Imágenes de páginas


Cas de morsure de Vipère observé et traité à l'Hôtel Dieu. Bull. de Thér., VII, 307, 1834.

Reports very severe cases treated successfully by ammonia, mercurial frictions, scarifications, ipecacuanha, leeches, etc. ROBINEAU (DESVOIDY). Viviparité de la Vipère rouge. Compte Rend. de l'Acad. des Sci., 21 Oct. 1829; Journ. de Ch. Médic., V, 639, 1829. [S.]

States that it is more dangerous than the gray viper; thinks nitrate of silver useful in these cases, and cups and ammonia valueless. [S.] ROCHEFORT. Histoire Nat. des Antilles, I, 294. Lyon, 1667. [S.]

RONEAU (J. B.). Observations sur la morsure de la Vipère. Thèses de Paris, No. 121, 1828. Reports fatal cases, and others of great severity. [S.]

ROSE (DE). Remède contre la morsure de la Vipère. Fil. Sebez, de 1846; Gaz. Méd. p. 562, 1846.

States that he used with success a cataplasm of the Trifolium lupinella. [S.]

ROUSSEAU (EMMANUEL). Des serpents venimeux en général, et de la Vipère en particulier. Gaz. de Santé à l'usage des gens du monde. Three cases of viper bite. [S.]

Roux. Hist. de la Soc. Roy. de Méd., ad. 1782 et '83, II, 212, 18—.

Used the ligature, oil "septiques" (sic), and the cautery in viper bites. [S.] RUDOLPHI (respondente Saïffert). Dissertatio sistens spicilegium adenalogiæ, in 4to. Berlin, 1825. [S.]

RUFZ. Recherches sur les empoisonnements pratiqué par les nègres à la Martinique. Annales d'hygiène publique. Paris, 1844, XXXII, 383.

SABAL (A. M.). Experiments with Bibron's anti

dote. Savannah Journal of Medicine, Sept. 1858; Amer. Journal of the Med. Sci., Oct. 1858, p. 575.

SAGE. Expériences propre à faire connaitre que

[blocks in formation]

d'un enfant, Filiat Sebez. Gaz. Méd., p. 743, 1843. [S.]

SAVARY. Lettres sur l'Égypte, p. 62, 1788–89.

SAY. Herpetology, etc. etc. Silliman's Journal, I, 259.

SCHLEGEL. Untersuch der Speicheldrusen bei den schlangen suit gefurchten Tahnen. Nov. Act. Leop. XIV, 143, 1828; Bull. de Ferussac, XVIII, 462, No. 310.


On the structure of the venom gland and fangs. [S.]

Materiallen für die Stahtarzneikunde, IV, Samml., No. 16.

Treatment of snake-bite by the internal and external use of caustic potassa. [S.]

SCHUCHMANN (CHRISTIAN). Sur les effets d'une morsure de Vipère. Eph. Germ. Acad. Nat. Cur., Dec. 11, Ann. VII, Obs. 140, 1688; Collect. Acad. VII, 661, 1766.

Cure by the use of theriac and mithridate with moderate heat, as local treatment, and finally with scarifications. [S.]

SCHULZE (J. H.). Dissertatio de viperarum in medicina usu. Altdorf, 1727. [S.]

SCOUTETTEN. Morsure de la Vipère en France près Metz, suivie d'accidents très grave. Trans. Mèdic., II, 92, 1830.

A case treated at first by bleeding, without good results, and finally treated successfully with large doses of quinine. [S.]

SCRIBONIUS (LARGUS), (in Matthiale Commentaires).

Extols the use of oğuтopipuλλov (oxalis), which must be gathered before sunrise, and by the left hand. [S.]

SEMMEDUS (JOH. CVR.). Pvgillvs rervm Indica

rvm qvo comprehendit vr historia variorvm simplicivm ex India orientali, America, alliisqve orbis terrarum partibvs allatorvm, cvra, Abrahami Vateri, in 4. Wittemb., 1572, p. 24 et 53.

