leave bare and hard, as when the wind blows the snow from the ground.

ka-ke'-za, v. n. to leave hard and bare, as the wind does the ground.

ka-ko'-ġa, v. a. to scrape, as a turnip,-wakakoga.

ka-koh', cont. of kakoga; tipsinna kakoh yutapi, scraping turnips they eat them.

ka-kos', cont. of kakoza; kaķos iyeya.

ka-ko'-za, v. a. to make hard, to leave hard and bare, as the wind does the ground; to beat hard, -wakakoza.

ka-mda', v. a. to make smooth by cutting; to

slice up, as meat for drying; to cut up, as bread, —wakamda, uŋkamdapi.

ka-mda'-pi, n. something cut up in slices or thin pieces, as meat for drying.

ka-mdas', cont. of kamdaza; kamdas iyeya. ka-mda'-ska, v. a. to flatten by beating,-waka

mdaska, unkamdaskapi. ka-mdas'-ki-ya, v. a. open,-kamdaswakiya.

to cause to rip or burst

ka-mdas', cont. of kamdaża; kamdaś inazin, to stand astride of any thing.

ka-mdas'-ya, v. u. to cause to straddle,—ka

mdaśwaya. ka-mda'-ya, v. a.

to make level or smooth by beating; to spread out, as a piece of cloth; to open or spread out, as the hand,-wakamdaya. ka-mda'-za, v. a. to make rip open or burst by striking or throwing down, as a bag of corn,—— wakamdaza.

ka-mda’-źa, v. a. to spread open, as the legs; to straddle,-wakamdaża.

ka-mde'-ća, v. a. to break by throwing down or striking, as glass, plates, etc.,-wakamdeća, yakamdeća, uŋkamdećapi.

ka-mde'-mde-ća, v. a. red. of kamdeća; to break to pieces,-wakamdemdeća. ka-mde'-mden, cont. of kamdemdeća. ka-mden', cont. of kamdeća; kamden iyeya, and kamden elpeya, to throw down and break to pieces.

ka-mden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to break,-kamdenwakiya.

ka-mden'-ya, v. a. to cause to break to pieces. ka-mdes', cont. of kamdeza. ka-mdes'-ya, v. a. to cause to be clear, cause to clear off, as the wind does fog. ka-mde'-za, v. n. to become clear, clear off, as a fog clears away: anpao kamdeza, when things are again visible, daylight, the dawn. ka-mde'-ze-śni, to be unable to see; said when there is a fog or darkness, and things are not visible: kamdeześni elpeya, to stun, knock senseless. ka-mdu', v. a. to pound fine; to stir up and granulate, as sugar, to make fine by stirring,wakamdu, unkamdupi. ka-mdu', v. n. to blossom, open out, as flowers; to decrease, as the moon after its full: kamdu iću, it is decreasing.

ka-mdu'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to make fine,kamduwakiva.

ka-mdu'-mdu, v. red. of kamdu.

ka-mdu'-pi, n. something fine, as powdered sugar. ka-mdu'-ya, v. a. to cause to make fine,-kamduwaya.

ka-mi'-ma, v. a. to make round, as a wheel, with an axe,―wakamima.

ka-mi'-ni-o-ġe-i-ye'-ya, v. to bring tears in one's eyes, as the wind does. See kaiśtaminioġeiyeya.

ka-mna', v. a. to collect, gather; to get, procure, obtain; to break out, as a piece from the edge of an axe; to rip, as a seam, come open,-wakamna, yakamna, uŋkamnanpi.

ka-mna'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to get or obtain,— kamnawakiya.

ka-mna'-yan, v. a. to cause to get or obtain,— kamfawaya, kamnaunyaŋpi.

ka-mni', v. a. to make level or clear away, as a place to put a tent; to break a piece out, as from the edge of an axe,—wakamni. ka-mni'-ki-ya, v. a. ka-mni'-mni, v. n.

to cause to clear away, etc. to hang loosely, dangle, swing, as a blanket on one's shoulders. ka-mni'-mni-na, n. ear-drops, such as are always dangling, made of a triangular shape. kan, adv. there, yonder, i. e. kakiya. kan, cont. of kata; kan iću, it becomes hot. ka'-na, pron. pl. these, those.

ka-na'-ke, adv. leaning, likely to fall; i. q. owotanna yanke śni.

