Imágenes de páginas
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wa-éin'-hnu-ni-ya, v. a. to cause one's mind to

wander, to bewilder,-waćinhnuniwaya. wa-ćin'-i-bo-sa-ka, v. n. to be out of heart about, to be discouraged,-waćinibowaśaka. wa-ćin'-i-yo-ki-pi, v. n. to be contented, satisfied with,-waćiniyowakipi. wa-ćin'-i-yo-ki-pi-ya, adv. contentedly. wa-ćin'-i-yo-ki-śi-ća, v. n. to be displeased with; to be sad on account of, to regret,—waćiniyowakiśića; waćiniyowićawakiśića, I am displeased with them.

wa-ćin'-i-yo-ki-sin-ya, adv. displeased with. wa-ćin'-ka, v. Same as waćin. wa-ćin'-ki-ći-yu-za-pi, v. recip. having regard for each other. See waćinkiyuza. wa-ćin'-ki-ya, v. pos. of waćinyan; to trust in, as in any thing laid up for one's own use; to trust to or have confidence in, as a friend, Jesus Christ our Saviour, etc.,-waćin wakiya. wa-ćin'-ki-yu-za, v. a. to think of, hold in the mind, either for good or ill,-waćin wakiyuza. wa-ćin'-ko, adj. easily made angry, ill-natured, passionate,-waćiņmako, waćinun kopi. wa-ćin'-ko-pi, n. passionateness. wa-ćin'-ko-ya, adv. passionately; crossly. wa-éin'-ksam, cont. of waćinksapa. wa-ćin'-ksam-ya, adv. wisely, discreetly. wa-ćin'-ksa-pa, adj. intelligent, wise,-waćinmaksapa, waćinunksapapi.

wa-ćin'-o-ze, n. of waćinyuza; thought, thinking.

wa-ćin'-pi-ya-hna-ka, v. to take another view of a thing, be of another mind. wa-ćin'-tan-ka, adj. patient, magnanimous, long-suffering, enduring long,-waćin matanka. wa-ćin'-ton, v. to have understanding, have a mind of one's own, be wise,―waćin watoŋ. wa-éin'-ton-hnag-ya, v. a. to comfort, usually by giving to the afflicted,-waćintonhnagwaya. wa-éin'-ton-hna-ke, n. a comforter. wa-ćin'-ton-śni, v. n. to be foolish,-waćiŋwatonśni.

wa-ćin'-yan, v. a. to trust in, depend upon; to believe in,-waćin waya, waćiŋunyaŋpi, waćiŋmayan, waćinćiya.

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wa-ćin'-za-ta, adj. forked mind, i. e. undecided, hesitating, waćiŋmażata.

wa-ći'-pi, n. dancing, the dance.

wa-ćo'-ka, n. low land lying near a river or lake without timber.

wa-ćo'-kon, v. of ćokon; to desire to take life, -waćowakon, waćomakonpi.

wa-ćo'-kon-pi, n. a desire of taking life. wa-ćo'-ni-ća, n. of ćonića; dried meat, espe

cially dried buffalo or deer meat; venison. wa-co'-ni-sa-ka, n. hard dried meat. wa-ću'-tu-hu, n. the ribs or knees of a boat; the ribs of a bear.

wa-da', v. of da; to ask, beg,-wawada: also 1st pers. sing. of da.

wa-da'-da, v. red. of wada.

wa-da'-da-ka, n. a beggar.

wa-da'-ko-ta-śni, adj. not caring for relations, without natural affection,―wadamakotaśni. wa-di'-ta, adj. brave,-wamadita. See wadi

taka. wa-di'-ta-ka, adj. brave, courageous,-wamaditaka and wadimataka, wadinitaka, wadiuntakapi.

wad-i-yo'-pe-ya, v. a. to accuse one of doing what another has done,-wadiyopewaya. wa-dun'-ya, v. of dunya; to dye red or scarlet, ---wadunwaya.

wa-dun'-ye, n. a dyer of scarlet.

wa-du'-ta, n. a red root used for dyeing scarlet. wa-e'-kta-śni, adv. waektaśni iću, to take the wrong one; to accuse falsely.