Snake stone and "racine de mungo" useful in viper bites. [S.]

SEVERINO (MARC. AUREL.). Vipera Pithya seu de Viperæ natura, veneno, etc., in 4to, 1651. Account of the viper-of his bite, and of the remedies for it. [S.]

[blocks in formation]

SIMMONDS. Sur les propriétés médicale du guaco. Journ. de Pharm., 3e série, XX, 357, 1851. SLOANE (SIR H.). Engl. Philos. Trans., abrd., IX, 53, 1733.

Droll snake story, etc.

SMITH (TH.). Structure of the Fang. Engl. Phil. Trans. at large, CVIII, 471, pl. xxii, 1818. SONNINI (DE MANONCOUR). Observations sur les Serpents de la Guyane, et sur l'efficacité de l'eau de Luce pour en guérir. Journ. de Physique, VIII, 469, 1776.

Reports cases of snake-bite. [S.]

SONNANI. Expériences faites sur l'hydrophobie avec le venin de la Vipère. Bull. de Thér. XII, 294, 1837.

This singular treatment failed. [S.] SOUBEIRAN (J. L.). De la Vipère de son venin et de sa morsure. O. Paris, 1855.

A well written essay. The Bibliography is excellent, except as regards the Crotalus.

SOUCHAY (ABBÉ). Discours sur les Psylles Hist. de l'Acad. roy. des inscript. et belles-lettres, VII, 273, 1733.

Gives a history of the Psyllæ, and concludes that their power to cure snake-bites was due only to the suction which they employed. [S.] SPIELMANN. Dissert. de animalibus nocivis Alsatiæ. Argent. 1768. [S.]

SPONTONUS (J. B.). Conachidnelogia seu discussus de pulvere viperino. Romæ, 1648, in 4to. [S.]

SPRENGEL (CONRAD J.). Some observations upon

the viper. Engl. Phil. Trans. at large, XXXII, 296, 1722. [S.]

STORR (TH. CONTR. CHRIST.) De curis Viperinis, in fol., 1768. [S.]

STUPANAS. Dissert. Viperæ et venenorum correc

tio. Basil, 1640. [S.] TACHENIUS. Extrait d'une lettre contenant une

expérience faite à Venise de la vertu d'une pierre qui guérit la morsure des serpents. Coll. Acad. I, 262; Journ. des Savants, 1668. [S.]

TAVERNIER. Remarques touchant la pierre de serpent. Coll. Acad., I, 275, 1755; Journ. des Savants, 1668.

Describes the properties of these stones, states where they are found, and gives receipt for making artificial snake stones. [S.]

TAYLOR. Effect of Pennyroyal on Crotalus. Engl. Phil. Trans. at large, II, 373, 811, 1665. This plant said to be fatal to the rattlesnake. TIEDEMANN (FR.). Ueber Speicheldrusen der

Schlangen Mém. de l'Acad. de Munich, p. 25, pl. ii, 1813.

TIXIER. Morsure des serpents venimeux, Vipère, morsure de Crotale. Rapport gén. des Trav. de la Soc. des Sci. Méd. de Gannat, in 8, p. 25, 1854, par M. Gilliot.

General remarks on the habits of the viper,
etc. [S.]

TowGOOD (J.).
TOWGOOD (J.). Dissertatio de Vipera. Lugd-
Bat., in 4, 1718. [S.]

TRACY (J. G.). Uvularia grandiflora an anti

dote to the bite of the Crotalus. Trans. Albany Instit., I, 32.

TROWBRIDGE. Olive oil an antidote to the bite of the Rattlesnake. Buffalo Med. Journ. and Rev., IV, 203, 1848.

Reports successful cases.

TRUDAINE (DE MONTIGNY). Lettre à M. Le Marquis de Chesnaie, contenant une observation sur la guérison d'une morsure de Vipère, opérée par l'alcali volatil. Journ. de Méd., XXIV, 162, 1766..