ka-na'-ke-ća, adv. so many, so much, all these. ka-na'-ke-seh, adv.

so many.

ka-na'-ke-ya, adv. likely to fall: kanakeya

hiyaya, it has become leaning.

ka-na'-ki-ya, adv. all these, so many, in so many


ka-na'-na, adv. only these, only so many. ka-nmi'-nma, v. a. to roll, make roll, as a ball,

by striking, wakanminma. See kahmihma.. kan-ya', v. a. to warm or heat by the fire,-kanwaya kaniçiya, to warm oneself.

kan, n. a vein, artery; a sinew, tendon, i. q. takan ; the nerves; a cord, string. See ikan. kan, adj. aged,—makáŋ, nikán, uŋkáŋpi. kan-di', n. the buffalo-fish. kan-gi', the raven.

kan-ġi'-ka-ġa-pi, n. a half-dollar, so called from its emblem, the eagle, which the Dakotas thought

was a raven.

kan-han', adv. dangling, tattered, old. kan-han'-han, adv. dangling, tattered, ragged. kan-he'-ća, adj. ragged, tattered, as one's clothes, -makanheća.

kan-he'-ża, adj. poor, distressed, feeble, sick,— makanheża.

kan-he'-za-ka, adj. Same as kaŋheża. kaŋ-i'-ća-kpe, n. (kaŋ and kakpa) a lancet. kan-i'-ća-tpe, n. a vein-cutter, a lancet. kan-i'-ta, v. to die of old age,-kanimata. kan'-i-ya-pa, n. the pulse, the beating of the pulse. kan-ka'-kpa, v. a. kan wakakpa.

to cut a vein, bleed one,

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kan-pe'-ska, n. round white medals slightly curved, worn by the Indians on their necks; an excrescence growing on trees, fungus. See cankan peska. Kanpeska mde, Kanpaska lake, on the Coteau des Prairies, at the head of the Big Sioux river.

kan-su', n. plum-stones, i. q. kanta su. kan-su'-ku-te, v. a. to shoot plum-stones, to gamble; to play cards,-kansuwakute. kan-su'-ku-te-pi, n. shooting plum-stones, gambling; playing cards. Hence, miniħuha kaŋsukutepi, playing-cards.

kan'-ta, n. a plum, plums.

kan'-ta-hu and kaŋ-tu'-hu, n. plum-bushes. kan-ye', adv. inwards, towards the centre, towards a river or lake or fire from one; opposed to heyata.

kan-ye'-han, adv. See kayehan.

kan-ye'-ki-ya, adv. inwards, below. kan-ye'-tan-han, adv. on the inside of.

kan-ye'-wa-pa, adv. within, towards the centre. ka-o'-ći-kpa-ni, adv. unequal, of different sizes. ka-o'-ći-kpa-ni-yan, adv. unequally: kaoćikpaniyan kaġapi, they are made not alike. ka-o'-ći-pte-ća, adv. not equal. Not much


ka-o'-ći-pten, adv. unequal, one large and one small, diminishing or increasing in size. ka-o'-ći-pten-ya, adv. unequally. ka-o'-ći-pte-tu, adv. unequal in size, etc. ka-o'-ći-tpa-ni, adv. Same as kaoćikpani.

ka-o'-hda-pśin, adv. bottom side up, turned over : kaohdapsin elipeya, to turn bottom up. ka-o'-hda-psin-ýan, adv. turned over, bottom side up.

ka-o'-han-ko, v. a. of ohanko; to strike and

make work fast,-wakaohanko.

ka-o'-hmi, v. a. to whirl, throw obliquely,-wa

kaohmi. Same as kaoħmin.

ka-o'-ħmiŋ, v. a. to cause to move obliquely,— wakaohmin.

ka-o'-hmin-yan, adv. obliquely: kaohiminyan iyeya, to throw obliquely.

ka-o'-hpa, v. a. to break through by striking, break in, as one's skull; to cut a hole in, as in making a canoe,―wakaohpa.

ka-o'-hpe-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to knock a hole in,-kaohpewakiya.

ka-o'-hpe-ya, v. a. to cause to strike through. ka-o'-hpe-ya, adv. in the manner of striking through.

ka-oh'-ya, adv. leaning, sloping, twisting: kaolya ewahnaka, I placed it sloping.

ka-o'-ksa, v. a. to cut or pound a hole in, as into a corn-hole or in ice; to break through,—wakaoksa.