wa-e'-kta-śni-yan, adv. improperly, falsely. wa'-ġa, n. the cotton-wood: waga ćan, the cottonwood tree, the Populus canadensis. wa-ġi'-yo-ġi, n. There are two birds bearing this name, one of which is probably a species of thrush; both are so called from their song. wa-ġmu', n. (Ihank.) See wamnu. wa'-gon, n. rush mats; Chippewa tents. wa-ġu'-ġe-ća, n. round heavy snow. wa-ġu'-ġu-ya, v. a. to cause to burn, to scorch,—

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wa-hang'-ya, v. a. to destroy, wahangwaya, wahangunyanpi.

wa-hang'-ye-ća, n. one who destroys every thing.

wa-han'-pi, n. of happi; broth, soup of any kind.

wa-hda'-ta, v. of hdata; to steal up to, as to game, wawahdata: also the 1st pers. sing. of hdata.

wa-hda'-ta-pi, n. stealing or crawling up to, as to game.

wa-hde'-ća, v. to be in sympathy with, as the Dakotas say a mother is with her absent children, when they think about her. The Indians assert that mothers feel peculiar pains in their breasts when any thing of importance happens to their absent children, or when about to hear from them. This feeling is regarded as an omen,wawahdeća, waunhdećapi. See wakihdeća. wa-hde'-ća-pi, n. the sympathy that is said to exist between a mother and her absent children, producing peculiar sensations in the breast. wa-hdi', v. 1st pers. sing. of hdi. wa'-hdi, v. of ahdi; to bring home,-wáwahdi, wáunhdipi.

wa'-hdi-a-s'a-pi, n. the shout that is made by the children when meat, etc., is brought into the camp.

wa-hdu'-ha, v. of hduha; to have one's own, to keep,-wawahduha: also the 1st pers. sing. of hduha.

wa-hdu'-ha-ha-kte-ća, adj. parsimonious,wawahduhahakteća.

wa-hdu'-ha-ha-kte-će-ćin, n. one who is par

simonious: wahduhahapiktećećin, parsimony. wa-hdu'-we, v. of hduwe; wahduwe ya, to go to bring one's own, without specifying what. wa-he'-ha-ka, n. the hehaka and unktehi are sometimes so called.

wa-he'-ki-ḍun, v. pos. to pack up or tie one's own,-wahewegun.

wa-he'-ktam, cont. of wahektapa; at the stern. wa-he'-kta-pa, v. to pilot or steer a boat of any kind,—wehektawapa.

wa-he'-kta-pa, n. a pilot, helmsman. wa-he'-kta-pa-tan-haŋ, n. the stern of a boat,

at the stern.

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wa-hi'-hbu, v. 1st pers. sing. of hiyu. Same as wahibu.

wa-hi'-na-wa-pa, v. 1st pers. sing. of hinapa; double pronoun. wa-hin', n.

hairs: wahinhdapi, the hair that is sometimes attached to a pipe-stem.

wa-hin'-ske, n. the long-grained or southern corn; so called because the grains resemble the canine teeth of animals; i. q. hinske. wa-hin'-tka, n. an instrument used in scraping hides.

wa-hin'-yan-za, adj. morose,-wamahinyanza. wa-hin'-ya-zi-će, n. down, fur, such as is used by the Dakotas in their sacred ceremonies. wa-hin'-yun-toŋ, v. See wainyunton. wa-hi'-śna-he-ća, n. soft new snow. wa-hi'-ti-hda, v. of hitihda; to be fastidious, to loathe; a fastidious person,-wahitiwahda. wa-hi'-yu, v. of hiyu; to start to come,—wahihbu.

wa-hmu', n. (Ihank.) Same as wamnu. wa-hmung', cont. of wahmunka: wahmung mda, I am going trapping.

wa-hmun'-ka, v. of hmunka; to trap, hunt with traps,-wawahmunka: also 1st pers. sing. of hmunka.

wa-hmun'-ka-pi, n. trapping. wa'-hnag, cont. of wáhnaka. wa'-hnag-ton, n. something put with another thing wahnag éodan, one thing alone; wahnag ton ku, to give, as a blanket, with a gun. wa'-hna-ka, v. of ahnaka; to place on, put on, as poultices on sores, etc.,-wawahnaka. wákićihnaka.


wa-hna'-ka, v. 1st pers. sing. of hnaka. wa'-hna-wo-śna-pi, n. an altar for sacrifice. wa'-hna-wo-ta-pi, n. (ahna and wotapi) something to eat from, a table.

