The burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father ; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, Forgive us all that is past ; And grant that we may ever hereafter Serve and please thee In newness of life, To... The Book of common prayer - Página 1291818Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Birmingham sacellum Erdingtoniense - 1821 - 644 páginas
...are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; The remembrance of them is very grievous unto us ; Have mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father;...of thy name, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for Absolution or Remission of Sins. A LMIGHTY God oar heavenly Father, XjBL who of thy great... | |
| 1822 - 820 páginas
...are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us; the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy...of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Absolution. —" Almighty God our heavenly Father, who of his great mercy hath promised forgiveness... | |
| Thomas Wilson - 1822 - 166 páginas
...are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us ; the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy...of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. COMMUNION. Rubrick. Then shall the priest (the bishop, if he be present) stand up, and turning to the... | |
| Prayer (Book of common) (U.S. protest. episc. ch.) - 1822 - 488 páginas
...justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry forthese our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto...forgive us all that is past ; and grant, that we may e ver hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honour and glory of thy name, through... | |
| 1822 - 444 páginas
...thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repeBt, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; the remembrance of them is grievous unto...upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father j for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is past ; and grant, that we may ever... | |
| Church of England - 1823 - 698 páginas
...are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; The remembrance of them is grievous unto us; The burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, Have mercy...of thy Name ; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. U Tlien shall the Priest (or tlte Bishop, being present,) stand vp, and turning himself to the people,... | |
| John Swete - 1823 - 220 páginas
...laws in our hearts we beseech Thee. Help us to flee for refuge to the Cross of Christ, and for His sake forgive us all that is past; and grant that we...of Thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. GOOD FRIDAY. MORNING. ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of Thy tender mercy didst give Thine only... | |
| William Paley - 1823 - 360 páginas
...are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; the remembrance of them is grievous to us, the burden of them is intolerable . Have mercy upon us, have...Christ's sake. forgive us all that is past ; and grant we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honour and glory of thy name,... | |
| 1823 - 578 páginas
...remembrance of which is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father ; forgive us all that is past.; and grant that we may...newness of life, to the honour and glory of thy name. Amen. 5 To be read by the Minister alone, all kneeling - or standing. ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father,... | |
| Giles Gossip - 1823 - 354 páginas
...of them Is grievous unto us ; the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy apou us, most merciful Father ; for thy Son our Lord Jesus...that is past, and grant that we may ever hereafter sens and please tbee, in newness of life, to the honour and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ... | |
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