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ka-o'-mni-na, n. a calm place; in a calm place. ka-o'-nmi-nma, v. a. to roll, make roll,-wakaonminma.

ka-on'-ze-bo-sdan, adv. heels up: kaonzebosdan iyeya, and kaonzebosdan ekipeya, to knock the other end up.

ka-o'-sba, v. kaosba hinhpaya, to fall off, as from a bank into a river.

ka-o'-sma-ka, v. a. to make an indentation by striking, wakaosmaka: kaosmag iyeya. ka-o'-spa, v. a. to strike and bruise in,-wakao

spa: kaospa iyeya.

ka-o'-tan, v. a. to pound tight, wakaotan. ko-o'-tan-in, v. a. to make manifest or apparent, -wakaotanin.

ka-o'-tins, cont. of kaotinza; kaotins iyeya. ka-o'-ṭin-za, v. a. to drive or pound in tight, as a pin, wakaoţinza.

ka-o'-wo-tan-in, v. to clear off, become so that things can be seen at a distance.

ka-o'-wo-tan-na, v. a. to straighten, make straight by striking in any way,-wakaowotanna.

ka-o'-ze-ze, v. n. to swing, dangle. ka-o'-ze-ze-ya, adv. swinging, dangling: kaozezeya yanka, it is swinging.

ka-pa', v. a. to beat or thresh off, as corn; to pound up, as meat,-wakapa, unkapapi. See kapan.

ka-pa' and ka-pe, v. a. to pass by in running, as kapa inyanka, to run past one; to excel, surpass in any thing, as in height; to go beyond, to transgress,-kawapa, kaunpapi, kamayapa. ka-pa'-ko, v. n. to become crooked.

ka-pan', v. a. to beat or thresh off,-wakapan. See kapa.

ka-pan'-paŋ, v. a. to beat soft, make mellow,— wakapanpan.

ka-pe', v. a. of pe; to sharpen by pounding, to upset, as an old axe,―wakape. ka-pe'-mni, v. a. to make crooked or awry by


ka-pe'-mni-mni-yan, adv. dangling. ka-pe'-mni-yan, adv. crookedly; dangling, swinging, as scissors tied by a string. ka-pe'-sto, v. a. to make sharp-pointed with an are, wakapesto.

ka-pe'-ya, v. a. to go or pass beyond, do more; to cause to surpass,-kapewaya.

ka-pe'-ya, adv. beyond, further, greater than, surpassing: Atewaye ćin he mikapeya tanka, "My Father is greater than I," John xiv. 28. ka-p'in', v. n. to be indisposed or unwilling to do a thing; to be tired: mani kap'in, to be indisposed to walk; edon wakap'in, I am unwilling to do it; ie kap'in, he is tired of talking,—wakap'in, unkap'inpi.

ka-pins', cont. of kapinza.

ka-pins', cont. of kapinza. ka-pin'-za, v. a. to make squeak or squeal, as a squirrel, by striking,—wakapinza.

ka-pin'-ża, v. a. to clear away, as brush, grass, etc., wakapinza.

ka-po', v. n. to swell, as one's flesh,-makapo, nićapo.

ka-po'-ġan, v. n. to puff out, to swell and become tight, as a bladder that is blown.

ka-poh', cont. of kapogan; kapoh iyeya. ka-poh'-ya, v. a. to make swell out, as any thing filled with air,-kapohwaya.

ka-poh'-ya, adv. rising, swelling out. ka-pom', cont. of kapopa; kapom iyaya, to burst with a noise; kapom iyeya, to cause to burst. ka-po'-pa, v. a. to make a popping noise; to strike and make burst,-wakapopa.

ka-po'-ta, v. a. to pound to pieces, as a garment; to rend, tear in pieces, as wind does clothes,-wakapota.

ka-po'-tpo-ta, v. red. of kapota.

ka-psag', cont. of kapsaka; kapsag iyeya, and kapsag ehpeya, to break violently.

ka-psag'-ya, v. a. to cause to break,-kapsag


ka-psag'-ya, adv. broken, as a string.

ka-psa'-ka, v. a. to break, as a string, by striking; to break of itself,-wakapsaka, unkapsakapi. ka-psan'-psaŋ, v. n. forth.