wa-hna'-yaŋ, v. of hnayan; to deceive,-wawahnayan also 1st pers. sing. of hnayan. wa-hni'-hda, v. of hnihda; to travel: wahnihda waun, I am travelling.

wa-hni'-hde-ća, n. one who is always travelling.

wa-hnun'-ka, n. the red-headed woodpecker. wa-ho'-ćo-ka, n. an area surrounded by tents. Probably not used by the Indians generally. See hoćoka.

wa-ho'-hpi, n. nests. See holipi.

wa-ho'-ki-ya, v. a. to send word to,-wahowa kiya, wahounkiyapi. See wahoya. wa-ho'-kon-ki-ya, v. a. to instruct, counsel, advise one, wahokon wakiya, wahokoŋunkiyapi. wa-ho'-kon-ki-ya-pi, n. instruction, counsel, advice; counselled.

wa-ho'-si, v. of hośi;

to carry word; always used with another verb, as, wahosi i, wahośi hi, wahośi ya, etc.; to bring or carry news. wa-ho'-si-wa-kan, n. a formation used by some for angel, messenger.

wa-ho'-ya, v. a. to send for one, to send word to one, to promise something to one,-wahowaya. wa-ho'-ya-pi, n. sending word to. wa-hu'-a-ta-ya, v. See wahuwataya. wa-hu'-ke-za, n. a spear, such as is used in spearing muskrats; a war-spear. wa-hu'-non-pa, n. a biped; an appellation of man, not much used.

wa-hu'-to-pa, n. quadrupeds, but used only for the dog and wolf, in the sacred dialect. wa-hu'-wa-pa, n. corn, an ear of corn; sometimes corn in bags.

wa-hu'-wa-ta-ya, v. n. to find oneself all at once unable to proceed, to be unable to escape from fright, or some other cause,-wahuwatawaya. wa-hu'-wa-ta-ye-ya, v. a. to frighten, or in some way make unable to escape,-wahuwatayewaya.

wa-ha', v. of ha; to bury,-wawaha, waunhapi: also 1st pers. sing. of ha.

wa-ham'-ya, v. of hamya; to frighten or scare away,-wahamwaya.

wa-han'-da, v. a. to esteem, think highly of one, -wahanwada.

wa-han'-han-i-gi-da, v. reflex. to be self-sufficient, self-important,-wahan hanmiçida. wa-han'-i-gi-da, v. reflex. of wahanda; to think highly of oneself, be proud,-wahanmicida. wa-han'-i-gi-da-pi, n. pride.

wa-han'-i-te-ya, v. a. to tire one out,—wahanitewaya.

wa-han'-ka, v. to do difficult things well,-wawahanka.

wa-han'-ksi-ća, n. the black bear, the Ursus


wa-han'-ksi-ća-ta-ha-za, n. a kind of berry growing on small bushes resembling the whortleberry.

wa-ha'-pi, n. burying; something buried. wa'-hba, adj. mild, gentle.

wa'-hba-dan, adj. gentle,-mawahbadan, niwahbadan, unwahbapidan.

wa'-hba-ka, adj. mild, gentle,-mawahbaka : wićaśta wahbaka, a gentleman; wiwaħbaka, a lady.

wa'-hba-ya, adv. mildly, gently.

wa-hba'-ya, v. of hbaya; to make sleepy,-wahbawaya.

wa'-hba-ye-daŋ, adv. mildly, gently: wahbayedan waun, I conduct mildly.

wa-hća', n. the generic name for flowers: wahća kamdu and wahća namdu, to unfold or


wa-hća'-zi-zi, n. yellow flowers, the sunflower. wah-ćin'-ća, n. the aspen or small cotton-wood, the Populus canadensis.

wa-het'-a-źu, v. a. to discharge freight, unload, as a vessel,—waħetaważu. wa-het'-a-zu-pi, n. unloading. wa-he'-ya-ta-i-ye-ya, v. to push back; one who pushes others back. wa-hna'-hna, n.

the coffee-nut.

wa-hna'-hna-hu, n. the coffee-nut tree. wa-hna'-wa-he-ća, adj. lean, poor; ill-looking, but much better than it looks: wahnawaheća tuka waste, it is good although it looks badly. wa-hpa'-ni, adj. poor, destitute. wa-hpa'-ni-ća, adj. poor, destitute, having no wahpaya, mawahpanića, unwahpanićapi. wa-hpa'-ni-da, v. a. to consider poor; to feel

compassion for, have mercy on,-wahpaniwada. wa-hpa'-ni-ya, v. a. to make poor, cause to be poor,-wahpaniwaya, wahpanimayan. wa-hpa'-ni-yan, adv. poorly, in a destitute way. wa-hpa'-ya, n. any thing one has of movable

goods, baggage. wa-hpa'-ye-ća, n. baggage. wa-hpe', n. a leaf, leaves.