Case of a girl, aged twelve, cured in six hours. [S.]

Anatomy of the Crotalus, etc. Engl. Phil. Trans. abrd., II, 797, 1683.

VALLISNERI. Risposta in cui dimostra, come nascano naturalmente i viperini et come le Vipere e gli altri animali si fecondino, spiegando come sia quel raro caso accaduto, e levando molti errori antichi, alla suddetta serpe, ed a' serpentelli spettanti. Opere fisico-mediche, III, 285, 1733.

Opposes Limperani's views (vide L.), and states that he found good results from the use of spirits of hartshorn in snake-bites. [S.] VAN LIER. Traité des Serpents et des Vipères

qu'on trouve dans le pays de Drenthe, auquel ou a ajouté quelques remarques et quelques particularités relatives à ces espèces de serpents et à d'autres, p. 84, in 4. Amsterdam, 1781 (fig.). [S.]


Semanario de agricultura y artes dirigido á los párrocos, IV, 397. Madrid, 1798.

Observations on the use of mikania guaco [S.]

VATER (A.). Dissert. de olei olivarum efficacia et virtute adversus morsum animalium venenatorum, casu singulari confirmata. Wittemb., in 4to, 1751. [S.]

VATER (A.). Dissertatio de antidoto novo ad

versus viperarum morsus præstantissimo in

Anglia detecto. Wittemb., in 4, 1736.
Extols the use of olive oil. [S.]

VESLINGIUS. Observationes de viperæ anatome et generatione. Observ. Anat., a Th. Bartholino editæ, II, 36, in 4, 1740.

Points out with accuracy the seat, etc., of the fang teeth. [S.]

VEYRINES (C. DE). Dissertation sur la morsure de la Vipère et sur son traitement. Thèse, 15 Mars, 1817.

Reports cases, and describes the pathology of snake-bites. [S.]


VIREY. Plantes usitées contre les morsures des serpents venimeux; extrait du travail de Moreau de Jonnès sur le trigonocephalus. de Pharm. et de Chim., III, 143, 1817. States that the Euphorbias are the most successful remedies. [S.]

VIREY. Sur l'aspic rougeâtre ou Vipère des environs de Paris. Journ. de Pharm. et de Chim., XIII, 383, 1827. [S.] VOIGT (M. GODOFREDUS). De congressu et partu viperarum, in 12, 1698. [S.]

WAGNER (FRÉD. AUG.). Observations sur les

mœurs de la Vipère commune. Journ. der Practisch. Heilkunde, p. 3; Bull. des Sci. Nat., XXI, 322, 1829.

States that the viper bite is not fatal to vipers. [S.]

WALKER (E. M.). Experiments with Bibron's Antidote. Am. Journ. of Med. Sci., Oct. 1858, p. 568.

Reports an interesting case in man bitten by the Trigonocephalus piscivorus. Took whiskey and 20-drop doses of Bibron's antidote; nearly the whole hand sloughed; amputation


and cure. Thinks the recovery due to the antidote.

Cas de morsure de Vipère, trachéotomie, guerison. Wochenschrift für die Gesammte Heilkundt Casper's, 1839; Gaz. Méd., VII, 632, 1839. [S.]

WHITMIRE (J.). Iodine an antidote to snake-bites. Northwest. Med. and Surg. Journ., Chicago and Indianapolis, I, New Series (V of the whole series), 396.

WILLIAMS (J). Seven cases of E. Indian serpent bites, treated with ammonia. Asiatic Researches, II, 323.

WILLIAMS (STEPHEN). Letter concerning the Viper Catchers, and the efficacy of olive oil in curing the bite of Vipers. Engl. Phil. Trans. at large, p. 27, 1737.

WILLIAMS (S. W.). The Viola Ovata as a remedy in Crotalus bite. Am. Journ. of the Med. Sci., XIII, 310, 1833.