to dangle, swing back and

ka-psa'-psa-ka, v. red. of kapsaka. ka-psi'-ća, v. a. to make jump by striking,-wa

kapsića, unkapsićapi.

ka-psin', cont. of kapsića; kapsin iyeya. Also used as a contraction of kapsinta. ka-psin'-psin-ta, v. a. to whip, correct by whipping, chastise, wakapsinpsinta. ka-psin'-ta, v. a. to whip, flog; to correct, as a child, by whipping,—wakapsinta, uŋkapsiŋtapi : kapsintapi se un, he appears as if he had been whipped.

ka-psi'-psi-ća, v. red. to make jump much by striking, wakapsipsića.

ka-psi'-psin, cont. of kapsipsića ;


iyeya, to throw out and make skip about, as in fishing.

ka-pson', v. a. to upset and spill, as a vessel of water; to overturn and fall out, as from a canoe, -wakapson.

ka-pson'-pson, v. red. of kapson. ka-pśun', v. a. to knock out, as a tooth; to dislocate, as a joint, by striking, wakapśun; to shed, as a deer his horns. Hence, the December moon is called Tahećapśun wi, Moon when the deer shed their horns.

ka-psun'-ka, v. a. to make round or knob-like, -wakapśunka.

ka-pśun'-pśun, v. red. of kapśun.

ka-pśun'-yan, v. a. to cause to knock out of place,-kapśunwaya.

ka-pta', v. a. to lade or bail out, as water from a boat, wakapta, yakapta, unkaptapi. ka-ptan'-ptaŋ, v. a. to turn over and over,wakaptanptan.

ka-ptan'-yan, v. a. to cause to fall over; to turn over, upset, as a canoe,-wakaptanyan, unkaptanyanpi.

ka-ptan'-yan, adv. turning over.

ka-ptan'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to fall over, to overturn,--kaptanyewaya.

ka-pta'-pta, v. n. to fall to pieces, as something


ka-ptu'-ptus, cont. of kaptuptuźa; kaptuptuś iyeya.

ka-ptu'-ptu-ża, v. red. of kaptuża ; to crack often by striking.

ka-ptus', cont. of kaptuźa; kaptuś iyeya. ka-ptus'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to make crack,kaptuśwakiya.

ka-ptu'-ża, v. a. to split or crack by striking, but not to split open,-wakaptuża, uŋkaptuźapi. ka-po', v. a. to strike and make a smell, whether good or bad; to stop or cease from, as in gambling, and distribute the articles staked,-wakapo. ka-poś'-po-źe-dan, adv. red. of kapoźedan. ka-po'-ża, adj. light, not heavy.

Ka-po'-ża, n. the name of the Little Crow's band of Dakota Indians; Kaposia, or Little Crow's village.

ka-po'-źe-dan, adj. dim. light, not heavy.
ka-sa' v. a. to bury in the snow, cover over with
snow, wakasa, unkasapi.

ka-sa', v. n. to whistle or moan, as the wind.
ka-sag', cont. of kasaka; kasag iyeya.
ka-sa'-ka, v. a. to switch, whip,-wakasaka.
ka-sak'-sa-ka, v. red. of kasaka;


to whip,

ka-sam'-ye-dan, adv. heavily kasamyedan hinhpaya, to fall heavily.

ka-san', v. a. to shave off, as the beard or hair;

to whiten by scraping,—wakasan.

ka-san'-san, v. red. of kasan; to scrape and

whiten, wakasansan.

ka-sba', v. a. to make lint; to curry,-wakasba, unkasbapi.

ka-sba'-sba, v. red. of kasba.

ka-sbu', v. a. to cut into small strips, cut into dangles,―wakasbu, uŋkasbupi. ka-sbu'-ki-ya, v. a.

to cause to cut into strips,

-kasbuwakiya. ka-sbu'-pi, n. dangles.

ka-sbu'-sbu, v. red. of kasbu; to cut into strings

and let hang,-wakasbusbu.

ka-sde'-ća, v. a. to split, as wood, with an axe,—

wakasdeća, unkasdećapi.

ka-sdem', cont, of kasdepa.

ka-sdem'-ya, adv. tapering, wedge-like. ka-sden', cont. of kasdeća; kasden iyeya. ka-sden'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to split,-kasdenwakiya.

ka-sden'-ya, v. a. to cause to split,-kasdenwaya. ka-sde'-pa, v. a. to make tapering, to make like a wedge, wakasdepa. ka-sde'-sde-ća, v. a. red. of kasdeća; to split up fine, as wood,-wakasdesdeća. ka-sde'-sden, cont. of kasdesdeća.

ka-sdi', v. a. to strike and force some out, as from a bladder full of grease; to sharpen, as a stick, with an axe,-wakasdi.