Wa-hpe'-ku-te, n. the Leaf-shooters; a band of the Dakotas who live chiefly on the head waters of the Blue Earth and Cannon rivers.

wa-hpe'-mda-ska-ska, n. winter greens. wa-hpe'-pe-zi-hu-ta, n. leaf-medicine, i. e. tea. wa-hpe'-tan-ka, n. large-leaf, i. e. cabbage. Wa-hpe'-ton-waŋ, n. a band of the Dakotas, who reside chiefly at the Little Rapids, at Lacqui-parle, and at the lower extremity of Big Stone Lake.

wa-hpo'-pa, n. the large species of willow. wa'-hta-ni, v. of aħtani; to transgress a usage or custom, to omit a ceremony; to do wickedly; to sin,-wáwahtani, wayahtani, wáuŋhtanipi. wa'-hta-ni-ya, v. a. to cause to transgress or sin,-wahtaniwaya.

wa-hte', adj. good. See wahteśni. wa-hte'-da, v. to esteem good; used only in the negative.

wa-hte'-da-ka, v. a. to dislike, i. q. wahtedaśni. wa-hte'-da-śni, v. a. to dislike, abominate,

wahtewadaśni, wahteun dapiśni, wahtecidaśni. wa-hte'-ka, adj. bad, i. q. wahteśni. wa-hte'-śni, adj. bad, worthless, wicked,—mawaliteśni.

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wa-i'-ća-ġa, v. of ićaġa; to grow, produce. wa-i'-ćah-ya, v. a. to cause to produce, to create, —waićahwaya.

wa-i'-cah-ya-pi, n. that which is created. Wa-i'-ćah-ye, n. the Creator.

wa-i'-ći-a, v. of aia; to slander.

wa-i'-ći-a-pi, n. slander.

wa-i'-ći-e-s'a, n. a tattler, a slanderer.

wa-i'-ći-ha-ha, n. a jester, an insolent fellow.

wa-i'-ći-ha-ha-pi, n. insolence.

wa-i'-ći-wan-ġa-pi, n.


mutual inquiry. See

wa-i'-ći-ya, v. of ićiya; to assist, take one's part;

an advocate. See wawićiya.

wa-i'-ću, v. of iću; to take,-waiwaću. wa-i'-éu-ću-ka, n. a pilferer. wa-i'-ću-ću-kte-ća, v. to desire to take, to covet; one who covets. wa-i'-ću-ću-pi-kte-će-ćin, n. wa-i'-çi-hdu-śna, v. reflex. of wayuśna; sacrifice oneself,-wamiçihduśna. See waihduśna.


wa'-i-di-hta-ni, v. reflex. of waħtani; to sin against oneself,-wamigihtani.

wa-i'-en-hde, n. one who casts up to another;

an accuser.

wa-i'-en-hi-ye-ya, v. to cast up to,-waien hi


wa-i'-hdu-śna, v. reflex. of wayuśna; to sacrifice oneself,-wamihduśna.

wa-i'-hdu-stan, v. reflex. of yuśtan; to finish what pertains to oneself,-wamihduśtan. wa-i'-hdu-staŋ-ke, n. one who has finished what pertains to himself.

wa-i'-hpe-ya, v. of aihpeya; to throw on, place on, impute to; to leave to, when one dies, as property; to give to others,-waihpewaya. wa-i'-hpe-ya-pi, n. leaving to, bequeathing; an


wa-i'-hpe-ye, n. a testator.

wa-in'-yun-ton, v. of inyunton; to rub brains, grease, etc., on hides to prepare them for dressing. wa-i'-pi-da, n. of ipida; one who forbids or refuses to part with what he has. See wawipida. wa-i'-ste-ća, adj. bashful. See wiśteća. wa-i'-sten-ya, v. a. to put to shame,-waisten


wa-i'-ya-pe, v. of iyape; to lie in wait. See


wa-i'-ya-pe-pi, n. an ambush.

