Imágenes de páginas

V. The country between the Chiusa and the Mincio shall not be occupied by either army. The imperial army may procure provifions from a part of the duchy of Mantua. The French arms may procure previlions from a part of the Brescia.

VI. The citadels of Tortona, Alessandria, Milan, Turin, Pizzhigitone, Arona, and Placentia, mall be delivered up to the French army between the 16th and 20th of June.

VII. The citadels of Coni, Ceva, Savona, and the city of Genoa, be tween the 16th and 24th.

VIII. Fort Urbino shall be given up on the 26th of June.

IX. The artillery of the garrifons mall be classed in the following manner:-All the Austrian heavy artillery and foundries thall appertain to the Austrian army; the artillery of Italians, Piedmontese, and French calibres and foundries to the French army. The provision shall be divided one half to be at the disposal of the commissary of ordnance of the Austrian army, and one half at that of the French.

X. The garrifons shall march out with military honours, and shall repair, with their arms and baggage, by the shortest road to Mantua.


XI. The Auftrian army shall direct its march to Mantua, in three columns, by Placentia: the first between the 16th and 20th; the fecond between the 20th and 24th, and the third between the 24th and 26th.

XII. General St. Julien of the artillery, de Brun of the engineers, Telfiege, commitfary of provifions, citizen Dejean, counsellor of state, and Daru, inspector of reviews, adjutant-general Leopold Stobenzett, and the chief of brigade Mof

fet, are named commiffioners, in order to provide for the details of the execution of the prefent convention, either for the formation of inventories, or to provide for fubfistence and conveyances.

XIII. No individual shall be illtreated on account of having ren dered any services to the Austrian army, or for his political opinions. The Austrian commander thall release every individual who fhall have been arrested in the Cifalpine republic for his political opinions.

XIV. Whatever may be the an fwer of the court of Vienna, neither of the two armies can renew the attack without giving ten days notice.

XV. During the armistice neither army shall tend detachments to Germany.

Done at Alessandria, the 16th
June, 1800.

(Signed) Alex. Berthier.

Preliminaries of Peace between France and Auftria.


IS majesty the emperor, king of Hungary and Bohemia, &c. and the first conful of the republic, in the name of the French people, equally animated with the desire of putting a term to the evils of the war, by a prompt, juft, and folid peace, have agreed upon the following preliminary articles:

Art. 1. There shall be peace, friendship, and good understanding between his majesty the emperor and king, and the French republic.

Art 2. Until the conclufion of a definitive treaty, the armies, both in Italy and Gerinany, shall refpectively remain in the position in which they are, without extending their poitions


positions more to the south of Italy. On his fide, his imperial majesty engages to concentrate all the forces he may have in the states of the Pope, in the fortrefs of Ancona; to put an end to the extraordinary levy which is making in Tuscany; and to prevent all debarkation of the enemies of the French republic at Leghorn, or any other point of the coafts.

Art. 3. The treaty of Campo Formio fhall be taken as the basis of the definitive pacification, excepting however the changes become neceffary.

Art. 4. His imperial majesty does not oppose the French republic keeping the limits of the Khine, fuch as they were agreed upon at Rastadt, i. e. the left bank of the Rhine, from the spot where the Rhine leaves the territory of Switzerland, to the point where it enters the territory of the Batavian republic; and engages moreover to cede to the French republic the fovereignty and property of Frickthal, and ail that belongs to the house of Auftria between Zurzach and Bafle.

Art. 5. The French republic is not understood to keep Cassel, Kehl, Ehrenbreitstein, and Duffeldorff.These places will be razed, on condition that there thall not be railed on the right bank of the Rhine, and for the distance of three miles, any fortifications, either in stone-work or in earth.

Art 6 The indemnities which his imperial majesty the emperor and king is to have in Germany, in virtue of the fecret articles of the treaty of Campo Formio, shall be taken in Italy; and therefore it shall be referved until the definitive treaty, to agree on the position and the quota of

the faid indemnities: nevertheless it shall be established as the bafis, that his imperial majesty the emperor and king shall possess, befides the country which had been granted to him in, Italy by the treaty of Campo Formio, an equivalent to the pof feffion of the archbishopric of Salzbourg, the rivers of the Im and the Sabra, and the Tyrol, comprifing the town of Wasserbourg, on the left bank of the Inn, within a circuit of 3000 toises, and the Frickthal, which he cedes to the French republic.