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ka-sdo'-han-haŋ, v. red. of kasdohan. ka-se'-pa, v. n. to wash off, as the rain does paint. ka-s'in', adv. appearing, in sight. ka-s'in'-s'in, alv. red. of kas'in; appearing now and then.

ka-s'in'-s'in-yan, alv. appearing at times, occasionally seen: kas'ins'inyan iyaya, he passes along in sight sometimes.

ka-s'in'-yan, adv. in sight, partly visible, projecting, as a cork in a bottle.

ka-ska', v. a. to bleach by striking or dragging, -wakaska.

ka-ska', v. a. to clear off, as clouds, smoke, or fog; to become clear. ka-ska'-han, n. dregs. ka-skam', cont. of kaskapa; kaskam iyeya, to strike off with the hand.

ka-ska'-pa, v. a. to strike, as with the hand, strike hands together: nape hdaskapa, he strikes his hands together.

ka-skem', cont. of kaskepa; kaskem iyeya. ka-skem'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to bail out, as water from a canoe,-kaskemwakiya. ka-skem'-ya, v. a. to cause to bail out. ka-ske'-pa, v. a. to paddle or bail out, as water from a canoe, wakaskepa.

ka-ski'-ća, v. a. to press, press down on; to embrace, wakaskića, unkaskićapi: taha kaskića, to press packs of furs.

ka-skin', cont. of kaskića; kaskin yuza, to clasp

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ka-sna'-sna, v. red. of kasna;

to make ring; to trim or cut off all the limbs from a tree and leave it bare, wakasnasna. See snasnana. ka-sni', v. a. to put out or extinguish fire by beating; to cool food by shaking it,-wakasni, unkasnipi.

ka-sni'-sni, v. red. of kasni.

ka-son', cont. of kasota; kason iyeya, to use all ир.

ka-so'-ta, v. a. to use up by striking; to kill off, as cattle; to cut all off, as trees, to make prairie of woodland; to use up,-wakasota, unkasotapi.

ka-so'-ta, v. n. to clear off, as the sky, be clear from clouds: kasota au, it is clearing off. ka-spa'-ya, v. a. of spaya; to wet, moisten,wakaspaya.

ka-spe'-ya, v. a. to make sink; to balance, weigh, -kaspewaya: kaspeya ehnaka, to place in a balance, to balance or weigh; to put so as to hold to its place, as something placed to hold a book


ka-spe'-ya, adv.

balancing, ready to sink; kaspeya yanka, it is in a balance. ka-stag', cont. of kastaka; kastag elipeya, to throw on and make stick, as mud. ka-sta'-ka, v. a. to throw on, as mud, to throw so as to make stick,-wakastaka. ka-stan'-ka, v. a. to moisten by pounding,-wakastanka.

ka-sto', v. a. to smooth down, to stroke, comb, as hair or grass, wakasto, unkastopi: kasto iyaya, to drag or trip along.

ka-sto'-sto, v. red. of kasto; to stroke, make smooth.

ka-sto'-ya, adv. smoothly.

kas, conj. if, although. See kaeś. ka-s'ag', cont. of kas'aka.

ka-s'ag'-ya, v. a. to cause to strike feebly,―ka


ka-s'a'-ka, v. a. to strike with too little force to

penetrate; to discourage,-wakaś'aka. ka-s'a'-ka, adj. overloaded.

ka-śda', v. a. to cut off, make bare, as, pa kaśda, to shave the head; to mow, as grass, make bare by mowing, wakaśda, uŋkaśdapi. See peźikaśda.

ka-śda'-śda, v. red. of kaśda. ka-sda'-ya, v. a. to cause to make bare,—kaśda


ka-sdog', cont. of kaśdoka; kaśdog iyeya. ka-śdo'-ka, v. a. to knock off or out, as the helve from an axe,-wakaśdoka, uŋkaśdokapi; to fall out, as an arrow that has been shot into an animal.

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