wa-i'-ya-ta-hde, v. to have exceeding much,waiyamatahde. See wiyatahde.

wa-i'-ya-ta-hde-ya, v. to exceed, go beyond; to be intemperate,-waiyatahdewaya. See wiyatahdeya.

wa-i'-ye-ki-ya, v. of iyekiya; to recognise,waiyewakiya.

wa-i'-ye-ya, v. of iyeya; to find,-waiyewaya. wa-i'-ye-ye-ća, n. one who finds much. wa-ka'-dan, n. the roach, sun-fish. wa-ka'-dan-hi-yu-za-pi, n. a kind of fish, perhaps the perch. So called because the teeth and some of the small bones of the head are put in gourd shells, which are used as rattles in their powwowing, and in making their sacred feasts and dances.

wa-ka'-du-ġa, v. of kaduġa; to fan; fanning, blowing, wawakaduga: also 1st pers. sing. of kaduga.

wa-ka'-ġa, v. of kaga; to make,—wawakaġa : also 1st pers. sing. of kaġa. wa-ka'-ga-pi, n. an image, picture, something made.

wa-ka'-ġe-ġe, v. of kaġeġe; to sew, wawakaġeġe, waunkaġeġepi: also 1st pers. sing. of kageģe.

wa-ka'-ġi, v. of kagi; to hinder or prevent by one's presence, as to keep one from speaking, or from doing something; to be feared,-wawakagi, wamakagi: also 1st pers. sing. of kagi. wa-ka'-ġi, n. one who restrains by his presence. wa-ka'-gi-ya, v. a. to hinder, obstruct, keep others from going fast,-wakaġiwaya. wa-ka'-gi-ya, adv. slowly, preventing, detaining. wa-ka'-ha-i-ye-ya, v. to put out of the way; one who pushes things out of the way. wa-ka'-hi, v. of kahi; to rummage,—wawakahi : also 1st pers. sing. of kahi.

wa-ka'-hi-ka, n. one who rummages. wa-ka'-hin-ta, v. of kahinta; to sweep,-wawakahinta: also 1st pers. sing. of kahiŋta. wa-ka'-hmi-hma, v. of kahmihma; to roll,— wawakahmihma: also 1st pers. sing. of kahmihma.

wa-ka'-hmi-yan-yan, v. of kahmiyanyan; to make round,-wawakahmiyanyan also 1st pers. sing. of kahmiyanyan.

wa-ka'-hmon, v. See wakahmuŋ.

wa-ka'-hmun, v. of kahmun; to spin, twist,wawakahmun: also 1st pers. sing. of kahmuŋ. wa-ka'-hmun-pi, n. spinning.

wa-ka'-ho-ho, v. of kahoho; to shake, make loose,-wawakahoho: also 1st pers. sing. of ka


wa-ka'-ho-mni, v. of kahomni; to make turn round,-wawakahomni: also 1st pers. sing. of


wa-ka'-hu-hu-za, v. of kahuhuza; to shake by striking, wawakahuhuza: also 1st pers. sing. of kahuhuza.

wa-ka'-ha-pa, v. of kahapa; to drive along,wawakahapa: also 1st pers. sing. of kahapa. wa-ka'-hda, v. of kalida; to rattle; to rummage,—wawakahida: also 1st pers. sing. of


wa-ka'-ħda-ka, n. one who pilfers much. wa-ka'-hde-ća, v. of kahdeća; to break open, to fracture, wawakahdeća: also 1st pers. sing. of kaldeća.

wa-ka'-hdi-ya, v. of kahdiya; to make mire,wakahidiwaya.

wa-ka'-hdo-ka, v. of kahdoka; to make a hole in, wawakalidoka: also 1st pers. sing. of kahdoka.

wa-ka'-he-pa, v. of kahepa; to bale out,-wawakahepa also 1st pers. sing. of kahepa. wa-ka'-hi-ća, v. of kahića; to waken up by striking, wawakahića: also, 1st pers. sing. of kahića.

wa-ka'-hni-ġa, v. of kaħniga; to choose,-wawakaħniga: also 1st pers. sing. of kalniġa. wa-ka'-hpa, v. of kahpa; to throw down,-wawakahipa also 1st pers. sing. of kalipa. wa'-ka-hpa, v. of akalipa; to cover,-wáwakalpa.