Art. 7. The ratification of the present preliminary articles shall be exchanged at Vienna before August 15.

Art. 8. Immediately after the ex change of the ratifications, the ne gociations for a definitive peace shall continue; both fides small agree upon a place for negociation; the plenipotentiaries shall be there in twenty days at the latest, after the exchange.

Art 9. His majesty the emperor and king, and the first conful of the French republic, reciprocally engage on their word of honour to keep the present articles secret till ratification.

Art. 10. The powers of M. de St. Julien being contained in a letter from the emperor to the first conful, the full powers, invested with the usual formalities, thall be exchanged with the ratification of the prefent preliminaries, which shall not bind the respective govern ments till after the ratification.

We, the underfigned, have agreed upon and figned the present preliminaries at Paris, the 8th of July, 1800.


Count de St. Julien. C..M. Talleyrand.. Arminice Armistice concluded at Steyer, the 25th of December, 1800.

Army of the Rhine. -The General of Divifion, Chief of the Staff, to the Minister of War.

Head-quarters at Steyer, Dec. 26, 9th Year of the French Republic, one and indivisible.

Citizen minister,


HE archduke Charles has propofed an armistice to the general-in-chief, by announcing to him that the emperor had fent a courier, to M. de Cobentzel with orders to fign a peace.

The general-in-chief, confidering that the line of the Traun and the Inn was forced, that we were advanced one hundred leagues before the other armies, and were already near the rear-guard of the Auftrian army in Italy; that, consequently, M. de Bellegarde could avail himfelf of the poffeffion of Saltzburg and Inspruck, as the two grand openings by which he could fend troops to join those that were left in the Tyrol, and by attacking our rear with these, might cut off our communication with the Traun; for these reasons he thought proper to agree to a fufpenfion of arms, which procuring great advantages for us, would put us in a condition to learn the movements of the army of Italy, of which we had as yet heard no


The character of the archduke Charles, and his well-known loyalty, gave us fufficient aflurances of the emperor's defire to put an end to the war. He was also impelled to it by the deplorable condition of his army, which having in the course VOL. XLIL

of twenty days lost seventy leagues of territory, twenty-five thouland prifoners, twelve or fifteen thousand in killed or wounded, one hundred and forty pieces of cannon, and immenfe magazines, was no longer able, nor could it be able in three months, to hinder our army from conquering all Austria, and dictating laws in the capital. But, in order to effect this without danger, it would have been necessary for the army of Italy to be already in poffeffion of the defiles of Carinthia.

Befides, the general-in-chief was of opinion, that to stop in the most brilliant victories was conformable to the character of moderation by which the first conful manifests himfelf to Europe.

I have the honour to present you with a copy of the convention of the armistice. The emperor immediately entered into a treaty; and our line running along the Danube to the mountains of the Tyrol, putting us in poffeffion of Kufstein, Schærnitz, Braunan, &c. will enable us to recommence the war with great advantages, and, above all, with great fecurity. Health and respect.




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the following persons, viz. the general-in-chief Moreau has authorized the general of brigade, Victor Faneau Lahorie, and his royal highnefs the archduke Charles, major comte de Grime, and colonel Wairother, de Vetal, of the staff, who have agreed to the following conditions:

Art. 1. The line of demarcation between the portion of the GalloBatavian army in Germany, under the orders of general Augerau, in the circles of Westphalia, the Upper Rhine, and Franconia, as far as Bayersdorf, shall be specially determined upon between that general and the general of the imperial and royal army opposed to him. From Bayerfdorf that line passes to Harlard, Nuremberg, Neumarck, Parfberg, Laver, Stadtamdoff, and Ratinbon, where it croffes the Danube, along the right bank of which it extends to the Erlaph, and then proceeds to the fource of that river; pailes through Markgamingen, Kogelback, Goulingen, Hammox, Monlerg, Leopoidstein, Heislomach, Vorderenberg, and Leoben; runs along the left bank of the Muhr to the fpot where that river croffes the way from Saltzburg to Klagenfurt, which it purfues to the Spiritat; then goes through Brixen to Botzen, and at last reaches Bormio in the Valteline, where it joins the army of Italy.

