This cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour. From his cradle, He was a scholar, and a ripe, and good one; Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading : Lofty, and sour, to them that lov'd him not; But, to those... The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Richard the Third ... - Página 177por William Shakespeare - 1823Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 454 páginas ? Kath. Yes, good Cromwell ; I were malicious else. Crom. This cardinal, Though from an bumble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour from...summer: And though he were unsatisfy'd in getting, (Which was a sin,) yet in bestowing, madam, He was most princely : Ever witness for him Those twins... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1808 - 422 páginas Though from an humhle stock, undouhtedly Was fashion'd to muclVhonour.1 From'his cradle, ntrnmHe was a scholar, and a ripe, and good one ; Exceeding...not ; But, to those men that sought him, sweet as sum me i And though he were unsatisfied in getting, (Which was a sin) yet in hestowing, madam, He was... | |
| Sarah Green - 1808 - 326 páginas
...highness's pleasure, Though he be grown so desperate to be honestrf SHAKESPEARE. CHAP. XX. A Character 252 From his cradle he was a scholar, And a ripe and good...fair spoken, and persuading; Lofty and sour to them who lov'd him not, But to those men that sought him, Sweet as summer. SHAKESPEARE. CHAP. XXI. A Mystery... | |
| John Dyer Collier - 1808 - 202 páginas
...hifchness's pleasure, Though he be grown so desperate to be honest? CHAP. xx. — A Character. From hi* cradle he was a scholar. And a ripe and good one;...fair spoken and persuading; Lofty and sour to them who lov'd him not But to those men that sought him, Sweet as summer. CHAP xxi. — .4 Mystery. She... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1808 - 476 páginas
...This Cardinal, . TKhougli from an bumble stock ', \Va< fa^hion'd to much honour. From Ms «ratile, He was a scholar , and a ripe , and good one ; Exceeding...fair spoken, and persuading: Lofty, and sour, to them lov'd him 'not; But, to those men that sought aim , sweet u surumer. v And though he were unsalisfy'd... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1808 - 380 páginas
..." — nothing in his life Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour. 1 From his cradle, He was a scholar, and a ripe,; Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading: 3 Lofty, and sour, to them that lov'd him not; But, to those men that sought him, sweet as summer.... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 592 páginas
...comprehensive sketch of his perfections and failings than is to be found in any other writer. This Cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd...scholar, and a ripe and good one ; Exceeding wise, (air spoken, and persuading i Lofty and sonr to them that lov'd him not ; •.The learned Dr. Samuel... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 306 páginas
...writer. This Cardinal, Though from an bumble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour. From bis cradle He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one ;...persuading : Lofty and sour to them that lov'd him not ; • The learned Dr. Samuel Pegge, grandfather to Sir Christopher Pegge, the present Regius Professor... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1811 - 394 páginas
...hear me speak his good now .' Kath. Yes, good Griffith ; ' I were malicious else. Grif. This cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd...summer. And though he were unsatisfy'd in getting, (Which was a sin,) yet in bestowing, madam, . or b^tht i wnmen v He was most princely : Ever witness... | |
| William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers - 1811 - 546 páginas
...hear me speak his good now ? Kath. Yes, good Griffith ; I were malicious else. Grif. This cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd...that sought him, sweet as summer. And though he were unsatisfied in getting, (Which was a sin,) yet in bestowing, madam, He was most princely : Ever witness... | |
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