wa-ka'-hpu, v. of kahpu; to tear down,-wa

wakahpu: also 1st pers. sing. of kaħpu. wa-ka'-hta-ka, v. n. to be easily hurt, touchy, nervous,--wamakahtaka.

wa-ka'-hta-ke-ća, n. one who is made sick by a little matter, one who is nervous,—wamakalitakeća.

wa-ka'-ktan, v. n. of kahtan; to absorb. wa-ka'-htan-ka, adj. absorbent, absorbing. wa-ka'-htan-yan, adj. rough, roughened, as corn pulled open by the birds.

wa-ka'-hu, v. of kahu; to peel off, as bark,wawakahu: also 1st pers. sing. of kahu. wa-ka'-hu-ġa, v. of kahuġa; to break, as the skull, kettles, etc.,—wawakahuġa: also, 1st pers. sing. of kahuga.

wa-ka'-hu-ġe-ća, n. one who kills much game. wa-ka'-hun-ta, v. of kahunta; to make rough, as the birds do by tearing open the husks of


wa-ka'-i-de, v. of kaide; to make blaze,-wawakaide.

wa-ka'-kan, v. of kakan; to hew, wawakakan: also 1st pers. sing. of kakan.

wa-ka'-kća, v. of kakća; to comb, to disentangle, -wawakakća: also 1st pers. sing. of kakća. wa-ka'-kin-ća, v. of kakinća; to scrape,-wawakakinća: also 1st pers. sing. of kakiŋća. wa-ka'-kiś-ya, v. of kakiśya; to cause to suffer, -wakakiśwaya.

wa-ka'-ko-ka, v. of kakoka; to make rattle,— wawakakoka also 1st pers. sing. of kakoka. wa-ka'-kpan, v. of kakpan; to pound fine,— wawakakpan also 1st pers. sing. of kakpan. wa-ka'-ksa, v. of kaksa; to cut off with an axe, -wawakaksa: also 1st pers. sing. of kaksa. wa-ka'-ksa, v. of kaksa; to roll up,-wawakaksa.

wa-ka'-kśaŋ, v. of kakśaŋ; to bend,-wawakakśan also 1st pers. sing. of kakśaŋ. wa-ka'-ksi-za, v. of kaksiźa; to double up,— wawakakśiża: also 1st pers. sing. of kaksiża. wa-ka'-ktan, v. of kaktaŋ; to make bend,-wawakaktan also 1st pers. sing. of kaktaŋ. wa-ka'-ku-ka, v. of kakuka; to pound to pieces, destroy,-wawakakuka: also 1st pers. sing. of



wa-ka'-mda, v. of kamda; to slice,-wawakamda also 1st pers. sing. of kamda. wa-ka'-mda-ya, v. of kamdaya; to make level, spread out,-wawakamdaya: also 1st pers. sing. of kamdaya.

wa-ka'-mda-za, v. of kamdaza; to rip open,— wawakamdaza: also 1st pers. sing. of kamdaza. wa-ka'-mde-ća, v. of kamdeća; to dash to pieces, wawakamdeća: also 1st pers. sing. of


wa-ka'-mdu, v. of kamdu; to pulverize,-wawakamdu: also 1st pers. sing. of kamdu. wa-ka'-mna, v. of kamna; to collect, gather together,―wawakamna: also 1st pers. sing. of ka


wa-ka'-mna-ka, n. one who collects. wa-ka'-mnan-pi, n. gathering together, collecting.

wa-ka'-mni, v. of kamni; to make mellow, prepare, as a field,-wawakamni : also 1st pers. sing. of kamni.

wa-kan', adv. above. See wankan. wa-kan', adj. spiritual, sacred, consecrated;

wonderful, incomprehensible; said also of women at the menstrual period,-mawakaŋ, niwakaŋ, unwakanpi.

wa-kan', n. a spirit, something consecrated: Taku wakan and Wakan taŋka, the Great Spirit. wa-kan'-da, v. a. to reckon as holy or sacred; to worship,-wakan wada, wakaŋundapi. wa-kan'-da-ka, v. a. Same as wakanda. wa-kan'-e-ćon, v. to do tricks of jugglery,—wakaŋećamon.

wa-kan'-e-con-pi-dan, n. magic, tricks of jug

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