Art. 2. Chauchard's map of Germany shall regulate any differences that may arife concerning the line of demarcation.

Art. 3. Upon the rivers which shall feparate the two armies, the deftruction or the preservation of bridges shall be regulated by particular arrangements, according to


what may be judged useful either for the wants of the armies, or for those of the communes. The generals-in-chief of the respective armies shall either be acquainted with those objects, or shall leave it to the generals commanding in those places to fettle them. The navigation of the rivers shall be free, as well to the armies as to the people of the country.

Art. 4. The French army shall not only occupy exclufively all the points of the above line of demar cation; but, in order to place a continued interval between both armies, the line of the advanced posts of the imperial and royal army shall, with the exception of the Danube, be distant at least one German mile (four English ones) from that of the French army.

Art. 5. With the exception of the fafeguards, or those of the police, which small be fent into the Tyrol by the two respective armies, and in equal numbers, but which shall be as few as poffible, there shall remain no other troops of his imperial majesty within the compass of the line of demarcation. Those which are now in the Grifons, the Tyrol, and in Carinthia, muft retire immediately by the route of Klagenfurt to Pruck, in order to join the imperial army in Germany, without their being able to proceed towards Italy.

They shall fet out from the places where they are as foon as they heat of the present convention; and they shall march on foot at the rate of one German poft and a half per day.

The general-in-chiefof the French army of the Rhine is authorized to ensure the execution of this article, by by means of persons deputed by him to follow the march of the imperial troops as far as Pruck.

The imperial troops which may have occafion to withdraw from the Upper Palatinate, from Suabia or Franconia, shall go the shortest way

to the line of demarcation.

The execution of this article must. not be delayed, under any pretence whatever, beyond the necessary time, allowing for the distances.

Art. 6. The fortrefles of Kufstein, Schærnitz, and the points of permanent fortification in the Tyrol, shall be given up as a security to the French army, to be restored in the fame ftate in which they are found at the conclufion and ratification of peace, should it follow this armistice without the refumption of hoftilities.

The defiles of Fintlitermunz, Naudert, and the other fortifications of the Tyrol, shall be furrendered to the difpofition of the French army. Art. 7. The magazines in that country belonging to the imperial army are left at their disposal.

Art. 8. The fortress of Wurtzbourg, in Franconia, and the place of Braunau, in Bavaria, shall be also given up to the French army, to be restored according to the fame conditions as the fortresses of Kufftein and Schœrnitz.

Art. 9. The troops, both those belonging to the empire and those of his imperial and royal majefty, which occupy the places, shall evacuate them; that is to fay, the garrifon of Wurtzbourg on the 4th of January, 1801; that of Braunau on the fame day, and those in the fortresses of Tyrol on the 8th of Ja

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and repair with their arms and baggage by the shortest way to the imperial army. Nothing shall be taken away by them with respect to artillery and stores of all kinds, with the exception of neceffary fubfiftence for them on their march beyond the line of demarcation.

Art. 11. Deputies shall be fent respectively appointed to afcertain the state of the places in question; but it is clearly understood that any delay of their's shall not retard the evacuation.

Art. 12. The extraordinary levies. ordered in the Tyrol fhall be immediately difbanded, and the inhabitants fent back to their homes.

The order and execution of this disbandment shall not be retarded under any pretext.

Art. 13. The general-in-chief of the army of the Rhine being defirous to give on his part to his royal highness the archduke Charles an unequivocal proof of the motives which have determined him to demand the evacuation of the Tyrol, declares, that with the exception of the fortresses of Kufstein, Schærnitz, and Fintlitermunz, he will confine himself to having in the Tyrol fafeguards or guards of police, agreed to in the 5th article, for the purpose of fecuring the communications. He will allo at the fame time furnish the inhabitants with all the facilities in his power for their fubfiftence, and the French army shall not interfere in any refpect with the goverment of the country.

Art. 14. The portion of the territory of the empire, and of the states of his imperial majesty in the Tyrol, is put under the protection of the French army, for the purpose of maintaining the right of property and the actual forms of government.

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