WILLIS (G.). On the bite of the Viper. Assoc.
Med. Journ., No. 83, 1854.
WOLFF (WEICHEL). De Paulo a Vipera demorso,
in 4to, 1710.

WOODHOUSE. Case of Crotalus bite, reported by the patient. Sitgreave's Expedition to the Colorado and Zuni Rivers, 1851-52; also in Buffalo Med. Journ. and Rev., VIII, 72, 1853.

A well described case of some severity. WYDER (J. F.). Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des serpents de la Suisse. Lausanne, in 8vo, 1823. Reports cases of viper bite collected by Drs. Schwartz and Lantz. [S.]




Abdomen, post-mortem appearances of, 107.
Absorption of venom, 76.

Absorption of venom by the lungs, 77.

Abstinence of snakes in captivity, 3.
Acetic acid, effect of, on venom, 33.
Action of venom on warm-blooded animals, 64.
Action of venom on tissues and fluids, 76.
Acute poisoning, rabbit, 67.

Acute poisoning by venom, state of blood in, 89.
Acute poisoning of frogs by venom, 55.
Acute poisoning of pigeons, 64.

Alcohol as a constitutional remedy in Rattlesnake
bite, 114.

Alcohol as a local treatment, 112.
Alcohol does not injure venom, 45.
Alcohol, effect of, on venom, 34.
Alcohol, warm, inhalation of, 116.
Albuminoid compounds in venom, 37.
Alexander on the ligature, 110, 111.
Alkalies, effect of, on venom, 34.

Ammonia as local treatment, 112.

Ammonia as an antidote, 113.

Amputation as local treatment, 109.

Analogy between Crotalus poisoning and other

maladies, 97.

Analysis of venom, 35.

Antidotes, 108, 113.

Antidote, Bibron's, 113.

Antidotes, classification of, 113.

Antidotes, local, 109.

Antidotes, observations upon, 112.

Arsenic as an antidote, 113.

Atchison (Dr.), case of Rattlesnake bite, 100.


Barton (Dr. B. S.) on fascination, 5.
Bernard (Claude), criticism on Fontana, 61.
Bibliography-Appendix B, 127.
Bibron's antidote, history of, 113.

Bichloride of mercury, effect of, on venom, 34.

Bite of the Rattlesnake, physiological mechanism
of, 20.

Bite of Rattlesnake, failure of, from miscalculation
of the distance, 25.

Bite of Rattlesnake, failure of, from want of force
in the blow, 25.

Bite of Rattlesnake, failure of, from want of com-
plete erection of the fangs, 25.

Bite of Rattlesnake, failure of, owing to sudden
withdrawal of the fang, 25.

Bite of Rattlesnake, failure of, owing to escape of
venom between the fang and the extremity of
the duct, 22, 25.

Blindness, partial, of snake, during shedding of
skin, 4.

Blood, conclusions as to changes in, 94.

Blood, crystallization of, after venom poisoning, 92.
Blood, effect of venom on, 89.

Blood, globules of, observations on, in acute and
chronic poisoning, 91.

Blood and tissues, altered relations between, during

venom poisoning, 94.

Blood, state of, in man after death by Rattlesnake-

bite, 106.

Boiled venom active, 44.

Bonaparte (Prince Lucien), analysis of. viper ve-

nom, 35.

Bone, ecto-pterygoid, 7.

Bone, lachrymal, 7.

Bone, maxillary, articulations of, 8.

Bone, palatal, 7.

Bone, superior maxillary, 6.

Bones of heads of serpents, arrangement of, to

permit of swallowing large animals, 6.

Brainard (Prof. David), action of venom on blood,


Brainard (Prof. David), use of iodine as an anti-
dote, 46.

Brainard (Prof. David), iodine as a local antidote,

Brainard (Prof. David), on alcohol as an antidote,
115, 116.

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