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No. 1.



Lecture by Dr. C. W. Enos, at the Denver Homeopathic Medical College, Wednesday, November 24, 1897.

Vegetable.-There are many species of Bryonia-only white Bryonia is used by homeopathic physicians. The tincture is made of the root. It is deep yellow in color and very bitter. Bryonia acts from four to five days to three or four weeks. It is antidoted by Aconite, Cham. Ignatia and Nux Vomica. Bryonia antidotes Alum and Rhus tox, and it follows well after Aconite, Cham., Ignatia and Nux Vomica. Alum and Rhus follow well after Bryonia.

Bryonia acts upon the nervous system of animal life-the voluntary motion, if we may so put it.

Upon the gastro-intestinal apparatus, interfering with digestion and diminishing the intestinal secretions, thereby inducing a peculiar constipation. In Bryonia the peristaltic action of the intestine is diminished and there is no inclination to stool, while in Nux Vomica constipation, the action is rather increased, but inharmonious and spasmodic, producing at the same time a frequent ineffectual inclination for stool.

Veratrum Alb. has a constipation with a feeling and disposition to stool in the upper intestinal canal, with inaction and sluggishness of lower intestine and rectum.

Note the difference between the three remedies: Bryonia no inclination for stool, Nux Vomica ineffectual desire to stool, Veratrum inclination in upper intestine, with no action in lower intestine and rectum.

The action of Bryonia upon the respiratory mucous membrane is subordinate or secondary, although its action upon all the mucous membranes is quite extensive because of its influence upon the processes of excretion and absorption.

The violent forms of bronchial catarrh almost always involve the pleura, causing sharp stitching pains which are worse on motion and which are so much like the nature of Bryonia. In these catarrhs the mucous secretion is more or less suppressed or diminished, inducing a dry hacking cough, accompanied more or less by hoarseness, worse usually in the morning and on entering a warm room. During the paroxysms of coughing there may be a slight excretion of tenacious mucus, which may sometimes be streaked with blood. The violent effort to detach this mucus may cause retching and vomiting.

Often with Bronchial Catarrh with scanty secretion there is dyspnoea and nervous erethism which may be mistaken for pneumonia. During the latter stages of these catarrhs, if you allow them to reach such a point, when the secretion has become very abundant and every coughing paroxysm produces retching and vomiting of mucus; Bryonia will be no longer of use, but Ipecacuanha or some similar remedy, will be required.

In pneumonia, where exu lation is scanty and fibrinous; if the exudation is not fibrinous in character, Phosphorus or Tartar Emetic, may be the indicated remedy, all other conditions taken into consideration.

Before considering other tissues which Bryonia acts upon, it may be well to notice the Bryonia Cough,-generally dry, seems to come from the region of the stomach, crawling, tickling sensation in that region, Sometimes there will be a ticking, crawling sensation in the throat,-cough as if from a definite spot in the trachea, worse from motion, talking and smoking,-cough brought on by entering a warm room.

During cough there may be stitches in the brain and intercostal spaces, and while coughing the patient often presses with hands on sternum in order to prevent motion, which always aggravates all the complaints of Bryonia.

The expectoration is infrequent, scanty and tenacious, sometimes tinged with blood.

It is natural that the Bryonia patient in chest troubles has

more or less dyspnoea due in the first place to the abnormal action of the secretions and excretions in the bronchi, causing an incomplete endos-and exosmosis which is constantly going on during respiration.

In the second place respirations are not full and complete because of the more or less pain produced by the contraction and expansion in the chest during a full respiration. Because of the two previously mentioned conditions there is a frequent inclination to take a deep inspiration, which does not give relief.

The most marked action of Bryonia is upon the serous and fibrous tissues, which is evidenced by the many sharp, cutting and stitching pains throughout the body noted by the provers of the drug.

The coverings of all the organs of the body are affected, pains always of a sharp cutting and tearing nature, worse on motion and by touch.

Bryonia also produces Rheumatism of the muscles and more particularly of the joints, worse by motion and touch.

It may help you to fix the nature of Byronia in your minds to take up the various regions of the body.

Mind and Disposition:-Exceedingly irritable, gets angry, with red face and heat in head. After having been angry he is chilly. Restless, worse by motion. Fear of the future. Despair of recovery.

Head:-Sensation of looseness of the brain with giddiness when stooping or raising up the head. Fullness and heaviness. in forehead as if the brain was being pressed out, worse when openining and moving eyes, worse from stooping. worse from motion and heat, from closing eyes, some relief from externa l pressure which will keep head and brain from moving. Heat of head with dark red face while the rest of the body is cold. Much thirst for large quantities of water. Oily, greasy, sour perspiration on head (and on whole body) during sleep.

Eyes:-Inflammation of eyes and edges of lids, worse by heat. Inflammation of eyes in gouty subjects. Sensation as though eyes were being pressed out of head, worse by touch, motion and heat Rheumatic iritis, worse by touch or motion, worse by heat, worse on moving. Swollen upper lids.

Nose:-Swelling of nose. Bleeding of nose, especially with suppressed menstruation. Vicarious menstruation, one of the best remedies.

Face:-Lips dry and cracked. Hot, bloated, red face.

Teeth-Tooth-ache shooting from one tooth to the other or into face and head, worse from anything warm-warm drinks or food. Relieved momentarily by cold water and when lying on the painful side.

Mouth-Dryness of mouth and throat. Tongue coated white or yellow, especially in the middle. Sensation and restriction in oesophagus.

Appetite and Taste:--Abnormal hunger, must eat something. Does not drink often but very much at a time. Everything tastes bitter.

Stomach.-Pressure in stomach, especially after eating bread. Inflammation of stomach, worse by motion, touch and pressure. Vomitting of solids, then fluids, of bile and fluids. Stitches in liver, worse by motion, touch, coughing and even breathing.

Stool:--Constipation with no inclination for stool, stool hard, dry, dark in color. Diarrhoea-always preceded by pain in abdomen, with burning in anus at stool, worse on moving and during hot weather.

Urinary Organs:-Diminished secretion, burning in the urethra when urinating.

Sexual Organs:-Male-Stitches in testicles while urinating and while sitting. Women-Menstruatian may be too ear ly and too profuse, with dark red blood. Suppression of men. struation; vicarious menstruation, which has been previously mentioned. This is not so rare as may be supposed.

At the time when the menses should appear, a hemorrhage occurs from some other part of the body, as from the nose, mouth or may be from eyes and ears or lungs. If you are not very careful you may think these various organs are diseased. If, however, the hemorrhage occurs at the time the menses should and continue two or three days with no greater disturbance than usually attends regular menstruation and then cease, you can be quite sure that you have a case of vicarious menstruation. Bryonia usually straightens out such abnormalities.

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